

Worker Quits After Greedy Company Denies Them a Promised Raise, Costs Company a $3 Million Client

Worker Quits After Greedy Company Denies Them a Promised Raise, Costs Company a $3 Million Client

There's something to be said here about following through on promises. When this company promised this worker a raise a year ago and then refused to follow through, all they were doing was stacking dominos that were ready to fall. It doesn't take that much effort to follow through on promises so it's hard to imagine what these idiots were thinking here. It doesn't seem unfair to expect a promised raise, especially in light of their contribution to dramatically increased production. Honestly, it…
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'We are to call him Daddy Cool': Entitled, unhinged boss insists employees call him weird nicknames, cue malicious complaince

This man-child sounds like the ultimate nightmare!
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My boss exploded

'You should have all said OK Boomer': Horrible Boss explodes at employees, causing mass exodus

It's you! Hi! You're the problem, it's you!
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Company didn't hire me for the next position and now want me to train up the person they did

'I'm quitting...': Veteran employee passed up for promotion then is asked to train their new boss

Being passed up for an internal promotion that you've been preparing for and waiting for for years is always going to sting and make you reconsider your employment—but being asked to train the person they've externally hired over you will definitely grind enough salt in the wound that it will drive you to quit. That's what happened when this employee was passed over for a senior role at their company and asked to train their boss-to-be. They shared their story in a short thread that they posted…
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man breaks up with his girlfriend because he didn't feel a spark anymore, decides he wanted to wait to tell everyone, meanwhile, his co-worker sees him on Tinder and decides to go behind his back and call his ex to tell her he's cheating, ex tells her they broke up so he was not cheating, but now there is a very awkward work environment

'I'm not sure how to navigate this': Awkward Work Environment Ensues After Co-worker Doesn’t Know Other Co-worker Broke up With Girlfriend, Sees Him on Tinder, Assumes He’s Cheating and Calls His Ex to Rat Him Out

Do your work friends truly know who you are? Some keep their regular friends and work friends separate. But does that create a mysterious air about you with your co-workers that could work not in your favor? That's recently what happened to one Redditor after he broke up with his girlfriend . He says the broke up was hard, but he just didn't feel a spark anymore, so he ended it. The couple lived together, so had to figure out moving out situations, so he decided not to break the news to everyon…
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Update! 'It was kind of satisfying actually': Lying boss cries after being hit repeatedly by paintballs while cheating at a company event

Update! 'It was kind of satisfying actually': Lying boss cries after being hit repeatedly by paintballs while cheating at a company event

Cheaters may never win—but crying and gaslighting an entire workplace in order to cover their tracks is well within their capabilities. This post does beg an important question: If you had the chance to hit your boss repeatedly in the head with paintballs, would you take it? Then, if they tried to lie and gaslight your entire office in order to save face, would you let them? There are certainly the bold among us who would have been sitting right there in that meeting, ready to commit to a scorc…
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New workplace changes employee's job location 12 hours before their first shift, they quit

New workplace changes employee's job location 12 hours before their first shift, employee gives them a piece of their mind and quit

The job interview process can be incredibly arduous and time-consuming; applying for a new role can be like working a second part-time or full-time job. This is made all the worse by how long it takes most organizations to conduct their interview process; it can be multiple weeks, even months before you know whether or not you have gotten a position you have been interviewing for. Of course, you'd like to think that you have some security once you've signed the contract and are awaiting the sta…
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'We are terminating you': Employee asks for a raise, boss fires them instead

'We are terminating you': Employee asks for a raise, boss fires them instead

There are an endless number of ways to get fired from your job; you might make a colossal mistake and subsequently find your job being advertised online, you might ask your workers to prove their dog is dead by bringing it into the workplace, you might have worn a banana costume to a work party when your boss was deathly allergic to bananas, or maybe you've just been skipping your lunch and going home early. The list goes on and on — and on. One thing you might hope would not result in your ter…
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Manager decides to change student worker's availability during their school holiday

'I am NOT AVAILABLE': Manager decides to change student worker's availability during their school holiday without talking to them

Communication is a key part of any business. Being able to have simple conversations with staff and other workgroups is an important part of being a manager. Communication can be a tricky thing, the discrepancy between what you intend to say and what other people hear is vast, so it's important to be clear and concise with your message. Communication is so easy to get wrong, but the sure way to fail at it is not to do it at all. The worst thing you can do — as a manager or at any level of an or…
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How to quiet quit effectively

A 2023 Guide to 'Quiet Quitting' That You Should Never Share with Your Boss

2022 may have been the year of quiet quitting. What are the takeaways for this year?
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Email from the president of the company

'You just didn't do the work': Entitled CEO sends wildly tone-deaf email to employees to kick off 2023

Shoutout to this CEO for taking zero accountability!
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'This replaces the Christmas bonus': Employer gives workers a box of chocolates in lieu of holiday pay or a bonus

'This replaces the Christmas bonus': Employer gives workers a box of chocolates in lieu of holiday pay or a bonus

Life is like a box of chocolates — you never know what you're going to get! Sometimes you expect a Christmas bonus and, instead… get a box of chocolates! That's what these workers experienced when the new owners of their company decided to forego the usual Christmas bonus that the previous owners had offered, which coincided with also not paying them for working Christmas itself. Instead, they provided the disgruntled workers with a box of chocolates and the promise that at least the workers wo…
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Update: Guy tries to quit his job and gets told 'No'

Update: Guy tries to quit his job and gets told 'No'

There's often a lot of anxiety that comes with the decision to quit your current job and start a new one. We're creatures of habit and comfort by nature, so thrusting yourself into the unknown isn't easy. So many uncertainties come with a new job that you can't help your imagination wander into wild territories. Will the new job be worse? What will my new boss be like? Will I be any good at my new job? Will I fail catastrophically? Will I regret leaving? It's safe to say that, despite these fea…
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If I don’t like it I can find another job? Okay.

'I resigned': Tradesman quits mid performance review after being refused a raise

Working relationships are built on trust… and contractual agreements. The contract tends to have a more tangible effect on ensuring that both parties hold up the ends of the deal, but still, there are employers that see fit to flout the written terms of these agreements. That's what this electrical apprentice faced when their boss saw fit to deny them their guaranteed annual increase in pay, citing performance issues and issues in the business as the cause. The thing is: the raise wasn't suppos…
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I told a white lie to stay out of a party, and now the whole team knows.

'Send me a picture, I don't believe you': Employee tells white lie to get out of work party, toxic boss asks for proof

Here's a friendly reminder that when you're off the clock, you don't owe anyone anything!
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Boss says she "doesn't pay me to sit in my car" after I show up 10 minutes early and wait 40 minutes for someone to come unlock the door.

'I don't pay you to sit in your car': Entitled Karen boss refuses to pay employee for waiting time after she was late

Bosses are always a pain when you're late, but when they're late, it's totally fine!
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