
'Revenge Is Best Served Cold' : Neighbor Get's What He Deserves After Repeatedly Destroying Siblings Snowman

'Revenge Is Best Served Cold' : Neighbor Get's What He Deserves After Repeatedly Destroying Siblings Snowman

Apparently booking a seat on a train is not a real booking if someone else decides to sit there.

'Loopholee becomes loopholer': Train passenger gets seat stolen, finds an extra petty loophole

'Fine, I'll Book My Own Table Then' : Petty Customer Claps Back At Hostess Who ‘Smiles Rudely’ at Him, Controversy Ensues in the Comments

'Fine, I'll Book My Own Table Then' : Petty Customer Claps Back At Hostess Who ‘Smiles Rudely’ at Him, Controversy Ensues In the Comments

'This was her big mistake, her address was on the check': Cashier gets petty revenge on an entitled Karen, orders her a lifetime of magazine subscriptions as vengeance

'This was her big mistake, her address was on the check': Cashier gets petty revenge on an entitled Karen, orders her a lifetime of magazine subscriptions as vengeance

'Everyone else is toxic but them': 30 People share the immediate red flags that someone is not a good person

'Everyone else is toxic but them': 30 People share the immediate red flags that someone is not a good person

Tragic Cringe-fest of 20+ Infuriating Fails

Tragic Cringe-fest of 20+ Infuriating Fails

'I was totally bewildered, she actually expected an inheritance' : Entitled employee costs boss $5,000 in losses, gets fired, still expects ‘inheritance’ after his passing, wife takes petty revenge

'I was totally bewildered, she actually expected an inheritance' : Entitled employee costs boss $5,000 in losses, gets fired, still expects ‘inheritance’ after his passing, wife takes petty revenge

'No OnE EvEr WaNtS tO dO aNyThInG': Toxic family group chat goes horribly wrong when petty aunt completely misses the point

'No OnE EvEr WaNtS tO dO aNyThInG': Toxic family group chat goes horribly wrong when petty aunt completely misses the point

'Suddenly I snapped' : Man takes petty revenge on entitled messy roommates via malicious compliance

'Suddeny I snapped' : Man takes petty revenge on entitled messy roommates via malicious compliance

AITA: 'Stop packing your son disgusting and inappropriate lunches' : Tyrannical teacher commands mother to drastically change her kid's school lunches

AITA: 'Stop packing your son disgusting and inappropriate lunches' : Tyrannical teacher commands mother to drastically change her kid's school lunches

'I hate my job, but I especially hate it on Saint Patrick's!' : Server creates relatable Reddit thread for bitter bartenders

'I hate my job, but I especially hate it on Saint Patrick's!' : Server creates relatable Reddit thread for bitter bartenders

'You sure have an accessibility problem now!' : Man takes petty revenge on entitled rich dude who decidedly parks new Corvette in designated handicapped space

'You sure have an accessibility problem now!' : Man takes petty revenge on entitled rich dude who decidedly parks new Corvette in designated handicapped space

AITA: ‘I want a separate bedroom’ : Couple pays 50/50 rent, entitled boyfriend demands all spare rooms to himself, girlfriend claims 'it's not fair' and asks for separate bedroom

AITA: ‘I want a separate bedroom’ : Couple pays 50/50 rent, entitled boyfriend demands all spare rooms to himself, girlfriend claims 'it's not fair' and asks for separate bedroom

'I left him $4.86 and a note saying he now owes people who can collect' : Petty revenge ensues when leech roommate attempts to leave friend with debt that may lead to eviction

'I left him $4.86 and a note saying he now owes people who can collect' : Petty revenge ensues when leech roommate attempts to leave friend with debt that may lead to eviction

'I got my sister's account suspended' : Brother takes petty revenge on entitled influencer sister for adding him to her viral cooking videos without his consent, leading to family drama

'I got my sister's account suspended' : Brother takes petty revenge on entitled influencer sister for adding him to her viral cooking videos without his consent, leading to family drama

'The woman laughed and made a whiney noise, mimicking me. She had no idea who she was messing with.' : Entitled Karen teases woman and steals her parking space, leading to wild revenge

'The woman laughed and made a whiney noise, mimicking me. She had no idea who she was messing with.' : Entitled Karen teases woman and steals her parking space, leading to wild revenge