
‘It felt so… power-trippy?’: Job candidate asked to show recruiter around their room during Zoom interview

‘It felt so…power-trippy?’: Job candidate asked to show recruiter around their room during Zoom interview

‘I couldn’t believe my ears’: Company asks employees to deduct up to $5K out of paychecks to be ‘team players’

‘I couldn’t believe my ears’: Company asks employees to deduct up to $5K out of paychecks to be ‘team players’

'Our place was fined': Overworked employee has to take on incompetent coworker's job, maliciously complies and gets boss in trouble

'Our place was fined': Overworked employee has to take on incompetent coworker's job, maliciously complies and gets boss in trouble

'Suddenly they could give me a $2.25 raise': Boss tells employee they can't give him a raise, employee gets better job, boss coughs up the money

'Suddenly they could give me a $2.25 raise': Boss tells employee they can't give him a raise, employee gets better job, boss coughs up the money

'This looks like a personal print job': Boss makes employees pay to use printer for personal use, employee catches boss breaking the rules

'This looks like a personal print job': Boss makes employees pay to use printer for personal use, employee catches boss breaking the rules

'Quit the next day': 10+ dream jobs that weren't what they were cracked up to be

'Quit the next day': 10+ dream jobs that weren't what they were cracked up to be

'I can't say anything. He's in dress code': Employee discovers loophole in strict manager's dress code policy, wears yoga pants to work

'I can't say anything. He's in dress code': Employee discovers loophole in strict manager's dress code policy, wears yoga pants to work

'The company could not afford to grant raises at this time': Promoted employee denied raise because of company's building rent, his wife suspects lies

'It’s rough out there for employers and employees': Promoted employee denied raise because of company's building rent, his wife suspects lies

barbie girl server Barbie coworkers askreddit workplace waitress Reddit toxic-work-environment - 21501957

'[I'm] being accused of stealing tables': Server nicknames her coworkers Barbie and Ken after her shifts are jeopardized

toxic-workplace Professional At Work work coworkers askreddit toxic-boss workplace reddit thread Reddit toxic-work-environment - 21481733

'[In trouble for] NOT bringing homemade cookies [to work]': Man deals with CEO making ridiculous baking request

'I got upgraded on this flight and my boss did not': Employee gets shamed by boss for not giving her their first class upgrade

'I got upgraded on this flight and my boss did not': Employee gets shamed by boss for not giving her their first class upgrade

'I’m not clocked in yet': Coworker tries to use employee who always shows up early, boss takes coworker's side, employee maliciously complies

'I’m not clocked in yet': Coworker tries to use employee, boss takes coworker's side, employee maliciously complies

‘I find it HIGHLY inappropriate for them to text my wife’: Employee calls out of work, boss and coworker spam his wife’s phone

‘I find it HIGHLY inappropriate for them to text my wife’: Employee calls out of work, boss and coworker spam his wife’s phone

'Fired on first day': Hotel employee fired for revealing higher hourly wage to coworker, HR makes up excuse

'Fired on first day': Hotel employee fired for revealing higher hourly wage to coworker, HR makes up excuse

'I didn't like the look on your face!': Manager gets employee unjustly fired, employee gets him blacklisted from other jobs

'I didn't like the look on your face!': Manager gets employee unjustly fired, employee gets him blacklisted from other jobs

'You've been given [...] 10 chances to keep your job when you should've been fired': Manager sends unhinged text after employee refuses to cover his shift

'You've been given [...] 10 chances to keep your job when you should've been fired': Manager sends unhinged text after employee refuses to cover his shift