terrible coworkers

coworkers workplace coworker workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace Tech tech support technical difficulties tales from tech support

Coworker complains about tech support worker getting credit for their unfinished jobs, forced to finish them himself: 'So now, he’s doing twice, sometimes 3 times the work, all because he wanted full credit for partial results'

Petty boss refuses employee's request for paid sick leave, then fires the employee when she puts in her 5-week resignation

Petty boss refuses employee's request for paid sick leave, then fires employee when she puts in her 5-week resignation notice: ‘At this point I’ve had enough’

'So what's for lunch?': Coworker won't stop mooching off of employee's lunch, refusing to eat anything else

'So what's for lunch?': Coworker won't stop mooching off of employee's lunch, refusing to eat anything else

terrible coworkers Food Thief dogs employee job work coworkers breakroom petty revenge lunch Office karma - 37886981

Office food thief steals coworker’s food for 6 months, learns the hard way it's been dog food all along: 'Their hair does seem shinier'

 terrible coworkers boss workplace-stories jobs employee work stories job lawyer laws bosses work coworkers working employees workplace coworker

Update: Coworkers join forces to confront paralegal who blocks doors when he sees women approach: 'HR won’t do anything'

workplace coworkers coworker terrible coworkers workplace-stories toxic-workplace in the workplace workplace discussion tales-from-the-workplace workplace-story dogs dog owners

Coworkers stealing food from break room fridge for 6 months learn they've been eating gorumet dog food the entire time: '[They] gave me horrified looks'

terrible coworkers workplace-stories jobs malicious employee toxic-workplace job malicious compliance bad jobs work malicious-compliance-reddit reddit story horrible-management employees entitled people karma overworked-employees workplace Horrible Bosses reddit thread malicious compliance reddit entitled people compliance toxic-work-environment - 37850117

Micromanager demands employee rush through a major inventory check, employee outs her when $1K+ of inventory is missing from the books and scores a bonus as a result

Employee gets written up by HR for posting about disliking Mondays on personal social media account: 'Someone in the office is creeping on my social media'

Employee gets written up by HR for posting about disliking Mondays on personal social media account: 'Someone in the office is creeping on my social media'

aita reddit thread reddit story etiquette Relationships dating Online dating girlfriend girlfriends ex girlfriend relationship-drama relationship advice coworkers coworker terrible coworkers boss workplace workplace-stories

'He crossed a line': 30-year-old boyfriend answers call from 28-year-old girlfriend's boss and tells him that she's "too busy relaxing to talk"

28-year-old employee flirts with supposedly single 40-year-old coworker, turns out she's been married for 16 years: 'She was lying about being single'

28-year-old employee flirts with supposedly single 40-year-old coworker, turns out she's been married for 16 years: 'She was lying about being single'

Man refuses to hire employee because he ‘asked too many questions’ at their previous workplace, so employee returns the favor 9 months later and leaves man jobless

Man is left jobless when scorned ex-employee refuses to hire him after receiving the same treatment 9 months prior: ‘HE is now redundant’

'My coworker has it out for me': 29-year-old bartender on closing shift gets back at work enemy by making her opening shift the next day more difficult

'My coworker has it out for me': 29-year-old bartender on closing shift gets back at work enemy by making her opening shift the next day more difficult

 boss workplace-stories jobs job bosses work coworkers workplace quitting quitting work satisfying quitting story quitting story quit i quit coworker terrible coworkers employee employees working work stories

'No one else can or will do my job... and I'm about to quit with no notice': 15+ Employees who had the pettiest ways of getting back at their bosses

'I wasn't going to sign something that wasn't my fault': Micromanager tries to shame barista for leaving work due to family emergency despite advanced warning

'I wasn't going to sign something that wasn't my fault': Micromanager tries to shame barista for leaving work due to family emergency despite advanced warning

work workplace employment Job Jobs workplace discussion in the workplace employment issues antiwork Horrible Bosses workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job employee employees overworked-employees coworkers coworker terrible coworkers

Slothful coworker demands employee's bonus claiming that she deserves it more, gets 3-week suspension: '[She] is going around the office calling me “selfish” and “greedy”'

'If I leave, I'll never set foot in this store again': 17-year-old server reprimanded by coworker for helping out per manager's request, refuses to finish final two weeks

'If I leave, I'll never set foot in this store again': 17-year-old server reprimanded by coworker for helping out per manager's request, refuses to finish final two weeks