

They lied about my job, so I quit on during my shift today 2 months in

'They lied [...] so I quit': Recruiter lies about new hire's job duties and working arrangement, new hire quits

Working relationships are built on mutual trust — so why are so many recruiters determined to start things off with deceit?
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My manager told us in a team meeting that our branch director asked that, from now on, every employee should eat lunch and spend lunch time in the lunch break room with everyone else. They have not made this mandatory, but it was basically implied that we need to comply to avoid being excluded from the team socially.

'We need to comply to avoid being excluded': Team leader implies required lunch break location to promote synergy and "cohesion"

Sometimes it's not about the words being spoken; it's about the implication . When your boss suggests a singular place where you should take your lunch break, claims it's not a requirement but goes on to imply that you'll be disadvantaged in the workplace if you disagree… well, you don't really have a choice — do you?
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Boss told me at the last minute about "mandatory" overtime that he made up because he was mad two of my co-workers called off that day. I missed one day that week, first day in almost a year

'Clock out and go home then': Boss demands mandatory made-up overtime, fires worker and her boyfriend when she refuses

This vindictive a-hole of a boss saw fit to mandate surprise overtime when they came to the conclusion that their employees had missed too much work. Sure, it's understandable that they were feeling some stress and pressure while looking at the loss of man-hours for the week. There were probably some slumping numbers and unfinished tasks that were contributing to their impulse to pick up the phone. But, as adults and professionals, it's important that we control our impulses; there will always…
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This is how my husband’s GM speaks to him and the other managers..

'The incompetence MUST STOP!': GM writes insane email to management team

It is simply HARD to believe that people would think THAT COMMUNICATING like this to their staff is in the SLIGHTEST bit effective or acceptable!
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Fired after 7 years | Worker fired after attempting to give their two week's notice, former employer then reaches out to them again

Update: 'This morning I woke up to several texts': Company fires worker for giving two week's notice, then has the nerve to contact them asking for help

The act of giving notice is one of mutual trust — especially when the worker isn't protected by an agreement or local law. The worker is showing their employer a sign of goodwill by allowing them the time to prepare other workers, maintain continuity, and execute a proper handover. The problem with giving notice is it's also like a breakup — “It's not you, it's me. I've just… Found someone else.” — and all too often, emotionally-stunted owners and middle managers take it exactly as such. This l…
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Take my tips and pay me below minimum wage. See what happens!

'I believe it came out to a little under 100k': Company cheats delivery driver out of tips, has to backpay all former employees and pay fines

There will always be employers out there who think that they can step on the little guy's toes while dipping their hand into their wallet in order to turn a profit. In reality, if you can't manage to make a business profitable in an honest way, it's probably a good sign that you shouldn't be in business at all. This college guy worked for a delivery company that insisted on taking a percentage of driver's tips under the guise of covering operating costs. This happened even if the employees then…
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waitress lists every traumatic experience she's had while working in the service industry

'Moments from working in the service industry that altered my brain chemistry': Server recounts every toxic experience she's had as a restaurant employee

If you've ever worked in a restaurant then you know chaos lives there. Whether it's working along toxic managers and coworkers or having to deal with entitled Karen customers—it's unavoidable in the service industry.
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Places like this are the first ones to complain about nObOdY wAnTiNg tO wOrK

'Find your own replacement!': Ridiculous handwritten viral workplace posters and their stupid rules draw the ire of the internet

What is it with workplaces and stupid rules? Every workplace has at least one, whatever it may be…
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How "I don't listen to women" ended in unemployment

'The manager [...] didn't want [him] to even finish the shift': Misogynist coworker insists he doesn't listen to women, ends up unemployed also

It shouldn't be all that hard to behave like a reasonable and rational human individual — right? Like it's not that difficult to get up in the morning and put on your business persona and treat other people with the slightest amount of respect. Sure, there might be a deep fire of eternal rage burning somewhere deep inside you for the sheer disappointment that adult life holds — the field of your future littered with broken promises and unrealized dreams — but that doesn't mean that it's ok to t…
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AITA for exposing all my coworkers after they said I was lazy?

'I took a video': Lazy coworkers try to scapegoat worker pulling all the weight, she records evidence and throws them under the bus

What is it with people constantly trying to blame someone else for the thing that they themselves are most guilty of? This hypocritical finger-pointing is just a vapid means of projection that these narcissistic robots employ whenever they feel threatened.
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i "embarrassed" my boss after coming in “late” on my day off, and working 10 hours to appease one of his “good customers”

'Update: I am now being berated after coming in on my day off, working 10 hours, and cancelling an appointment': Boss ridicules employee after they work overtime on their day off to help boss's friend, employee quits

Imagine trading your day off, working a 10-hour shift, and canceling a vital appointment to help your boss's friend out — only to have your boss throw it back in your face by telling you how “embarrassed” he was that you weren't able to make it to a location, an hour away, at 7 am.
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They Refused Me an Office, I Complied, They Regretted It

'I distinctly heard the yelling': Stubborn department heads conspire against new hire having an office, get chewed out

It happens all too often in your life that you run into stupid obstacles created by obstinate individuals who, for some reason or another have managed to lodge themselves in a position of power. Maybe they just don't like you, maybe they don't like what you do, maybe they just don't like the color of your tie, or — maybe they're just drooling at a chance to exercise what little control they have over their stupid lives. Whatever the reason, these “leaders” make it their mission to act as an
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Pedantic manager picks apart their own work Backstory: I worked for a high street retail chain that, in their infinite wisdom, ditched the store manager position and instead had 4 assistant managers running a store. This led to intensive workplace politics as the more competitive staff kept trying to pull stuff to make out that they were the big dog despite the fact that we were all on the same level.

Worker Manipulates Meddling Micromanager Into Annihilating Their Own Work

There's nothing more satisfying than watching the slow-motion train-wreck implosion of a deserving person destroying themself. This micromanaging boss was manipulated into doing exactly that when they tried to pick apart their own work, somehow without even recognizing that it was their own. As commenters have pointed out, doing shift work where the schedule was made by a different person every week would be absolutely maddening. There would be zero consistency with when you were scheduled, and…
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"My work demoted me to a blogger for a micromanaging sociopath, so I use an Al program [to] do all my writing for me."

'I use AI to do my job': Guy gets demoted, demotes his workplace and uses AI to complete his work

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you —at least in some situations. It doesn't take one long to come up with multiple instances where following this ethos to the letter would create some incredibly unfortunate situations. Well, when this guy was demoted and forced to work for a “micromanaging sociopath,” he decided to demote his workplace and automated his job with an AI; the work was still being done —but he didn't have to do it. Honestly, this still sounds like a win-win situation…
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antiwork corporate me irl toxic-workplace work capitalism Reddit toxic-work-environment - 18280965

The Best New Memes, Tweets, and Hot Takes About Toxic Workplaces

Some will make you laugh, others will make you think, and all will make you question why we work like this.
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My girlfriend is dying and my boss keeps asking when I'm coming back. I'm gonna quit today.

'Update: We argued. I quit': Boss insists worker leave dying girlfriend and return to work, worker quits

This worker found themself faced with pushback from their boss when they decided to take a leave of absence to spend time with their girlfriend, who is in hospice care with not much time left. After “a few weeks” off, their boss began repeatedly attempting to get them to come back, texting them 13 times in the course of a week, insisting that there was “no way” someone could be in hospice for that long. They go on to express in their original post (items #1-9) the pressure they felt, how their…
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