
terrible coworkers

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'Now she gets work with my mom': Woman gets her mother to work with her terrible ex-coworker when her parents refuse to listen

It has often been said that the enemy of my enemy is my friend—and I'm not exactly sure how that's supposed to all workout. Sure, they might not like the person you also don't like, but that doesn't necessarily mean that you guys are going to be all buddy-buddy, either. With your prickly and challenging personalities, it's more likely that the three of you will all be enemies together and carry on feuding perpetually like those three brothers after they offed their ginormous-jerk parents. Speak…
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'I’m not clocked in yet': Coworker tries to use employee who always shows up early, boss takes coworker's side, employee maliciously complies

'I’m not clocked in yet': Coworker tries to use employee, boss takes coworker's side, employee maliciously complies

Early morning routines are sacred, and when a coworker tries to intervene, tensions can rise.
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'They stole my bosses wallet on camera': 20+ Employees who got fired as fast as possible

'They stole my boss's wallet on camera': 20+ Employees who got fired as fast as possible

Getting a new coworker at your job is always interesting. Some people you immediately click with, others you don't, but either way, you're going to get to know them as you begin to work together. Unless you're these folks, that is. These employees shared stories of their coworkers who got fired as fast as possible, and in some cases, before they could even get their hiring paperwork filed. That's truly impressive! And it doesn't even seem to be that uncommon. You learn this is especially true f…
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'Lou was let go': Coworker gets fired, comes back to beg for free food and steal tips, gets banned

'Lou was let go': Coworker gets fired, comes back to beg for free food and steal tips, gets banned

Going back to an old job is always awkward, especially when you were fired from that job and especially when you go back to beg for free things—and especially when you go back to try and steal from your ex-coworkers' tip jar. Like, this guy actually managed to get himself demoted from line cook to customer and then managed to get himself demoted further from being a customer too. Lou really sucks, and is a In the end, it's incredibly fitting since you can't spell “lousy coworker” without “Lou.”
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'No money, no food': Employee refuses to indulge mooching coworker, tells him to pay for his own lunch, boss gets involved

'No money, no food': Employee refuses to indulge mooching coworker, tells him to pay for his own lunch, boss gets involved

In every office, there is that one coworker who mooches.
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'There was zero cooperation': Employees team up to make coworker lose important client

'There was zero cooperation': Employees team up to make coworker lose important client

Office camaraderie is never stronger when you're pitted against an annoying coworker or boss . It really brings people together to know that you're both subject to the whims of a jerk who you can't do anything about. There are certainly better ways to build team camaraderie , but you work with what you have. This malicious compliance story comes from u/flavius_lacivious, who worked at a manufacturing plant in the shipping and receiving department . Unfortunately for them, they were surrounded b…
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'Chill out': Boss gives overachieving employee a warning for working too hard

'Chill out': Boss gives overachieving employee a warning for working too hard

Does anyone else totally wish they had this guy as their boss?
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'GM [threw] his keys in the deep fryer': 10+ work stories where coworkers completely lost it

'GM [threw] his keys in the deep fryer': 10+ work stories where coworkers completely lost it

The only thing more entertaining than watching someone quit is watching them quit in glorious fashion.
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'I took [my] coworker's parking spot': Coworker complains about employee's lateness, employee gets back at him by taking his precious parking spot

'I took [my] coworker's parking spot': Coworker complains about employee's lateness, employee gets back at him by taking his precious parking spot

That coworker is going to regret being so vocal about this employee's tardiness.
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‘My coworker already sees me as his girlfriend’: Woman deals with a colleague who’s moving too fast

This woman should avoid her coworker's advances like the plague!
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20 Workplace memes for sleepy employees who are watching the clock

20 Workplace memes for sleepy employees who are watching the clock

If you're sleepy right this very moment, we get it. Work is tiring , and yet it's something most people do at least five days a week. The best way to make a work day pass by is having your favorite coworkers or managers around. If they aren't there, who's going to talk about movies or that one place you visited over the weekend or answer your silliest hypothetical questions? Without your work besties, you'd have to like, actually do the job you're paid to do . Boring! Have you ever fallen aslee…
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'My intern [is] benefitting from pretty privilege': Employee gets in tense interaction with intern after discovering office secret

'My intern [is] benefitting from pretty privilege': Jealous employee gets into tense argument with intern after discovering office secret

There's definitely a right and wrong way when it comes to handling these kinds of office revelations. This employee definitely did not handle this well.
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'She demanded I hire her': Manager's old company calls begging him to hire his useless ex-coworker to get her off their hands

Imagine having a coworker so terrible that when you get a new management role and poach the members of your old team, your old HR manager actually gets mad at you for not poaching the awful one. That's a scenario that boggles the mind so completely it's hard to imagine this scenario actually playing out in real life. Yet, that's exactly what his manager reported experiencing in a story that they shared on Reddit. In their account of events, they tell how—a few months after leaving their old job…
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'Nobody knew what to do': Dude gets fired for harassment, uses job as a reference anyways

'Nobody knew what to do': Dude gets fired for harassment, uses job as a reference anyways

If you were ever to get dismissed from a role for a serious infraction, it would be common sense never to use that role as a reference—yet, doing so speaks to the delusional fantasy world you must live in that got you into trouble in the first place. Whilst working as a retail manager, there was one person I ever had to fire for misconduct. Surprisingly, when that person then applied to our competitor months later, they used me as a reference… without giving me as much as a warning first. My re…
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'Microwaving old fish meals': 20+ annoying coworkers and their strange habits

'Microwaving old fish meals': 20+ annoying coworkers and their strange habits

There's a silent code of conduct people should have with their neighboring coworkers, and when someone breaks that code of conduct, things are bound to become toxic very quickly. Surprisingly enough, there are countless ways in which coworkers can break said code of conduct. Just check out this r/AskReddit thread for your reference. Some of these coworkers should not only be fired for their behavior, but also they should be barred from ever being able to walk into a collaborative work environme…
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'The entire project came crashing down': Coworkers get put in their place when woman stops doing their work

'The entire project came crashing down': Coworkers get put in their place when woman stops doing their work

Of all the many frustrating experiences that are waiting for you when you arrive at work, there is arguably none greater than a coworker who refuses to pull their weight. Without fail, their dragging of the chain will hold back the rest of their team, who will have to pick up the slack if they have any hopes of keeping projects on track and hitting KPIs—keeping the ever-watchful roving eye of management looking elsewhere and the team's heads off the chopping block. Still, after weeks, months—ye…
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