

Did you get that text? No? Well dive into some of the funniest and punniest texts you will ever see. Whether it's an SMS or a clever note, you'll get plenty of ideas how to make your passive aggressive intentions known, or relate to a terrible mistake. Either way, laughter will be had.

Employee lends coworker money, only for coworker to flood her with texts asking for more favors, employee blocks them in response: ‘No one in management will do anything’

Employee lends coworker money, only for coworker to flood her with texts asking for more favors, employee blocks them in response: ‘No one in management will do anything’

We've all made the mistake of lending money to someone we shouldn't have. Funnily enough, the best-case scenario when we lend a bad individual money, is that they simply never pay you back. The worst-case scenario is something like what happened to the employee here. This employee shared on Twitter a series of texts between her and a coworker after she made the mistake of lending that coworker some money. Instead of it being a simple interaction of the money and a simple ‘thank you', the entire…
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‘Cool, great start…’: Job candidate ghosts business owner after he sends them unhinged texts about the position and accuses them of being unprofessional

‘Cool, great start…’: Job candidate ghosts business owner after he sends them unhinged texts about the position and accuses them of being unprofessional

Your first interaction with the people you intend to work with says a lot about the workplace you are about to enter, and it should not be ignored, no matter how much you need a job. If you sense that a job, or more specifically, a manager, interacts with you in a matter that raises red flags, you should definitely reconsider your position there. Luckily, the person who wrote this Reddit post was in a position where they could say ‘no’ to the position they were being offered. After receiving a…
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'I am having counsel review the lease': Landlord denies sending former tenant their security deposit in full over their cat smell, tenant begins legal battle

'I am having counsel review the lease': Landlord denies sending former tenant their security deposit in full over their cat smell, tenant begins legal battle

There's nothing like a bitter landlord-tenant dispute to make you feel better about your living situation (if you can). The business of returning one's security deposit in full is almost always a stressful process. You may try your best to keep your apartment in perfect living condition, but things happen over time and your property management may be ruthless in their decision-making. Now, there are ways in which you can be lucky and get out of conflict. A friend of mine had tried their best to…
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'Consider this a warning [...] oops sorry, wrong person': Top 20+ baffling text messages and wrong numbers

'Consider this a warning [...] oops sorry, wrong person': Top 20+ baffling text messages and wrong numbers

Ironically, it turns our that texting can lead to some wild miscommunication… If you're a living, breathing human in 2024, you likely have an anecdote of your own that further proves this point. As for me, I cannot say that my text history has been all gone according to plan. I distinctly remember the terror I felt when I sent photos of a crush to that person and tried to cover it up to no avail. I remember texting an old friend who was visiting that I was dreading getting brunch with them, thi…
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'They want to paint me out to be the bad guy': Coffee shop "hyped up" new barista, then fires them via text

'They want to paint me out to be the bad guy': Coffee shop "hyped up" new barista, then fires them via text

This (former) coffee shop worker has had a confusing week as they switch jobs. It really shouldn't have been that difficult for them, but as they described it, their new bosses suddenly decided they “don't need you anymore.”
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Boss lays off entire staff over text: '[We have] decided to close our operations. Effective today'

Boss lays off entire staff over text: '[We have] decided to close our operations. Effective today'

Sometimes, abrupt decisions need to be made, but in this case, a heads-up would have been nice. The fact that the head honchos in this scenario decided to wait until all staff had gone home one night only to shut down the store indefinitely at 9:28 pm already signals the incompetence of management. But of course, it only gets worse. With absolutely no warning, this toxic boss decided to notify the entire staff via text message that everyone was getting let go. What gets us is the hypocrisy of p…
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'I texted my mom… Siri read it out loud': 30+ Awkward texts sent to the wrong person

'I texted my mom… Siri read it out loud': 30+ Awkward texts sent to the wrong person

‘I texted my mom… Siri read it out loud’
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christmas family drama gifts presents text message text grandma niece entitled family grandmother entitled people - 23854085

'That should be the end of Christmas presents for her': Niece reacts to grandmother's presents that 'aren't what I asked for'

This kiddo is all but guaranteed to wake up with coal in her stocking next Christmas. Every generation eventually finds themselves wondering about the kids these days. They're living out such a different version of childhood than the one you had while growing up. No matter which generation you're from, you probably spent it in entirely different ways than someone who's 20 or 30 years your senior. Older generations grew up in an era where you spent all day outside, and when televisions had three…
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reddit reddit-thread choosing-beggars beggars seeds garden flowers wild-flowers gardening gardening-fail story demands

'I'm not driving 250 miles to look at some soil': Gardener shares wildflower seeds with a fellow hobbyist, they demand an in-person follow up when the seeds don't grow

Gardening is a challenging, yet rewarding, hobby that some people were born to do. However, if you're as horticulturally hopeless as I am, you'd know that it's a gift to have a green thumb. Personally, I'm the kind of gal who accidentally kills every house plant that crosses the threshold of my home and I am certainly not a green-thumbed individual– but at least I know my limits when it comes to garden work!
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Update: 'My boss has not acknowledged my two-week notice': Boss won't talk to night shift worker about quitting up until their last day

Update: 'My boss has not acknowledged my two-week notice': Toxic boss avoids talking to night shift worker about quitting up until their last day

This boss is competing in the petty Olympics with the way she treated her employee during their final weeks at the job. One of the easiest ways to pinpoint if somewhere is a good place to work or not is to look at the employee turnover rates. That's easier said than done before you get a job. But when you start asking around and everyone seems to have started less than six months ago, the warning sirens in your head might start to go off. This person shares that at their previous place of emplo…
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'My coworker left his tooth on his desk again': 20 People who have the coworkers of nightmares

'My coworker left his tooth on his desk again': 20 People who have the coworkers of nightmares

When you work with someone for 40 hours per week, you get to know all their habits, whether you want to or not. You learn that one person likes to play music out loud, or that another person has a love of strong-smelling foods that leaves the break room smelling rank. Other people got too close with their coworkers , and suffered the consequences, like one person who's been begging their coworker to give them back the money they owe. Their coworker is posting their extravagant weekend plans all…
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15+ Texts People Should Not Have Sent

15+ Texts People Should Not Have Sent

We have all had a regrettable texting moment, haven’t we? It could have been an impulsive moment of passion, a complete mistake, or a total misread of the situation. While you sit there and pretend that this kind of thing has not happened to you, I’ll chime in and admit that it’s happened to me on multiple occasions. I once was on my way to brunch with an ex-friend I didn’t like and texted my other friends that I was fully not looking forward to it. Except I didn’t text my other friends that…I…
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'He 100% agreed': Employee gets even with boss who contacted him during paternity leave

'He 100% agreed': Employee snaps on boss who contacts him during family leave

“My boss was the kind of boss that every employee hates,” this employee wrote as they shared the tale of what happened when they tried to take family leave at a small company.
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'Thats not fair!!! I already told her she can have them': Entitled mother insists on free products, then she really escalates her demands

'Thats not fair!!! I already told her she can have them': Entitled mother insists on free products, then she really escalates her demands

Don't make promises to your kid that you can't keep! An entitled mom apparently had to figure that out as she navigated a text exchange with a stranger that quickly devolved into hilarity. As the OP explained, their dog had outgrown a couple of harnesses . They decided to just give them away to a good home, and soon they were texting with at least two people who wanted the dog products. However, as the OP shared, it wasn't all smooth sailing due to this entitled mom's demanding behavior . She c…
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'I will throw him in the pool tomorrow at 1. If something happens to him you are responsible': Rude entitled Aunty demands free swimming lessons for her son

'I will throw him in the pool tomorrow at 1. If something happens to him you are responsible': Rude entitled Aunty demands free swimming lessons for her son

One mom did not hold back while demanding swimming lessons for her son - for free.
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'Funniest wrong number text I've ever gotten': 25+ Failed text conversations that will make you facepalm

'Funniest wrong number text I've ever gotten': 25+ Failed text conversations that will make you facepalm

Texting is a must in these modern times — it's how basically everyone, from teens to the elderly, communicates with each other. That's probably why it's so funny when there are miscommunications over text. It happens a lot! And these fine folks posted their funniest texts online so that we can all share in the hilarity. One form of trolling that's pretty innocent and silly is people who get messages from wrong numbers and just run with it. They pretend to be the person the text was intended for…
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