
16-year-old denied laptop access by teacher and told to take notes the 'old-fashioned' way, so he brings in a vintage typewriter: 'If the laptop was loud before, this thing was practically screaming!'

16-year-old denied laptop access by teacher and told to take notes the 'old-fashioned' way, so he brings in a vintage typewriter: 'If the laptop was loud before, this thing was practically screaming!'

Entitled mother throws tantrum after school assembly over which students were chosen to be volunteers in presentation: 'You didn’t pick either of [my] 2 daughters'

Entitled mother throws tantrum after school assembly over which students were chosen to be volunteers in presentation: 'You didn’t pick either of [my] 2 daughters'

Substitute teacher fails student on music assignment because of bias against sound clip, student makes sound clip play everywhere: 'She changed my grade [...] from a D to an A+'

Substitute teacher fails student on music assignment because of bias against sound clip, student makes sound clip play everywhere: 'She changed my grade [...] from a D to an A+'

 Teacher teaching teachers school High school kids teens classes Class gym gym class principal

High school teen gets back at demanding gym coach and school principal: 'A drop out looks bad... she starts back pedaling'

 school High school middle school elementary school kids teens kids these days classes Class iPhones phones technology

High school teens get creative with phone ban rules: 'If I replace every single component in the phone... is this still the same cell phone?'

school satisfying drama revenge petty prank payback karma entitled people police Drama - 39405317

'The simplest petty revenge is often the most satisfying': Pranksters try to scare middle schooler over text, she plays along and outsmarts them

Teacher refuses to call student by his real name and gives him detention, he comes back with proof: 'The look on her face was priceless'

Teacher refuses to call student by his real name and gives him detention, he comes back with proof: 'The look on her face was priceless'

Entitled lunch lady complains about janitor's cleaning method at school, janitor cleverly complies with her demands, leading to a mess in the cafeteria: ‘I'm just following orders’

Entitled lunch lady complains about janitor's cleaning method at school, janitor cleverly complies with her demands, leading to a mess in the cafeteria: ‘I'm just following orders’

Mom defends 13-year-old daughter in strongly worded email to terrible teacher: 'I'm sorry, but that is not a lesson I feel comfortable teaching my daughter'

Mom defends 13-year-old daughter in strongly worded email to terrible teacher: 'I'm sorry, but that is not a lesson I feel comfortable teaching my daughter'

Teacher forbids 17-year-old from talking about the weather, she gives him detention for a week: 'I have to write an essay about why what I said was wrong'

Teacher forbids 17-year-old from talking about the weather, she gives him detention for a week: 'I have to write an essay about why what I said was wrong'

Mom helps 17-year-old second-semester senior play hooky, maliciously complying with school's bogus absence policy: 'It was a solid 5 months of my mom messing with this woman'

Mom helps 17-year-old second-semester senior play hooky, maliciously complying with school's bogus absence policy: 'It was a solid 5 months of my mom messing with this woman'

Clever mom challenges school dress code policy via malicious compliance, gets the original shirts phased out: 'Admin was furious'

Clever mom challenges school dress code policy via malicious compliance, gets the original shirts phased out: 'Admin was furious'

 ask reddit teens class school elementary school kids classes teaching middle school learning teachers teacher kids these days high school

10+ Schoolkids whose teachers made mistakes and got parents involved: 'I got in trouble for picking up snow'

7th grader strikes deal with teacher after classmate does zero work on group project, sabotaging their school presentation: 'I got a 98% on the project, and [he] got a big, fat ZERO'

7th grader strikes deal with teacher after classmate does zero work on group project, sabotaging their school presentation: 'I got a 98% on the project, and [he] got a big, fat ZERO'

 opinion ask reddit gifts presents school funny stories work coworkers Secret Santa askreddit gift santa funny opinions

25+ Secret Santa recipients who wish they hadn't swapped presents: 'Bought someone $25 worth of chocolate... received a cabbage'

Parents stand up to school owner after beloved teacher gets fired without warning, owner refuses to supply reasonable explanation: ‘There were no toys on the shelves’

Parents stand up to school owner after beloved teacher gets fired without warning, owner refuses to supply reasonable explanation: ‘There were no toys on the shelves’

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