

'I told [them] a 15k salary increase': Employee and boss get into heated salary negotiation after boss demands five days a week in the office

'I told [them] a 15k salary increase': Employee and boss get into heated salary negotiation after boss demands five days a week in the office

No one ever said that new office policies wouldn't be met with a little pushback, especially when it comes to in-person work. We all know that return-to-work policies should be delicately handled in a way that, at the very least, feels like a suitable compromise between the employer and the employee. Unfortunately, that compromise rarely happens; instead, we as employees often are expected to take these new strict policies in stride. Thankfully, every so often, someone finds an opportunity to t…
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'Professional dog show people': Top 20 Professions with the Messiest People

'Professional dog show people': Top 20 Professions with the Messiest People

Everyone thinks their profession has the craziest people, but that's simply because they haven't considered working in some of these spaces. Whether it's a kitchen crew or in the fashion industry, the following professions are the go-to industries if you are looking to find some weirdos, narcissists, or just straight-up insane coworkers. Now, if we're being honest, there are those among us who thrive in these kinds of environments. Personally speaking, I prefer not to go to work and actively lo…
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'She was fired maybe an hour later': 15+ managers share the times they fired new employees on day one

'She was fired maybe an hour later': 15+ managers share the times they fired new employees on day one

You have to mess up royally to get fired on Day One, but the reality is… it happens. We often talk about what compels people to walk out of a job interview or what has made people quit on the spot. However, if we haven't experienced this already, one day we are going to find ourselves on the other side of this conflict and in the unfortunate position of having to fire someone for inappropriate behavior. Maybe you all didn't do enough of a good job during the hiring process to be sure that this…
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'They don't care about me, why should I care about them?': Company man gets passed over for promotion, discovers quiet quitting after 11 years at the cimpany

'They don't care about me, why should I care about them?': Company man gets passed over for promotion, discovers quiet quitting after 11 years at the company

It's never too late to realize your colleagues and managers do not have your back. As a younger person in the 21st century, it's fairly easy to enter the working world armed with cynicism about everything, but for many people, the deluded notion of “your work is your life” is a hard one to shake. Despite all the signs around you saying otherwise, there are still some folks out there who foolishly cling to the idea that all the hard work will be worth it when you get that one promotion. Of cours…
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'Management has Zoom background of their office to pretend they're at the office': Employee calls out hypocritical bosses after enforcing return to office

'Management has Zoom background of their office to pretend they're at the office': Employee calls out hypocritical bosses after enforcing return to office

There is nothing more eye-roll-inducing than confirming your suspicions that your boss does not follow the same rules you are expected to follow. It's like when you're in school and you're expected to complete the math test without a calculator. Then, later that day, you see your math teacher grading the same test with a calculator right by her side. If authority figures are unable to lead by example and to live up to the same set of expectations they enforce onto others, then they shouldn't be…
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'Companies pay $50,000+ [...] for a "best place to work" advertisement package:' 20+ company secrets from people who no longer work there

'Companies pay $50,000+ [...] for a "best place to work" advertisement package:' 20+ company secrets from people who no longer work there

There are many ways to get even with your boss after you were unjustly fired, but revealing company secrets has got to be the most high-stakes option. Now, as someone who does not have the guts to pull this kind of petty revenge off, I have to step back and marvel at some of these folks for speaking their truth. That being said, they did do it behind the anonymous safety net of this r/AskReddit thread, but still, I guess we should give credit where credit is due. As for my company secrets, that…
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'Get this to me as ASAP as possible': 20+ unwise comments from horrible bosses

'Get this to me as ASAP as possible': 20+ unwise comments from horrible bosses

At one point in everyone's professional career, you come across a manager who says something so ridiculous you have to question how it's possible that they are in charge of you. It could be a moment of sheer ignorance or a tone-deaf comment. Sometimes, it's troubleshooting technology, which is occasionally understandable. However, sometimes, it's as simple as “Where do I find the Spam folder?” and you really have to question how these people have functioned successfully over the last several de…
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'I got her fired': Woman from HR makes employee's life difficult, employee names her in company-wide email announcing resignation

'I got her fired': Woman from HR makes employee's life difficult, employee names her in company-wide email announcing resignation

Sometimes, the best way to get revenge on your manager is by being as direct as possible. That means making it clear that they are the ones who are making your life at work all the more challenging. That means calling them out when you can. Sometimes, it's the only way you can actually stand up for yourself. Now, personally speaking, I would never do what this employee did. I'm too much of a people pleaser to name my work enemy in a company-wide email, but I understand that this person felt the…
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'I don't respond on Sunday[s]': Boss requests that HR deduce employee's salary by 50% because he doesn't respond on his one day off

'I don't respond on Sunday[s]': Boss requests that HR deduce employee's salary by 50% because he doesn't respond on his one day off

There are strict bosses and then there are bosses who make outlandish demands that simply shouldn't be allowed. I've had my fair share of difficult managers over the years. You know, the kinds that call you on a Saturday night about something that really is not urgent whatsoever. When this kind of situation occurs, it is usually a test to see if you will, in fact, answer, and if you do, this communicates all the wrong things to your boss. It gives them the sense that they have full control over…
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'Nobody is questioning it': Employee submits Work From Home requests to HR, they never approve, he goes remote anyway and gets away with it

'Nobody is questioning it': Employee submits Work From Home requests to HR, they never approve, he goes remote anyway and gets away with it

Imagine getting away with this kind of corporate sorcery! We know that most companies that have since gone through the whole “return to office” process are pretty strict about in-person policies. Often what happens in a corporate environment is a gradual return to in-person work. It might start at a couple of days a week, but it also may gradually increase to a set period of mandatory days in a largely vacant office environment. Remember: it's all about the “culture.” Just kidding, it's all abo…
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'If I’m not her supervisor, then I don’t need to check any of [her] work': Administrative assistant claims she's on par with the CFO, CFO maliciously complies, she gets fired

'If I’m not her supervisor, then I don’t need to check any of [her] work': Administrative assistant claims she's on par with the CFO, CFO maliciously complies, she gets fired

It's not the best idea in the workplace to claim responsibility when you don't know the first thing about what you're doing. I'm all for the concept of “fake it till you make it," but within reason, and in this case, this administrative assistant was very much not within reason. One of the first jobs I ever had involved teaching subject matter to high school students and preparing them for college-level material. I primarily worked on reading comprehension, grammar, and SAT/ACT-level math. Howe…
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'Her system absolutely backfired': Student finds loophole in summer job's payment policy, gets paid full day's work for 30 minutes of labor, collects all the money

'Her system absolutely backfired': Student finds loophole in summer job's payment policy, gets paid full day's work for 30 minutes of labor, collects all the money

They say you're supposed to work hard for the money, but there is a special satisfaction that comes with not working hard for as much money as possible. Now, personally speaking, I am not slick enough to pull off something like this. I have too much “rule follower” energy in me to be able to create a plan that pays me as much as possible for doing as little work as possible. Blame it on how I behaved as a student in school or blame it on millennial anxiety! Regardless, I just don't have the aud…
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'I worked a full two weeks': Boss refuses to provide W2, denies employee his promised salary, employee sabotages company

'I worked a full two weeks': Boss refuses to provide W2, denies employee his promised salary, employee sabotages company

Never forget that when it comes to your working agreement, you have to get everything in writing. I'm not one to be cynical about everyone that I work for, but I will always at the very least protect myself, and yes, I have learned this the hard way. This is especially true for jobs where the workload is inconsistent, such as a freelance position. If you want to be promised some semblance of stability with the workflow, you have to lay all your cards on the table from the get-go. It's not that…
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'We don't clean anything that we sell': 30 surprising industry secrets as told by former employees

'We don't clean anything that we sell': 30 surprising industry secrets as told by former employees

You always have to know what you're buying! After all, it's only fair, and sometimes (most of the time), what is advertised is not what you're actually purchasing. These former employees of various industries shared their secrets based on their experiences, which they offered to the wild world of the Internet via this r/AskReddit thread. Some of the fields represented include the food, restaurant, tech, insurance, and music industries.
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'Break time is alone time': Employee stops eating lunch with annoying coworkers, one takes it personally and starts sabotaging her

'Break time is alone time': Employee stops eating lunch with annoying coworkers, one takes it personally and starts sabotaging her

There is something to be said for creating a healthy distance with your coworkers. Most folks understand this choice. The ways in which people choose to draw boundaries between their work and their social lives are personal choices. However, as much as you would think everyone would understand those choices, some folks simply don't get it. Like the coworkers who keep inviting you to events that you continually turn down…
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'My job can be done 100% remotely': Sick employee has to get doctor's note in order to work from home, doctor writes sassy message

'My job can be done 100% remotely': Sick employee has to get doctor's note in order to work from home, doctor writes sassy message

There are so many red flags to look out for in corporate culture these days, but having to produce a sick note in order to work from home for more than two days has to be at the top of the list. In this case, we have a sick employee who had to go to the hospital numerous times for a rare cold/flu that was not easy for the doctors to diagnose. Obviously, we know what you're thinking. This illness sounds like your worst nightmare or the beginning of a horror movie. Instead, the horror story reall…
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