

soiled daughter wants money for trip, gets denied

Dude Wants Partner To Foot The $30K Bill For His Spoiled Daughter's Trip, Gets Denied

Screw that.
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funny marriage tweets

Marriage Tweets To Amuse Married People And Scare Single People

It's a commitment.
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Karen boss tells nanny she's abandoning her kids by going to her sister's wedding

Karen Boss Insists Nanny Is Selfish For Taking Time Off To Attend Sister's Wedding

Good one, lady.
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funny not my job moments

Not My Job Moments Of Unprofessional Absurdity

Close enough.
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funny design fails

Weird And Bad Design Failures That Could Have Gone Better

Maybe give the taco another shot.
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boss 3 months notice email

Pathetic Boss's Email Demanding 3 Months Notice Is Laughably Insane, Motivates More To Quit

Yeah, that'll keep people around.
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boss tries to punish employee for working hard, he quits

IT Guy Gets Punished For Working Too Hard, Quits On The Spot

What a management style.
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rare insults

Rare Insults That Left People Uniquely Destroyed

Haven't heard that one before.
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funny stupid things people heard someone say

The Dumbest Things People Have Heard Another Human Being Say

"It's french. La va."
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customer won't respond to water guy, gets 800 gallons of water in living room

Customer Refuses To Acknowledge Water Guy's Concerns, Gets House Flooded

"As per my email."
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funny kids being weird and stupid

Moments That Show Kids Are The Weirdest And Stupidest People Of All

What's their deal?
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out of touch things people said

The Most Absurdly Out Of Touch Things People Have Heard

It’s one banana, Michael. What could it cost, $10?
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funny design fails

Stupid Design Fails That Made Things More Complicated Than They Needed To Be

Maybe choose a different font.
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funny stupid things people said

Terrifically Stupid Things People Have Heard Someone Say

It's just nonstop.
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spelling mistakes

Spelling Failures That Shouldn't Even Have Been Written Down

Speeling is hard.
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funny broken signs

Busted Signs That Gave Themselves Hilarious New Meaning

Become something else.
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