

toxic-manager toxic-workplace malicious compliance toxic-boss toxic relationship toxic-work-environment - 19661573

'Bin everything in this room? You got it boss': Workers comply to rampaging boss's shortsighted demands

Sometimes you have to wonder what someone was thinking when they made a decision like this, but the reality is that they probably weren't thinking at all. We've all had a boss like this: the type who blows their top over nothing and with no warning at all. Who knows why they ended up like this, but for some reason, they have a stunted emotional regulation. Just the path in life they took, I suppose. Still, one just wonders. Wonders how it reached the point where their only gratification on this…
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aita toxic-workplace drama relationship-drama relationships Reddit toxic relationship dramatic toxic-work-environment - 19364869

'AITA for asking my girlfriend to leave the house for 6-7 hours a day?': Dude gets roasted for forcing girlfriend out of their shared home with terrible reasoning

When you decide to take the leap and share your life with another person… actually share it with them. Don't do what this jerk boyfriend did and kick them out of the house, baring them from their own home so that your friends can sit in their favorite chair and hang out with you while they're on the outside looking in. Instead, be inclusive and seek to share time, love, and desires with them. This dude got roasted for forcing his recently-jobless girlfriend out of their shared home so that he c…
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work-story work stories toxic-workplace workplace-story work i quit quit workplace Horrible Bosses story developers quitting employment toxic-work-environment - 19630085

'[They] didn't want to pay me a fair wage': Horrifically underpaid IT guy leaves and costs the company $40 Million

This underpaid IT professional waited years for fair treatment from his bosses. The work doubled and then tripled, but the pay never reflected his efforts. He wouldn't prove how essential he was to the company until he left… and cost them $40 Million. Redditor u/slw_motion_trainwrck shared this story on the r/antiwork subreddit. u/slw_motion_trainwrck's story centers on their experience working for a factory in the Southern United States. The factory was based in "a very small farming town of a…
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boss work-story workplace-stories fired toxic-workplace text message i quit mildly infuriating workplace Horrible Bosses workers infuriating employment toxic-work-environment - 19629829

'I accept your termination': Viral texts show immature boss flipping out after demanding unlimited worker availability for an already released schedule

This worker shared a lengthy exchange that occurred between themselves and their boss over availability to cover shifts for an already published roster. Things started off rocky, with the boss sending passive-aggressive and immature responses to the young worker's level-headed reasoning. It wasn't long before the conversation escalated into threats of termination. The fact that the worker appears to be a minor makes the conversation that much worse; the fact that the boss's lack of maturity is…
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workplace-stories toxic-workplace manager workplace Horrible Bosses reddit thread Reddit toxic-work-environment - 19606277

'Narcissistic bosses are the worst': Employee told she's disposable despite doing all her boss's work, she quits and company suffers

Thankfully, this does not end well for the narcissistic boss.
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'Save £80 on flight cost? No problem, pay £1000 instead' : Employee plays petty game of malicious compliance with incompetent boss who attempts to cut travel costs on work trip

'Save £80 on flight cost? No problem, pay £1000 instead' : Employee plays petty game of malicious compliance with incompetent boss who attempts to cut travel costs on work trip

Put incompetent management and a travel budget in the same room, and this will be the result. This man's company wanted to save £80 on a work trip he had to go on, and being one of the biggest security companies in the world, they could have easily absorbed the cost, no question. But alas, someone in the head office wanted to talk a big game, and look good, possibly to get that promotion they so dearly desired. So they looked at cutting travel costs and changed OP's flight. Apparently, this per…
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work-story antiwork workplace-stories toxic-boss workplace Horrible Bosses workers employment toxic-work-environment i quit quit quitting - 19595269

'I'll kick you out': Worker experiences backlash from immature boss after handing in their notice

Many people don't handle rejection well, but when it's part of the job and has been (at least partially) brought about by your own decisions—well… you'd best be professional about it. Unfortunately, many managers and business owners struggle with this. They're perfectly content with any arrangement as long as they're the ones who have the upper hand, but as soon as they lose that edge, the mask comes off, and their ego reveals their desire for control… over you. That's the most plausible reason…
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workplace-stories employee work stories toxic-workplace coworkers workplace Horrible Bosses reddit thread Reddit toxic-work-environment - 19571205

'I will be leaving in order to pursue happiness': Employee prints form resignation letter and makes savage hand-written adjustments

Talk about effortless, am I right?
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terrible coworkers workplace-stories toxic-workplace workplace-story lazy coworkers dickhead co-workers toxic-boss workplace Horrible Bosses story coworker lazy-coworker toxic-work-environment revenge petty revenge - 19522309

'It's unfair': Worker forced to take a stand with boss after doing all of her lazy coworker's work

Doing your own job is tiring enough without having to do your coworker's job too. Unfortunately, the reality is you'll often find yourselves having to make up for your coworker's chain-dragging—hey, at least those group projects in school prepared us for something … right? Another unfortunate reality comes in the realization that most managers will be slow to do anything about this. Even if they say they're looking into it, you can bet on a sloth to show more urgency and keep a greater pace. No…
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work-story workplace-stories toxic-workplace toxic work employees workplace workers work reform workplace-policies toxic-work-environment antiwork - 19560453

''Seriously??': Employer's bathroom break policy goes viral after employee shares it online

Imagine finishing school and looking to enter the workforce for the first time... Your entire life, you've dreamt about the freedom and opportunity that graduating from school will offer you—what doors will open? Where will you go? What way will the direction blow you? The answers to these questions aren't nearly as exciting as you might have hoped… none, nowhere, and wherever you can find work—respectively. As soon as you throw that cap in the air, the student loan repayments start to tick; an…
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Boss man sent this to the mailing list as our city was preparing for winter storm Xylia. We aren't a Waffle House

'Yes, there is a storm coming. No, we will not be closing': Hypocrite boss forces employees to come to work during severe winter storm

We guarantee that this toxic boss will not show up to work...
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No tags? No problem.

'You're not supposed to have these': Retail employee asked to do manager's work, gets shamed by his boss's boss, malicious compliance ensues!

You know that moment when you're tasked with doing your manager's job for free and then subsequently shamed for it?
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Manager asked me to give up a promotion to save their job

'Your manager's job [...] is not your problem': Manager's job is at risk, asks employee to give up their promotion

Imagine getting a call from your boss asking for your promotion...
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workplace-stories toxic-manager toxic-workplace workplace-story coworkers toxic-management taco-bell-employee toxic-boss Horrible Bosses employment toxic-work-environment - 19534085

'You need to stay until 1 a.m.': Exhausted fast food employee working 11 hours shames toxic manager and stands up for himself in front of all his coworkers, manager gives him the “silent treatment”

A company that rhymes with “Yaco Dell” has a strong cult following for its Tex-Mex menu items. People are obsessed with their speciality items—so obsessed that they forget the company is owned by one of the largest money-hungry corporations who fight to keep minimum wage as low as possible. So is it really that surprising that the management at “Yaco Dell,” which is usually employeed by teenagers, is toxic? An employee working as a new shift lead recently shamed their manager in front of all of…
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‘Fine, We’ll Do It Your Way’ : Waitress Maliciously Complies With Know It All Coworker, Resulting in Pandemonium

‘Fine, We’ll Do It Your Way’ : Waitress Maliciously Complies With Know It All Coworker, Resulting in Pandemonium

Coworkers tend to fall between three categories — A. The ‘Know it all’, B. The ‘Think’s they know it all', and C. The 'Don't know nothing's'. This employee was sure he was a part of Exhibit A when actually he fell poorly into category B. Not the practical type, he wanted to make everyone's life a lot more difficult, including the customer's. All for the sake of being right... which he wasn't, at all.
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work-story workplace-stories fired toxic-workplace coworkers i quit quit toxic-boss workplace Horrible Bosses bad bosses quitting employment toxic-work-environment - 19503621

'I am quitting [...] effective immediately': Worker quits without notice after watching their coworkers being fired without notice.

Treat others how you would like to be treated: the golden rule. Regardless of your religious beliefs or affiliations, it stands to reason that this is a good principle to follow in order to build a moral foundation for one's actions. This “golden rule” or sometimes “ethic of reciprocity” appears universally throughout civilizations and cultures, dating back as far as 2000 BCE in Ancient Egypt. Despite its ubiquity in philosophy and religion, small business owners somehow seemed to have missed t…
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