

'You're doing thousands of pounds worth of damage': School caretaker leaves hundreds of visitors waiting after being told he's not allowed to open the gate manually

'You're doing thousands of pounds worth of damage': School caretaker leaves hundreds of visitors waiting after being told he's not allowed to open the gate manually

This caretaker had to wield that phrase that should be a warning to any boss: “Can I have that in writing, please?” As an employer, that should immediately make you do a double take. It should make you think, “Hmm, why does my employee want to document this order?” Perhaps they've already had some reservations about it, or they see something you've missed. No matter, though, because that type of boss dislikes listening to employees. They think that they're superior in their role, and that their…
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'Exam time starts and I whip out my 3D glasses': Determined student creates masterful workaround for teacher's test-taking rule

Admittedly, this is probably the coolest way you could cheat on a test . It's certainly out of the ordinary! Students are endlessly inventive when it comes to their schoolwork. These days, kids are using the internet to guide them to the right answers and to write the perfect papers for them. But before that, they had to get creative with just a pen and paper. U/Sarcastic_Otter had a high school teacher back in the 1980s who was kind enough to let students bring a 3x5 notecard full of notes to…
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Teacher gets back at principal for having to give a speech to the student body, ends up giving a 90-minute diatribe: 'You wanted me to do the speech, deal with it'

Teacher gets back at principal for having to give a speech to the student body, ends up giving a 90-minute diatribe: 'You wanted me to do the speech, deal with it'

Sometimes, the most rebellious folks in a school are the teachers. Here, we have one teacher who managed to successfully avoid a school tradition for over 30 years at the institution. That silly tradition involved a member of the faculty delivering a speech to the entire student body on significant historical dates. During said speech, the students were also forced to stand still in formation and in silence throughout the duration of the oration. This one teacher, whom the Redditor nicknamed Me…
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Student glues classroom door shut and locks teacher inside as payback for unfair treatment all semester: 'The fire department had to come to free him'

Student glues classroom door shut and locks teacher inside as payback for unfair treatment all semester: 'The fire department had to come to free him'

Everyone has that one teacher who gave them a hard time in high school. If life were a movie, there would be some sort of inspirational and emotional arc to that teacher where the two of you come to understand, appreciate, and respect one another. However, in reality, there usually isn't much of an arc at all. Most of the time, the two of you end the year still resenting one another. The only real ending is one of you leaving the school and no longer being a part of one another's lives. This th…
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Teacher maliciously complies with strict school dress code, wears ridiculous boots to work to prove a point: 'I am in compliance with the dress code'

Teacher maliciously complies with strict school dress code, wears ridiculous boots to work to prove a point: 'I am in compliance with the dress code'

Teachers already have to put up with so much nonsense at school. Giving them a hard time about what shoes they can wear is certainly crossing a boundary. This school's superintendent decided that the most important aspect of his job was enforcing the student and faculty dress code policy. For the faculty, that meant only dress shoes and boots unless there was a proven medical emergency. This teacher decided enough was enough and used some feet pain as his “medical emergency” and justification f…
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15+ awkward zoom calls for people who still don't know how to mute themselves: 'A colleague activated a filter that turned them into a potato for the entire team meeting'

15+ awkward zoom calls for people who still don't know how to mute themselves: 'A colleague activated a filter that turned them into a potato for the entire team meeting'

Who hasn't had a paranoid thought during a Zoom call? Perhaps you're wondering if you really are on mute or if your screen is still being shared and someone saw that passive-aggressive text you sent about your boss. Perhaps this paranoia is legitimate because something like this actually happened to you. Over the past several years, we have all had to adjust to these remote calls, and some employees are just not built for it. This collection of Zoom mixups and mishaps ranges from workplace dram…
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Teacher makes student do corrections on essay despite no feedback, cue malicious compliance: 'I rewrote my entire essay... word for word... TWICE!'

Teacher makes student do essay corrections despite no feedback, cue malicious compliance: 'I rewrote my entire essay... word for word... TWICE!'

If a teacher is unwilling to give their student feedback, why should the student have to put in any effort? Clearly, this terrible educator had it out for this student despite the fact that he had been completing all of his assignments on time and to the best of his ability. When he received his essay back, he got a D with absolutely no explanation. Meanwhile, every other student in the class was given specific comments and instructions for their required revisions. The student even asked his t…
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Update: 'I've already started packing': School worker refuses to be substitute teacher, boss demands they comply

Update: 'I've already started packing': School worker refuses to be substitute teacher, boss demands they comply

We all know that teachers these days are under a lot of pressure, and it turns out that pressure extends even to other school staffers. Like this person, for example. U/hhhhhhd5 is literally not even a teacher, and yet their boss keeps trying to get them to substitute teach for absent teachers! After that, this contract worker was told to “Just do the important things and let the small stuff slide,” but soon after, they were fired!
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'At the age of 11 I received a speeding ticket... on my bike': 20+ Nonsensical reasons people got in big trouble

'At the age of 11 I received a speeding ticket... on my bike': 20+ Nonsensical reasons people got in big trouble

I think everyone has at least one time they got in trouble for reasons that completely baffled them. As a kid, you put a lot of trust and faith in your teachers and parents . So when your favorite third-grade teacher suddenly punishes an 8-year-old you for doing something ordinary, it's quite confusing. It startles you and makes you question authority. Although the reasons make no sense to the kids involved, maybe the adults in the room are just having a bad day. Especially when the person is a…
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‘The money better be back by the time I'm home': Housemate refuses to let broke roommate get away with taking $1,000 from his room while he was out

‘The money better be back by the time I'm home': Housemate refuses to let broke roommate get away with taking $1,000 from his room while he was out

Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. This housemate was in for a rude awakening when they arrived home one day only to discover that a whopping $1,000 in cash was missing from his bedroom. The money was there, and now it wasn't… living with a roommate, he only had one suspect to confront. This roommate was a real pain and was constantly complaining to him and creating 'boundaries'. Funny, isn't there such a boundary that is protected by the law called 'stealing'? People are wild. Th…
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'I can't wait to never see her again': Principal demands school teacher provide a doctor's note for 1 sick day despite being 17 days absent herself, teacher quits

'I can't wait to never see her again': Principal demands school teacher provide a doctor's note for 1 sick day despite being 17 days absent herself, teacher quits

Working as an educator is difficult. Rowdy kids, long hours, and meh pay all add to a common feeling of discontentment among teachers. They really aren't paid enough to deal with everything they're putting up with. One teacher described their experience with their new school principal who really had it out for them, for no apparent reason. It might be worth mentioning that the teacher works in special education, teaching kids who have learning disabilities… so it's sad that the principal's trea…
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'The school doesn't have a problem with it, neither should you': Young mother told to stay out of kids' school park so a woman can use it for her dog instead, her son cries all the way home

'The school doesn't have a problem with it, neither should you': Young mother told to stay out of kids' school park so a woman can use it for her dog instead, her son cries all the way home

People who believe that they own public spaces should be fined. A pregnant lady lived near a school that had a perfect playground for her young son. However, the park was only open when school was out. So one Sunday afternoon, after school hours, she got dressed, packed her kid in her stroller, and began waddling to the park, thinking how much she would like to take a seat due to pregnancy pains. Looking forward to some rest, she got to the gate and went to open it when she noticed some coats s…
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‘I won’t walk 3 miles, forget it': Teenager leaves brother stranded for 3 hours after his exam, pocketing the money their mother gave him to get home

‘I won’t walk 3 miles, forget it': Teenager leaves brother stranded for 3 hours after his exam, pocketing the money their mother gave him to get home

Being a teenager is bad enough when you don't have a sibling who thinks everyone should bow down to them. And on that note, this story is about sibling rivalry at its finest. One 15-year-old uploaded screenshots of a baffling conversation he had with his condescending sister who left him stranded for 3 hours at school after an exam he had. Apparently, their kindhearted mother had given his sister some money to use to get an Uber for him once he'd finished his exam. The money was meant for that,…
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Math teacher forced to use flawed software, maliciously complies with the help of her students: 'She had an army of eighth graders [...] send thousands of emails to the CEO'

Math teacher forced to use flawed software, maliciously complies with the help of her students: 'She had an army of eighth graders [...] send thousands of emails to the CEO'

Teachers have to put up with more in one class than what most folks have to put up with in their entire careers. As the child of a teacher, I can attest that it's far more than lesson planning, class time, and grading. It's also dealing with bureaucratic nonsense, entitled parents, difficult kids, and strange administrative policies that make absolutely no sense. In the case of this story, we are primarily dealing with the lattermost scenario. Here, we have an eighth-grade math teacher who was…
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28 Parenting Tweets to Share at the Dinner Table

28 Parenting Tweets to Share at the Dinner Table

Kids are something else. Imagine you're a parent (you probably are if you clicked on this post). It's 6:00 AM, and your kids are already battling each other outside their shared bathroom. They refuse to get ready together and lock one another out, causing chaos, as usual. You shuffle around, getting things ready, making breakfast, and occasionally pulling them apart. One kid hates their outfit, the other one hates you. It's just a typical morning. Their expressions are storm clouds of teenage r…
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'I never learned this, just fail me': 20+ AP test proctors who got the funniest papers to grade

Standardized testing is no fun for students, and yet every year, great importance is heaped upon these tests. It takes time away from actual learning, since teachers are forced to teach to the test instead of highlighting information they want their students to learn. No one really likes these tests, but many kids take AP tests get into colleges or to gain college credits. When I was in high school, our school introduced a new standardized test, even though we already had a few others we also n…
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