

'I will not be disrespected like that': Employee discovers new hire got offered more money for the same job, quits on the spot

'I will not be disrespected like that': Employee discovers new hire got offered more money for the same job, quits on the spot

We know all too well at this point that your boss is not your friend.
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'No money, no food': Employee refuses to indulge mooching coworker, tells him to pay for his own lunch, boss gets involved

'No money, no food': Employee refuses to indulge mooching coworker, tells him to pay for his own lunch, boss gets involved

In every office, there is that one coworker who mooches.
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Update: I walked out mid shift: Front desk agent quits after encounter with Karen and no support from manager

Update: 'I walked out mid shift': Front desk agent quits after encounter with Karen and no support from manager

Quitting impulsively may not be ideal, but sometimes less than ideal is more than necessary.
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'Chill out': Boss gives overachieving employee a warning for working too hard

'Chill out': Boss gives overachieving employee a warning for working too hard

Does anyone else totally wish they had this guy as their boss?
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'GM [threw] his keys in the deep fryer': 10+ work stories where coworkers completely lost it

'GM [threw] his keys in the deep fryer': 10+ work stories where coworkers completely lost it

The only thing more entertaining than watching someone quit is watching them quit in glorious fashion.
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'I took [my] coworker's parking spot': Coworker complains about employee's lateness, employee gets back at him by taking his precious parking spot

'I took [my] coworker's parking spot': Coworker complains about employee's lateness, employee gets back at him by taking his precious parking spot

That coworker is going to regret being so vocal about this employee's tardiness.
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'Why are you dressed like that?': COO shows up to work in a prom dress

'The CEO was immediately fuming': COO shows up to work in a prom dress after CEO mocks her fashion choices

Petty doesn't even begin to describe this CEO . She seems like the kind of boss who sucks the air out of a room when she walks in; everyone walks on eggshells around her, and she refuses to give credit where it's due. That kind of boss is hard to work for — even if you're also in the c-suite. Some bosses really dislike giving any kind of positive feedback or encouragement. Instead, they can only point out the negative. In the story that u/aikdxz shared to r/MaliciousCompliance, they write that…
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'Boss wants me to work more hours': Part-time student takes former coworker's work with extra hours but no extra pay

'Boss wants me to work more hours': Part-time student takes on former coworker's work with extra hours but no extra pay

The amount of disrespect for students who work continues to astound us...
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'Do I go AWOL and [...] just ghost the company?': Employee considers ghosting his boss after temporary relocation appears to be permanent

'Do I go AWOL and [...] just ghost the company?': Employee considers ghosting his boss after temporary relocation appears to be permanent

The lengths that employers go to get what they want are baffling these days.
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'Boss changed my off days': Employee forced to leave second job after toxic manager changed their schedule with no notice

'Boss changed my off days': Employee forced to leave second job after toxic manager changed their schedule with no notice

Managers do not have your best interests at heart.
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'I will never forget the expression... on his face': Employee gets 20 days of vacation time after boss sends incorrect paperwork

'I will never forget the expression of defeat on his face': Employee gets 20 days of vacation time after boss sends the wrong paperwork

We also wish we could have seen the look of defeat on this guy's boss's face. When you first start your job, you have no idea what your boss is going to be like. As you interview, you might talk to your direct boss once or twice, and you can probably get a good first impression of them, but it's hard to know what your day to day life will be like. Even if your boss seems great from the start, they might start to turn on you after a while, which is apparently what happened with this person's bos…
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'Go complain about your boss [...] on me': Boss sends passive aggressive email about punctuality, employees retaliate, boss apologies with free lunch

'Go complain about your boss [...] on me': Boss sends passive aggressive email about punctuality, employees retaliate, boss apologies with free lunch

Let's be honest: showing up six minutes late every once in a while is not going to make or break anything no matter what your line of work is. As long as work generally gets done in a timely and thorough manner, employers and employees should just accept the fact that things happen. People get stuck in traffic. Folks need their grande iced coffee with oat milk. Sometimes you don't even have an excuse and you just needed those six extra minutes of sleep in order to power through the rest of the…
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'I really need you to just do your job': Employee 'quiet quits' position after boss promotes coworkers instead of them

'I really need you to just do your job': Employee 'quiet quits' position after boss promotes coworkers instead of them

Say goodbye to free tech support and homemade office snacks…This guy has reached a breaking point with their boss , and I don't blame them for not wanting to do work they won't be recognized for. At many jobs, your role is laid out for you in crystal clear terms. In some office places, however, there are unspoken tasks that some people will take on in addition to their job duties . Maybe you're the one who brings in a birthday card for your coworkers and gets everyone to sign it. Or perhaps you…
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'You fired me cause you didn't like me': Overworked employee asks to be paid as much as coworkers, gets fired, rejects boss's request for sit down

'You fired me cause you didn't like me': Overworked employee asks to be paid as much as coworkers, gets fired, rejects boss's request for sit down

Almost nothing good can come from a post-termination meeting.
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'We’re being taken advantage of': Boss refuses to pay employee for requested vacation days but closes restaurant for his own vacation

'We’re being taken advantage of': Boss refuses to pay employee for requested vacation days but closes restaurant for his own vacation

The hypocritical relationship that bad bosses tend to have with PTO is increasingly infuriating.
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'My intern [is] benefitting from pretty privilege': Employee gets in tense interaction with intern after discovering office secret

'My intern [is] benefitting from pretty privilege': Jealous employee gets into tense argument with intern after discovering office secret

There's definitely a right and wrong way when it comes to handling these kinds of office revelations. This employee definitely did not handle this well.
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