

'Remember me?': Terrible coworker sabotages employee, gets him fired, he interviews her years later for another job

'Remember me?': Terrible coworker sabotages employee, gets him fired, he interviews her years later for another job

It took many years for this employee to get even with his former coworker, but when the opportunity finally arose, he took full advantage of the moment. This epic story was shared on Reddit's r/ProRevenge subreddit by u/Fuzed_Canadian , who was unjustly fired from a retail store after his coworker accused him of stealing valuable rings. OP suspected that he was framed and that the coworker wanted the rings for herself and also wanted to see OP go. However, he couldn't prove it. His other cowork…
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'I [...] thought it would be more fun to comply': Supervisor insists on making employees submit requests for mandatory training programs, employee maliciously complies

'I [...] thought it would be more fun to comply': Supervisor insists on making employees submit requests for mandatory training programs, employee maliciously complies

When your bosses change policies in such a way that results in them being overwhelmed with more and more paperwork, you can't help but think that they brought it on themselves. Furthermore, you should not necessarily feel bad if you decide to follow their rules, knowing it will make their lives more difficult. After all, they were the ones who insisted on the policy change. They were the ones who didn't have the intellect to foresee how this would only make things worse. This employee and their…
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'I'll never be someone's backup plan': Guy gets rejected, told the position has been filled, they come crawling back begging to him

'I'll never be someone's backup plan': Job candidate gets rejected, they come crawling back begging to her a week later, she rejects them

If you're ever hiring to fill a position, be careful what you say to prospective candidates because your comments just might come back to haunt you one day. This thread was posted to Reddit by u/ReneeStone27 , who had applied to interview for a position despite living a couple of miles outside the desired area. Still, she came to the interview prepared only to be rejected and told that the position had been filled. The hiring manager went further to chastise OP as if it was their fault for inte…
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'I walked out and three people followed me': Guy rage quits during the interview process after being asked to work night shifts for free

'I walked out and three people followed me': Guy rage quits during the interview process after being asked to work night shifts for free

Some employers try to hide the red flags that come with a certain job; others basically wave those flags for every prospective candidate to see. Before you give those employers any credit, this is usually not coming from a place of honesty or transparency. It's usually coming from a place of sloppiness and ignorance. Many employers are still completely tone-deaf to the fact that some of the demands put upon employees back in the day are backward, outdated, and a serious overstepping of boundari…
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'I show the company the same level of compassion they showed me': Clock-watching manager refuses to make exception for employee's ailing father, employee gets five years worth of pay back

'I show the company the same level of compassion they showed me': Clock-watching manager refuses to make exception for employee's ailing father, employee gets five years worth of pay back

This worker found out at the worst possible time that their company only saw her as a number. Instead of treating this employee as a person, and giving her some basic human decency, u/ennovyelechim's boss made it clear that she cared more about a few minutes of work . This seems to be an oddly common occurrence. Someone will be going through a tough life event, whether it's someone close passing away, or an illness, or another big life challenge. You can try to hide your feelings about it, but…
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'Boss picked up on my quiet quitting': Employee responds to tone-deaf lecture from boss about quiet quitting by actually quitting

'Boss picked up on my quiet quitting': Employee responds to tone-deaf lecture from boss about quiet quitting by actually quitting

Do the horrible bosses of the world not realize that when they give tone-deaf lectures to their employees, they are increasing the likelihood of receiving resignation letters? The two are about as directly correlated at this point as good weather and happiness. The more your horrible boss asserts their backward sense of authoritative power and control, the more people will up and leave. This Redditor worked in college admissions and created boundaries between their work and home life. For the c…
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Update: 'I wish I saw her face when she heard about the complaint': Manager leaves new hire to wait tables alone, customers call in to complain that managers were 'sitting on their phones'

Update: 'I wish I saw her face when she heard about the complaint': Manager leaves new hire to wait tables alone, customers call in to complain that managers were 'sitting on their phones'

Some managers just show up, take their paycheck, and leave. Why bother actually doing your job if you don't have to? This teen was working as a “waitress/server/cashier” at a chain restaurant where she could have really used some extra support from her managers. She writes that she, a new girl, and one other employee were at work with a manager who was being totally useless. Some managers who've worked their way up the ladder feel entitled to their new “good life.” If you've worked in a restaur…
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'You've got work, you know': Boss shames employee for taking off work for her husband's surprise trip despite working overtime

'You've got work, you know': Boss shames employee for taking off work for her husband's surprise trip despite working overtime

Imagine working countless hours of overtime including weekends only to have your boss shame you for taking off. Furthermore, it was a surprise trip for the employee's birthday and it involved a personal family relationship that was clearly very important to this Redditor . Apparently, despite all that extra work and the personal nature of this trip, none of it mattered to OP's employer. No one's boss can expect so much from their employees and then refuse to hold their end of a bargain. That ba…
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'I'm not taking an hour off. I'm leaving. For good': Boss tells employee she could be 'fired for no cause,' employee plans their escape plan

'I'm not taking an hour off. I'm leaving. For good': Boss constantly tells employee she could be 'fired for no cause,' employee plans their escape plan

This boss kept reminding their employee over and over just how disposable they were. It's no wonder the employee got really tired of hearing that! This boss must not care about workplace morale at all. If she did, she wouldn't speak to her employees in such a degrading tone. The OP, u/Public_Pressure_4516, shared they were working at a bank, but just as a part time gig. The OP is also a part-time teacher, but we all know how America treats its teachers---low pay and no benefits. So they needed…
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'They found out she interviewed for another job': Boss forces employee to resign just because they took an interview elsewhere

'They found out she interviewed for another job': Boss forces employee to resign just because they took an interview elsewhere

There are several valid reasons for firing an employee, but this is beyond ridiculous. Employers are not within their rights to control whether or not one of their employees can get poached by another employer and recruiter. They cannot control whether or not you let that company or recruiter sit you down for an interview. Clearly, this employer thought otherwise. They forced this Redditor's best friend, who had been at the company for two years, to resign simply because they caught wind that s…
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'You WILL pay me': Employee confronted by boss for billing overtime for mandatory company retreat, HR unable to deny payment

'You WILL pay me': Employee confronted by boss for billing overtime for mandatory company retreat, HR unable to deny payment

If you're not getting properly paid during mandatory company retreats, it doesn't matter how many free meals you get during said retreat. That time is time spent away from home and instead, it's time engaging with colleagues. In other words, that is time spent working. It doesn't matter how seemingly recreational the activities may be. If the purpose is team bonding, then the purpose is work-related. This means that employees must ensure that they are compensated properly for that time. If it f…
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'Bye bye Frank': Client tries to throw his lawyer under the bus after a major oversight, lawyer did his due diligence, client fired by boss

'Bye bye Frank': Client tries to throw his lawyer under the bus after a major oversight, lawyer did his due diligence, client gets fired by boss

One of the most important lessons I've learned as a professional is to protect yourself when you're working with incompetent people. Otherwise, they will sink the entire ship and you will sink with it. Otherwise, you may be the one to have to take the fall for their inability to get things done well. Otherwise, you will be seen as the incompetent one. This may sound like a cynical approach to collaboration, but it certainly doesn't apply when you're dealing with normal colleagues. It's just the…
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'NoBoDy WaNtS tO wOrK': Job candidate gets rejected and blocked by potential employer for asking one clarifying question,

'NoBoDy WaNtS tO wOrK': Job candidate gets rejected and blocked by potential employer for asking one clarifying question

People seemed to be divided about who was in the wrong here. This candidate had applied to a lot of jobs and finally got a phone call from a potential employer. During the conversation, the Redditor asked over the phone if they made this inquiry about the position today because they couldn't quite remember. That became an immediate turn-off to the employer, who not only told the candidate that they wouldn't be a good fit for the position (an awful and overused phrase), but the employer also blo…
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'I was like okay': Tech employee asked not to push meeting against his advice, costs the company thousands of dollars

'I was like okay': Tech employee asked not to push meeting against his advice, costs the company thousands of dollars

Managers often never listen to who actually knows best. Instead, they tend to make executive decisions not based on facts or awareness, but rather based on what's ultimately convenient for them and their sense of authority. This applies to all toxic work environments from restaurants to law offices, but in this case, we are dealing with a tech company. This Redditor often had to push long Friday meetings to the following Monday because they always ended up having to fix bugs in the system on Fr…
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'Bad work pays the same as excellent': Employee confirms with boss that promotions at his company are no longer based on merit,  starts doing the bare minimum

'Bad work pays the same as excellent': Employee confirms with boss that promotions are no longer based on merit, starts doing the bare minimum

There's a moment in everyone's working lives when you suddenly become disillusioned and everything else becomes crystal clear. It's like the reverse of the moment in The Wizard of Oz when the world goes from being black-and-white to full technicolor. Instead, your rose-colored lenses disintegrate and everything becomes, well, bleak and cynical. After five years of working to the bone at the same company and repeatedly being denied a promotion, this Redditor was able to get their boss to basical…
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'She's recording me': Employee suspects gossiping coworker is recording their phone conversations

'She's recording me': Employee suspects gossiping coworker is recording their phone conversations

Every office has that one coworker who thrives on gossip, but what if that coworker has an even more worrisome ulterior motive? It's one thing to form a friendship with your other coworker and to engage in mild and meaningless gossip about office dynamics. After all, when you're spending eight hours a day and five days a week working with the same people, it's inevitable that cliques will form, tensions will occasionally arise, and rumors will spread. Even if you have no desire to engage in tha…
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