

'Bad work pays the same as excellent': Employee confirms with boss that promotions at his company are no longer based on merit,  starts doing the bare minimum

'Bad work pays the same as excellent': Employee confirms with boss that promotions are no longer based on merit, starts doing the bare minimum

There's a moment in everyone's working lives when you suddenly become disillusioned and everything else becomes crystal clear. It's like the reverse of the moment in The Wizard of Oz when the world goes from being black-and-white to full technicolor. Instead, your rose-colored lenses disintegrate and everything becomes, well, bleak and cynical. After five years of working to the bone at the same company and repeatedly being denied a promotion, this Redditor was able to get their boss to basical…
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'She's recording me': Employee suspects gossiping coworker is recording their phone conversations

'She's recording me': Employee suspects gossiping coworker is recording their phone conversations

Every office has that one coworker who thrives on gossip, but what if that coworker has an even more worrisome ulterior motive? It's one thing to form a friendship with your other coworker and to engage in mild and meaningless gossip about office dynamics. After all, when you're spending eight hours a day and five days a week working with the same people, it's inevitable that cliques will form, tensions will occasionally arise, and rumors will spread. Even if you have no desire to engage in tha…
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'I am withdrawing my application and employment': Employee has to recline for health reasons, gets shamed on the first day, quits immediately

'I am withdrawing my application and employment': Employee has to recline for health reasons, gets shamed on the first day, quits immediately

Imagine the thrill of getting hired at a new company only to be shamed on the very first day for having to recline a certain way because of health issues. This Redditor had a known disability that required them to recline on the job, but given their role and several years of experience in the field, it really should not have been an issue. Her seating position had absolutely no effect on the job she was performing, but of course, in the eyes of her traditionally-minded boss, her appearance came…
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'I got written up': Bank teller calls out coworker for not helping out, gets fired, but gets payback years later

'I got written up': Bank teller calls out coworker for not helping out, gets fired, but gets payback years later

Sometimes, the opportunity for getting payback on your awful coworker does not arise until many years down the road. In this case, Jessica (said awful coworker) got this Redditor fired after they had called her out for doing nothing on the job. Of course, the wrong person was punished and everyone secretly knew this, especially the Redditor. However, while it seemed that the story ended badly for them, the opportunity for payback arrived years later when OP found themselves at a bank where they…
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'One guy [complained] that his coworker was mimicking his get up [...] said that it's identity theft': 20+ ridiculous complaints as told by HR

'One guy [complained] that his coworker was mimicking his get up [...] said that it's identity theft': 20+ ridiculous complaints as told by HR

HR might not be your friend, but they can certainly hear and see everything. Let's take a moment to consider the good HR reps out there and to think about all the unnecessary drama they have witnessed. Most of these folks do not take any pleasure in cleaning up everyone else's mess. Sometimes, these messes can be a result of tension among coworkers; other times, they can be physical messes. These ridiculous and cringeworthy stories have been compiled from this r/AskReddit thread, and they certa…
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'She HAD to maintain her dominance in the workplace': Office tyrant tries to sweep her own mistakes under the rug, her team gets her fired

'She HAD to maintain her dominance in the workplace': Office tyrant tries to sweep her own mistakes under the rug, her team gets her fired

People on power trips are just asking to make enemies in the workplace. Nine times out of ten, it is almost always easier to just be kind. To those of you who have previously fallen privy to the psychological effects of being in a position of power within the workplace hierarchy, do not doubt that everyone around you knows that you're in charge. There is no need to assert your authority any further when everyone already knows. It's not only redundant, but it's a waste of time, energy, and often…
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'No way José': Boss refuses to promote contracted employee of three years to full-time, fires him, then expects him to train replacements

'No way José': Boss refuses to promote contracted employee of three years to full-time, fires him, then expects him to train replacements

If they say they can't promote you or give you a raise but then they keep hiring full-time employees, it's time to get out of that toxic work environment. Because whether or not you're ready to admit this to yourself, the truth is they are never going to promote you, especially if you keep bringing it up and they keep doing next to nothing about it. If they were going to promote you, they would have done it already. Instead, they seem to want to squeeze as much underpaid labor out of you as the…
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'I ghosted a bad job offer': Candidate ghosts recruiter after getting offered $15K less per year, recruiter won't stop calling

'I ghosted a bad job offer': Candidate ghosts recruiter after getting offered $15K less per year, recruiter won't stop calling

There is nothing more frustrating in a job search than being dragged through an entire interview process only to be given a ridiculously low offer in the end. You would think this scenario could be avoided if the job candidate is transparent from the start about the kind of salary they are currently making and the kind of salary they would like to make in the new position. However, that is exactly what this Redditor did and they were still completely fooled by their recruiter. Of course, in thi…
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'If they figure it out, you're going to get fired': Employee with three managers does nothing at work for a decade, claiming his plate is always full

'If they figure it out, you're going to get fired': Employee with three managers does nothing at work for a decade, claiming his plate is always full

The fact that this employee has managed to pull off this arrangement for over a decade is a remarkable achievement for slackers everywhere. Seriously, if he continues to make this situation work out, this dude might retire nicely one day after collecting a paycheck for doing nothing for the majority of his professional life. That might not be everyone's dream. Heck, it might not even be my own. However, you have to hand it to this guy for coming this far. At this point, you may be wondering wha…
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'Sorry, we need the coverage so you'll need to come in': Sick employee forced to come into work by disorganized manager

'Sorry, we need the coverage so you'll need to come in': Sick employee forced to come into work by disorganized manager

Let's be clear: the reason why this employee had to come in was not because of their negligence but because of the manager's. It doesn't matter where you work, whether it's retail or for the government. If you get sick, as all human beings do once in a while, you should be entitled to a day off without repercussions of any kind. However, there are still some managers out there with backward moral standards who believe that rallying despite feeling sick is a greater display of strength. We shoul…
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'Boss wouldn't pay me the money I earned, so I had his company shut down': Plumber gets boss fined $50,000 after boss won't pay multiple paychecks

'Boss wouldn't pay me the money I earned, so I had his company shut down': Plumber gets toxic boss fined $50,000 after boss refuses to pay multiple paychecks

This boss was surprisingly candid about how he felt about his employee. All and it cost him was $50,000! Plumbers can make great money in their professions. It's one of those fields that will always be a necessity, since many people can't fix clogged pipes or water leakages on their own. This guy shared that they began working for a plumbing company near them, expecting to make a decent wage. But within a few months, they realized that their boss was paying them on commission, as well as just b…
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'We see EVERYTHING': 20+ bosses share what they see when their employees think no one's looking

'We see EVERYTHING': 20+ bosses share what they see when their employees think no one's looking

If you like to procrastinate at work, definitely be sure to check who's looking over your shoulder. Look, we all have to be honest with each other, bosses and employees included. We all need to take breaks at work. It's literally impossible to always be working. If you dare to think otherwise, you obviously aren't capable of recognizing that the quality of your work has likely suffered as a result of going non-stop for over eight hours a day. Now, for those of you who are able to procrastinate…
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'We took our sweet [...] time': Hospital manager cracks down on OT, overworked nurses find loophole

'We took our sweet [...] time': Hospital manager refuses to allow OT, overworked nurses find loophole

There's a special satisfaction that comes with finding a successful loophole to get around a silly workplace policy. Especially when it comes to getting paid fairly for all the work you do. Now, you know that nurses have to put up with a ton of nonsense on the job that makes saving lives more challenging than it already must be. However, this bureaucratic silliness sounds like way too much. This Redditor shared their story via this thread on Reddit's r/MaliciousCompliance subreddit, which detai…
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'We are going to make a custom cake to rub it in': Petty boss plans to mock employee on their last day, weighs options for how to get even

'We are going to make a custom cake to rub it in': Petty boss plans to mock employee on their last day, weighs options for how to get even

When numerous employees leave a company in a short amount of time, you would think the boss would decide to start being nice. Unfortunately, that would require having faith that bosses had enough self-awareness to know that they might be part of the problem. It goes back to the classic “if everyone else is crazy, you're the one who is insane” saying. But of course, we cannot expect the horrible bosses of the world to wake up from their deluded simulation of reality and realize that their experi…
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'You know what? Keep the schedule. I quit': Pizzeria manager cuts employee's hours because he took one break, employee stands up to him and quits

'You know what? Keep the schedule. I quit': Pizzeria manager cuts employee's hours because he took one break, employee stands up to him and quits

Most managers with an authority complex end up flexing their muscles when they absolutely have other tasks they should be prioritizing. Perhaps they understand that truth deep down, and as their coping mechanism, it's far easier for them to assert dominance over their employees rather than focus on what they're doing wrong as bosses and why things aren't running smoothly. That is certainly the case with this manager, who decided to cut an employee's hours significantly as a semi-punishment for…
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'My manager never spoke to me again after that incident': IT boss asks employee stop using operating system, causes clients lengthy delays

'My manager never spoke to me again after that incident': IT boss insists employee stop using operating system, causes clients lengthy delays

This boss made the company look silly in front of clients. That's what happens when bosses think they know better than everyone else! There should be at least one person in every office who knows what they're doing when it comes to computers. In bigger offices, there might be a whole branch of people who work in IT, while in others, it's just one dude named Joe who instructs you to turn your laptop off and then on again. No matter how big or small, business places across the globe would come to…
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