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Train conductor uses impressive investigative skills to bust a passenger | tweet by comedylopez Witnessed most amazing thing on train Edinburgh yesterday guy boarded Wigan sat opposite He went sleep an hour he woke up he bought sandwich, ate went back sleep This isn't maths test don't need know distance/ speed Later train guard is walking through, checking tickets, and gently wakes guy Can see ticket, please Oh need buy ticket Where going, pal guy glances at his phone Edinburgh Where did get on

Train Conductor Uses Masterful Investigative Skills

Talk about one wild ride!
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An entitled influencer asks someone for $300 worth of jewelry | Hey! l'd like talk about jewelry? accepted request Awesome! Hey can do

Influencer With 400 Followers Asks Artist For $300 Worth Of Jewelry

The entitlement is overwhelming.
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A collection of dumb questions that introverts somehow end up getting asked | tweet by AprilLloyd90 Them phone is ringing don't recognise number, and am not expecting call Them So why don't answer and find out StupidQuestionsForlntroverts

Painfully Dumb Questions That Introverts Are Asked

Enough with the dumb questions!
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A collection of funny tweets | tweet by notthenanny Current Status: Helping my kid look her Milky Way bar ate couple hours ago

A Collection Of Slightly Entertaining Tweets

Nothing like some good humored tweets to fuel your afternoon grind.
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A collection of creative and absolutely brutal insults from various people on social media | posted by graystripe: once 4th grade this guy got 2% on his math quiz so everyone called him milk rest year

Creative And Brutal Insults That Were Max Savage

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A funny Twitter exchange with the WeRateDogs account. | Brant @brant 47m @dog_rates rating system sucks. Just change name CuteDogs WeRateDogsTM @dog_rates @brant Why are so mad Bront 43m 2 Brant @brant 42m @dog_rates well give every dog 11s and 12s doesn't even make any sense. WeRateDogsTM @dog_rates @brant they're good dogs Brent 9/12/16, 2:05 PM 5 LIKES

WeRateDogs Twitter Exchange Comes Full Circle

A true fairytale ending.
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Man orders boxes online, and ends up repeatedly getting granola. | dave meslin @meslin 1. Three weeks ago ordered box boxes PkgWholesalers, via @amazonca. Specifically ordered package 25 boxes, each 6x9x6: Tweet übersetzen Packaging Wholesalers 9x6x6-Inch Shipping Boxes, 25-Count (BS090606)

Man Orders Boxes, Repeatedly Gets Granola

Absolute comedy gold.
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A collection of people's worst excuses for cheating on their partners. | mar @xxhappycamper Replying that1mum He superliked my bff on tinder (didn't know she my friend) and messaged her. Then confronted him he said someone hacked him updated his current location bio current said did happen? Response don't know these hackers work Marissa

Twitter Thread: People's Worst Excuses For Cheating

Cheaters never come out on top.
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Twitter user breaks down what the beauty of Totwaffles is. | Ada Powers @mspowahs Totwaffles are special they are among elite order foods which sound almost, but not quite, like colloquial anatomical vulgarism. This alone may be nourishment dark times are encouraged lean into this fact as much as feels right 11:26 AM 3/19/20 Twitter Web App

Twitter Thread: The Legendary Creation That Is Totwaffles

They're even better than they sound.
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A collection of times that people got destroyed online | nathanwpyle Then again country doesn't use metric system is only one have landed men on moon, so D 6 16 13h About NASA uses lo gical system and only time someone tried use Imperial space they ended up crashing Mars.

Times The Written Word Crushed People Online

Never underestimate the power of the written word!
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A collection of entertaining and funny moments from various people that use Tumblr | graynard talking my infant son like im youtuber looking4myson Whats up baby. Father here bringing another spoonful Gerber ham and gravy baby food

Entertaining Nuggets Of Comedy Gold From Tumblr

Tumblr never fails to keep us on the edge of our seats.
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A collection of funny tweets from people on Scottish Twitter | tweet by Andykerr_ Dae u ever git smell u can only describe as ootside like someone comes house outside n ur like u smell ootside'

Funnies From The World Of Scottish Twitter

Scottish Twitter never lets us down!
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A collection of Twitter replies to people sharing their ugly Christmas sweaters. Christmas sweater made of colorful wigs with the wording hairy Christmas written across the back

Ugly Christmas Sweaters That Are Total Winners

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Chipotle educates a vegetarian who thinks that chorizo isn't meat, on Twitter | been vegetarian since age 12 just had chorizo and 's so good! Texture and flavor is exactly like real meat! ChipotleTweets Do mean Sofritas? Chorizo is meat Becky

Chipotle Educates Vegetarian On Twitter

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Guy's Twitter thread about his experience with dog following him around in Skyrim is perfect representation of the game. | Patrick Lenton @PatrickLenton worst part Skyrim found dog whose owner died cabin, and then course had adopt dog bc not monster 9:34 PM 04 Apr 16 TweetDeck 8,121 Retweets 24.9K Likes Patrick Lent O· 04 Apr 16 v Replying PatrickLenton @PatrickLenton and fucking love this dog, but wondering around trying solve quests and save world and junk, but this good dog

Guy Shares Hilarious Story About His Skyrim Adventures

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Woman tells hilarious story about a Pomeranian dog in funny Twitter thread | Text - Merry Priest (rhymes with Cherie Priest) @cmpriest Things overheard whilst a zippy Pomeranian named "Chunk" escaped his yard and chased after me while I walked Greyson and Lucy this morning. A thread:

Woman On Twitter Tells Hilarious Story Of Runaway Pomeranian

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