
'I gave a customer a severe allergic reaction': Top Tales From Your Server (July 1, 2023)

'I gave a customer a severe allergic reaction': Top Tales From Your Server (July 1, 2023)

'Ok, that CEO is a comic book villain': CEO brags about firing employee who had a family emergency, makes everyone pay $18 for his birthday party

'Ok, that CEO is a comic book villain': CEO brags about firing employee who had a family emergency, makes everyone pay $18 for his birthday party

'They demanded a formal letter of resignation': Employee quits using Shrek-themed design template, internet reacts

'They demanded a formal letter of resignation': Employee quits using Shrek-themed design template, internet reacts

'Just got passed up for a promotion': IT employee denied promotion by CEO because HR says he's part-time

'Just got passed up for a promotion': IT employee denied promotion by CEO because HR says he's part-time

'Noped out after two hours': 20 stories where folks quit their jobs as soon as possible

'Noped out after two hours': 20 stories where folks quit their jobs as soon as possible

satisfying-quitting-story toxic-manager i quit micro-manager r-antiwork toxic-boss quitting-story quitting-on-the-spot workplace micro-managing-boss - 21085445

'I am going to quit on the spot': Manager demands written essay documenting every second of employee's workday, gets 8-page paper and an on-the-spot resignation to follow (update)

'Oh that's it? [...] We can pay more than that': Boss tries to convince employee to stay by offering higher salary and trash talking new job

'Oh that's it? [...] We can pay more than that': Boss tries to convince employee to stay by offering higher salary and trash talking new job

'You can thank your insubordinates for this': Boss changes employee handbook to require 3 months notice after multiple employees leave at once

'You can thank your insubordinates for this': Boss changes employee handbook to require three months notice after multiple workers leave at once

'She was going to hire a 'professional'...': Boss refuses to stop cleaning computer until it's ruined because her method would 'really clean it out'

'She was going to hire a 'professional'...': Boss refuses to stop cleaning computer until it's ruined, because her method would 'really clean it out'

'I told you that your expectations were unrealistic': IT consultant fired after refusing to work OT on ridiculous project, gains leverage when negotiating exit terms

'I told you that your expectations were unrealistic': IT consultant fired after refusing to work OT on ridiculous project, gains leverage when negotiating exit terms

Update: 'So you lied to me:' HR denies raise promised to employee, employee gets back at HR by canceling furniture order for her office

Update: 'So you lied to me:' HR denies raise promised to employee, employee gets back at HR by canceling furniture order for her office

'Let me remind you of the advice you gave me': Top-selling employee gets even with boss

'Let me remind you of the advice you gave me': Top-selling employee throws boss's cold-hearted advice back in his face

'I want to be notified about EVERY single critical issue!': IT employee complies with demanding boss by overflowing his inbox

'I want to be notified about EVERY single critical issue!': IT employee complies with boss's demanding orders by overflowing his inbox

'One of us had to go': Boss pressures employee to leave because of jealous wife, employee goes to HR

'One of us had to go': Employee goes to HR after boss pressured her to leave because of his jealous wife

reddit memes fired job bad jobs askreddit toxic-job toxic-boss reddit thread Reddit - 20908293

'My 60-year-old mother was fired from her job for the most unethical reason:' Grandson stands up for fired grandmother

'It’s a lot of money for them to pay': Employee volunteers for expensive training course, only to leave the company not long after

'It’s a lot of money for them to pay': Employee volunteers for expensive training course, only to leave the company a few months later