
 Teacher teaching teachers school High school kids teens classes Class learning papers writing malicious compliance malicious-compliance-reddit malicious compliance reddi

'He was notorious for not listening to students': Teacher uses "unspoken rule" to get back at students, one student involves parents and embarrasses teacher

‘Fine, keep the money’: School demands students pay deposits for laptops, then refuses to give the money back, leading students to keep the laptops for themselves as payback

‘Fine, keep the money’: School demands students pay deposits for laptops, then refuses to give the money back, leading students to keep the laptops for themselves as payback

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'Why do we need farmers when we have supermarkets?': 25+ Confused people who asked the dumbest questions

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'I decided to turn this setback into something positive': Employee gets fired without warning, goes back to school and dedicates his entire doctoral thesis to ex-boss out of spite

 opinion ask reddit teens class school university funny stories kids classes teaching learning papers teachers askreddit teacher funny writing college opinions

'I didn't send him an email reminding him homework was due': 20+ Clueless college kids who baffled the other students

 class school classes teaching learning teachers stories-about-kevin teacher writing kevin

'This pattern continued for the entire semester': College student refuses to visit professor during office hours, shows up at 5 AM and on weekends instead

'I told him to require a $200 deposit from those kids': School forces parent to invite the whole class to his daughter's birthday, he maliciously complies to keep the problem kids away

'I told him to require a $200 deposit from those kids': School forces parent to invite the whole class to his daughter's birthday, he maliciously complies to keep the problem kids away

'Call it quits before it gets too messy': New tutor denied promised hours and school district leading to impossible commute, quits before first day

'Call it quits before it gets too messy': New tutor denied promised hours and school district leading to impossible commute, quits before first day

Slacker student gets his when he is exposed for his non-participation in group project, professor is in on the plan

Straight-A student conspires with professor and group mate to expose slacker student's non-participation in major group project: ‘[This] is going to be fun’

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Mother goes on rampage after her iPad is stolen from her car during school pick-up, says it's the school's fault despite her having not locked her car off school premises

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'I put my foot down': Mother refuses to help 15-year-old daughter go on school trip after daughter continually forgets important things

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'One student recently pushed me to the limit of my stupidity tolerance': Professor declares this generation at an all-time low after recent conversation, and it’s hard to disagree

'You are a real pain on Fridays!': 20+ messy teacher moments for the back-to-school season

'You are a real pain on Fridays!': 20+ messy teacher moments for the back-to-school season

 rules opinion ask reddit boss workplace-stories school funny stories work askreddit workplace funny opinions

'No Oreos in the library': 20+ Ridiculous rules that make no sense at all

student maliciously complies with teacher's assistant's request to accurately predict questions student's will have, writes up 10 pages of joke questions

‘Teacher's assistant on a power trip’ expects student to predict exact questions his peers will ask during a lesson, student maliciously complies with 10 pages of hilarious wise-guy predictions

'My dad served my detention': Parents refuse to sign teenager's detention slip, tell administrators their kid "had 0 control" over the situation

'My dad served my detention': Parents refuse to sign teenager's detention slip, tell administrators their kid "had 0 control" over the situation