

diet dieting FAIL doctor FAILS funny funny stories nutrition stories tifu fail stories - 25667077

Misguided guy claims to have eaten 400 Tic-Tacs a day and gained 40 lbs: '[I] didn't realize that Tic-Tacs weren't actually 0 calories'

There's something to be learned here about not taking things at face value and using a little common sense to draw a more logical conclusion. Often in life, things are simplified for us in order to cater to the lowest common denominator and, in the process, obfuscate the actual point of the information that was supposed to be communicated in the first place. An extreme example of this is our entire understanding of chemistry; we're taught from our days in middle school chem class—clear through…
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bank bank-teller money guy dude stranger pay payday cash treasure discovered sold sellers coincidence coin coins rare surprise reddit tifu

'It's worth A LOT more than $10': Spring cleaning turns profitable when a guy discovers a rare treasure in his childhood bedroom

It's spring cleaning season, which means it's time to dig through the treasures deep in your bedroom that haven't seen the light of day since your high school years. With the New Year's Eve glasses from the turn of the millennium on your face, you peep through the center 0's of ‘2000’ and shuffle through yearbooks, old costumes, and miscellaneous junk that you once thought held value. While most of it is probably overdue to be tossed in the trash, sometimes you can find some hidden treasures...
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work workplace employee employees audit costco working ceo job business company dressed clothes outfit dressing-nicely boyfriend girlfriend lunch reddit tifu

'Are we being audited? GUYS, LOOK BUSY': Well-dressed dude spooks his girlfriend's coworkers, causing a tizzy by looking wildly out-of-place

As someone who sports sweatpants and a hoodie for most of the year, I certainly don't have an aura of intimidating professionalism, but the guy in our next story realized how quickly our stylish social stigmas can derail a couple of employees.
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work workplace coworkers worker coworker employee employees manager managers boss supervisor love-letter love embarrassing tifu reddit boyfriend girlfriend mixup

Employee accidentally sends a steamy love letter to their boss instead of their girlfriend in a classic Valentine's Day mixup: 'I accidentally confessed my undying love'

The first, most embarrassing moment in every kid's life usually happens around middle school. You know, that moment that someone finds out about your crush and reveals it to the entire class? It's the first time your cheeks burn, your stomach drops, and you ever wish you could disappear into the floor. For those of us with a bleeding heart and a knack for making blunders in our love life, that feeling becomes all too familiar, but for the star of our next story, the searing shame of wearing his…
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spending automobile FAIL unfortunate cars unnecessary lol tifu reddit thread Reddit funny - 23082757

'I spent hundreds of unnecessary dollars in oil changes': Man finds out his car's odometer was set to kilometers instead of miles 7 years after he bought it

New fear unlocked. So, this man bought a used car about seven years ago. Everything checked out, the car ran great, and all of the paperwork was in order. The only peculiar thing he noticed was that he was putting "miles" on the car pretty fast, but he didn't think much of it because he drove a lot and took a lot of weekend trips. Fast forward SEVEN years when he took the car into the shop. After arguing with the technician about how many miles were on the car, the OP uncovered the truth.
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boss scammer workplace-stories employee toxic-workplace job work workplace scam tifu reddit thread Reddit - 23095557

'I realized that not only was I getting scammed, but I was also out $3,000': Newly hired employee discovers his job was a scam posing as a legitimate company

Have you ever been so deep in the job search that you started applying for anything and everything that slightly piqued your interest? Especially with those “easy apply” buttons on job boards. It makes it way too easy. Well, you might want to think twice before you hit the panic-applying stage. So, the OP was right there with us, exhausted by his job search. When he got his first offer, he couldn't be more ecstatic. In my opinion, everything he described about the company and the offer seemed p…
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Update: 'I give the notice to my boss before receiving the proposal': Employee quits job to provide 60 days notice, then prospective employer hesitates to hire them

Update: 'I give the notice to my boss before receiving the proposal': Employee quits job to provide 60 days notice, then prospective employer hesitates to hire them

This person quit their job due to a miscommunication. They thought they were about to be hired at a new place… only to realize the company didn't actually feel that certain about hiring them after all. There may come a time in your life where you despise your job so much that it's hard to go to work every day. When you start complaining about this to your friends and family, they'll eventually tell you to start looking for work elsewhere. Many people spend at least 40 hours per week on the job.…
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blind pizza ants bugs eating-bugs lunch gross disgusting reddit tifu funny story

'The pizza is CRAWLING with ants': Blind guy accidentally eats leftover pizza with a few extra toppings

In a lot of cultures it's super normal to eat bugs, however, in most Western societies, just the thought of having creepy crawlies on your plate gives people the heebie-jeebies. But if you didn't know you were eating bugs, would that make it better? Would the husky crunch of bug legs in your mouth be delicious or revolting? For a blind person, this is apparently a very real possibility.
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'I just sent that to my entire team': Employee photoshops boss's face on photo of his entire family as a joke, then accidentally sends it to the whole team

'I just sent that to my entire team': Employee photoshops boss's face on photo of his entire family as a joke, then accidentally sends it to the whole team

There are some people in this world who would save themselves a whole lot of embarrassment if they just didn't have phones. Today, we're talking about the technologically incompetent folks who accidentally send the wrong message to the wrong person. These are the people who accidentally spoil surprises or reveal their true feelings to the very person they are insulting. We feel that this is a relatively common phenomenon that we can discuss freely and openly, especially considering that yours t…
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Update: 'My manager replied, "Hey, we can all hear you"': Remote worker caught venting to girlfriend during call with boss

Update: 'My manager replied, "Hey, we can all hear you"': Remote worker caught venting to girlfriend during call with boss

“I thought I was muted,” this remote worker admitted.
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entitled parents funny stories funny-internet-stories tales-from-the-workplace workplace tifu funny Parenting Fail parents - 21597957

'An anonymous individual began stealing my sandwiches': Dude accidentally feeds sandwich stealing child a really spicy sandwich

Being taught not to steal other people's things is a really important lesson to learn at a young age. The older you are when you learn this lesson, the more serious the consequences. For instance, if you go around stealing other people's sandwiches at the age of 9 years old, it seems a suitable punishment that one of those sandwiches might end up being hotter than the blazes of the burning sun itself. I feel like this is the best result if your parents, mentors, and teachers have somehow failed…
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'I left a bad review': Company threatens to sue former employee, blasts their 'work ethic'

'I left a bad review': Company threatens to sue former employee, blasts their 'work ethic'

This person probably never imagined that a company would take their bad review so seriously. As a company, you rely heavily on your star rating . Lots of places maintain five stars, or sometimes four, but once your business has three stars or less, lots of people will avoid it just based off of that. After all, if enough people have had a negative experience at your restaurant or store, why would a customer bother going in there? Instead, they'd rather go to a place brimming with five star revi…
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'You can imagine how shocked I was': Bumbling buyer accidentally purchases 55 cows

'You can imagine how shocked I was': Bumbling buyer accidentally purchases 55 cows

Whatever you've managed to buy accidentally with your credit card, it's not worse than this guy's accidental purchase . Many people who accidentally buy stuff with a credit card are kids. Sometimes they accidentally buy thousands of dollars worth of in-game currency for video games, leaving their parents on the hook for a massive bill. However, for this soon-to-be cowboy or cowgirl, that's pennies compared to their purchase, and there's no one else to take the blame. They've been steered into d…
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family drama drama family FAILS family stories FAIL wonderful-family tifu family story - 20883205

'She then proceeded to confess': Highschool biology class implodes an entire family

When generations of a family are brought to their knees over a kid's biology assignment, it's pretty safe to say that the foundations of the family house of cards were a little bit shaky to begin with. This situation plays out pretty much exactly the same as Ned Stark pouring over the Baratheon lineage and realizing the thing that was right in front of everyone's noses... So, that's why Uncle Carl looks different to Aunt Suzy, who looks way different from Cousin John. It turns out they're the p…
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'Hope I still have a job tomorrow': Employee swears at boss on remote cal after thinking he was on mute

'Hope I still have a job tomorrow': Employee swears at boss on remote call after thinking he was on mute

Everyone has had that moment of panic on Zoom when you thought you were on mute but you weren't.
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'Well that's a pickle': Customer service rep puts driver on hold while pet cat is stuck inside locked car

'[They] lock you out of the car completely': Customer service rep puts driver on hold while pet cat is stuck inside locked car

Car sharing is a brilliant idea — you can rent out your car for others to use while you're not using the car yourself. As a car owner, you make some cash, and as a customer, you can drive a car that's already located near to you, without having to deal with a typical rental service. What could go wrong? It's just one of many new services run by apps in today's modern age. But since it is a rather new idea, there are still some kinks that need to be straightened out. Just check out the story of…
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