

Men Are So Weird

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Via Tongue181

But Son, You Can Have Both

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Via Dark_Vulture83

Looks Nice, But Does it Provide Any Support?

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Via Izismile

I Don't Think He'll Respond to This Signal

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Via theCHIVE
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He Promised He Would Shave His Beard for Grandma's 100th Birthday, and Guess What Day it is?

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How do You Shave? You Don't.

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We Call it "The Loneliness Chimera"

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Via Acid Cow

DAYUM Sasquatch

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Via google

A True Fan

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They're Finally Even!

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For Poison Ivy, It's a Bit of a Jungle Down There

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Via I Am ARG

You Never Know When IT is Going to Get Sexy

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Half of a Shave Job

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Via Reddit

I Hate Turning into an Infant Right Before a Night on the Town

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This is Why Dudes Don't Shave

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