
workplace, toxic, toxic work environment, work sucks, labor shortage, servers, restaurant, florida, hypocrite, ppp, welfare, government, handouts, pay, work

'And they think $7.25 an hour is a living wage': Local Florida restaurant hypocritically roasts people who take 'government handouts', while blatantly advertising their toxic work culture

‘Don’t You Know Who I Am?’ : Entitled Rich/Famous Customers Who Are Total Karens to Servers and Tip Horribly

‘Don’t You Know Who I Am?’ : Entitled Rich/Famous Customers Who Are Total Karens to Servers and Tip Horribly

'Oh buddy': Entitled idiot insists on ordering for girlfriend's entire family, gets served by waiter

'Oh buddy': Entitled idiot insists on ordering for girlfriend's entire family, gets served by waiter

'They hadn't paid yet': Hollandaise hating Karens try to dine and dash over eggs Benedict brouhaha

'They hadn't paid yet': Hollandaise hating Karens try to dine and dash over eggs Benedict brouhaha

Dyed my hair blue so boss would stop blaming me for hair in customer's food

'I dyed my hair blue': Boss repeatedly blames woman for hair in food, so she dyes it

$2.13 an hour. No wonder they're looking for help.

'Is this even legal': Job advertisement for server in USA the sparks international debate online over outrageously low wage

life hack work in a restaurant bw the ages of 18 and 24 | not a joke

Twitter Thread: Server sparks debate and discussion around the life lessons and experience that comes with working in the Service Industry

"Every bloody morning I put our outside tables and chairs out 20 mins before we open. Every single day when I'm lugging the first couple of heavy ass tables out into the street, I inevitably get someone asking if we're open yet. Well obviously not since I'm still setting up, but whatever."

'Every. F-ing. Morning.': Service industry worker goes off on impassioned rant about when customers try to push inside early

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'So, this is bread?': Waiter recounts mind-melting tale of serving group who exist within their own reality

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16 Small Things People Can Do to Look Like a Selfish Jackass

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Now That's How You Cool Servers!

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Cooling the Servers Was on my Bucket List

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We couldn't afford a tree this year, so we stripped all the old servers down instead

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Data Center Cooling, The Dexter Way

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Learn How to Read Chinese in 10 Seconds

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Servers Will Be Tipped in Laughter