
'Am I stupid or just confused?': Funniest idiotic Memes for People Who Aren't the Brightest Crayon in the Box

'Am I stupid or just confused?': Funniest Idiotic Memes for People Who Aren't the Brightest Crayon in the Box

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Funniest Immature Memes for People Who Have the Humor Threshold of a 5th Grader

Major Dating App Fail Memes That Tickled Our Fancy This Week

Major Dating App Fail Memes That Tickled Our Fancy This Week

'I don't even really like pancakes that much': Man Forced to Spend 24 Hours in a Diner and Eat as Many Pancakes as Possible

'I don't even really like pancakes that much': Man Forced to Spend 24 Hours in a Diner and Eat as Many Pancakes as Possible

Painfully Idiotic Memes to Remind You That Confidence Doesn't Always Equate to Intelligence

Painfully Idiotic Memes to Remind You That Confidence Doesn't Always Equate to Intelligence

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Money Memes for the Financially Challenged

Photographer Photoshops Out Woman's Breasts From Family Photo for Some Inexplicable Reason, an Interesting Choice

Photographer Photoshops Out Woman's Breasts From Family Photo for Some Inexplicable Reason, an Interesting Choice

Man Reenacts the Awkward Behavior of That One Remote Coworker Who Visits the Office Once in a Blue Moon

Man Reenacts the Awkward Behavior of That One Remote Coworker Who Visits the Office Once in a Blue Moon

Lady Realistically Portrays How That One Co-worker Acts When They Come In on Their Day Off

Lady Realistically Portrays How That One Co-worker Acts When They Come In on Their Day Off

Dude Trolls Loud Upstairs Neighbors by Connecting to Their Speaker and Blasting His ‘Original Music’ on It, Sends a Clear Message

Dude Trolls Loud Upstairs Neighbors by Connecting to Their Speaker and Blasting His ‘Original Music’ on It, Sends a Clear Message

Woman Vows to Send Increasingly Weird Sign-Offs on Emails to her Boss until he Notices

Woman Vows to Send Increasingly Weird Sign-Offs on Emails to Her Boss Until He Notices

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