

Entitled honeymooner husband leaves his new wife in economy during a long-haul flight, expects man to give up his seat

‘He [took] the upgrade instead of sitting with his wife’: Man refuses to give up premium economy seat for entitled husband's new wife, offers to sell it to him instead

Excuse me, sir. I paid for this seat!
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‘Her manager called the next day, profusely apologizing’: Customer gets back at retail employee for refusing to help her 30 minutes before store closing time

‘Her manager called the next day, profusely apologizing’: Customer gets back at retail employee for refusing to help her 30 minutes before store closing time

Let's get the record straight on this issue. If a store's closing time is at 7:00 pm, the employees can stop accepting customers no earlier than 6:50 pm. Even if there are annoying customers that come in 15 minutes before you close, and take their sweet time, you have to be loyal to the closing time that is known to the public. You can't just decide to close 30 minutes earlier just because you feel like it. Much like what the employee in this Reddit story did. A customer came into the store wit…
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'I gave your job to someone else': Employee returns from sick leave and discovers manager promoted coworker instead of her

'I gave your job to someone else': Employee returns from sick leave and discovers manager promoted coworker instead of her

If being an employee is a challenge, being a manager to several employees is no picnic either. Having to answer to all of their requests, being the person they turn to whenever they have any problem, and yes, even being the person they blame when things go wrong, are all difficult tasks that can really drive a person up the wall. Though the title can be tempting, you have to remember that with great power, comes great responsibility. This person who wrote this Reddit piece is just starting to r…
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'Either pay with credit card or leave': Hotel clerk refuses to accept guest's cash payment, demanding he pay only with card

'Either pay with credit card or leave': Hotel clerk refuses to accept guest's cash payment, demanding he pay only with card

Many people find themselves rarely in need of using their credit cards anymore. With a digital wallet or a smartwatch, you can tap to pay pretty much anywhere you go. The need for a physical wallet with actual credit cards is basically non-existent. But still, some places will not accept payment without a physical credit card, and you do not want to get stuck being unable to pay them. Like hotels, apparently. This Reddit story can teach you a lesson or two about always taking a credit card with…
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Traveler forced to unpack every single box after customs officer cleverly complies with his demands to 'proceed by the book'

Traveler forced to unpack every single box after customs officer cleverly complies with his demands to 'proceed by the book'

Have you ever heard the expression, ‘You catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar'? The best example of what this statement signifies is found in the story that follows. OP establishes the scenario at the beginning of the story. OP is employed by the customs department. As such, a great deal of the day's events hinge on whether those who cross the border assist border patrol agents in carrying out their duties or make their life more difficult by disobeying them. The story begins wi…
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'He ripped us off': Following dinner at restaurant, group hands friend money to pay server, but he keeps the tip for himself

'He ripped us off': Following dinner at restaurant, group hands friend money to pay server, but he keeps the tip for himself

The tipping culture these days is something that has definitely gotten out of hand. Setting aside the ridiculous expectations that people should be tipped for even the smallest of services, even hardworking waiters and servers should be getting their money from their employers, and not have to rely on tips from customers. Still, this is how things are, and a large percentage of waiters' income is in fact, from tips. Which is why this Reddit story is so infuriating. OP went out to dinner with th…
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‘Get up, now’: Woman with disabilities gets told off by elderly lady who demands she give up her seat on the bus

‘Get up, now’: Woman with disabilities gets told off by elderly lady who demands she give up her seat on the bus

Even though most people would go back to being kids in a heartbeat, becoming adults also has a lot of benefits. Especially being able to call your own shots, and do whatever you want to do whenever you want to do it, without having to answer to anyone. When I was a kid, the one thing I was so excited about adulthood was owning a car and not having to take the bus anymore. Now as an adult, even though I do have a car, I still find myself taking the bus to work, and I completely understand why yo…
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family drama bride entitled parents drama brother mother askreddit reddit story wedding angry family sister Reddit rude son Father Mean People - 24059397

'They wouldn't even notice I'm gone': Man cuts off contact with family after being excluded from sister's wedding

Do you think the middle child syndrome actually exists? For those of you who might not know, middle child syndrome is the belief that middle children are usually excluded, ignored, or even outright neglected because of their birth order. something about being in the middle, after the exciting first child, and before the extra spoiled youngest child, is supposed to feel like you are the least loved one. I am a middle child, I have an older and a younger sister. But personally, and I might even s…
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gym petty-revenge-reddit annoying workout reddit story petty revenge influencer camera Media social media entitled Reddit rude entitled people - 23989509

‘You can’t record in here': Entitled woman storms out of gym after several people tried to stop her from recording her and other's workout

Should social media influencers still be a thing?
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 work workplace employee worker employees boss manager working bank bank-teller blocked reddit customer-service customer rude entitled payback revenge petty malicious compliance rudeness blocked

'Enjoy not being able to use your money': Savage bank teller gets revenge on an unruly customer by following procedure to the T and blocking his account after being accosted over the phone

Anonymity gives people a false sense of superiority. From behind the screen of their computer or when talking to someone on the phone, insolent customers can feel their audacity levels ramp up to the maximum, spewing rudeness, entitlement, and general inhumanity at whomever stands in their way. Unfortunately for many customer service reps, call center workers, and online banking troubleshooters, their entire career is spent talking maniacs down from the seat of their high horse...
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airport airline plane flight flying passenger rude entitled insolent hospitality bags baggage delayed gate refuse flights pilot flight-attendant

'People turn crazy at the airport': Entitled passenger refuses to store their bag in the overhead bin, getting himself arrested and forcing the entire plane to disembark

he last place you want to push the limits on security protocol is the airport. Yet, for some reason, people still feel entitled to their own comforts. Sorry Bub, but if we're all taking our shoes off and being patted down by an angry TSA agent, you gotta do it too.
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malicious compliance petty revenge shopping carts Parking revenge reddit absurd car parking lot spots grocery store entitled Couple rude

'[They were] mean-mugging through their car window': Couple leaves their shopping cart in the parking lot, guy blocks their exit and returns abandoned carts for 15 minutes

Abandoned carts in a parking lot are the WORST. I can't even count the number of times I've been cruising through a parking lot at a snail's pace, scouting for a sweet spot, only to spot the perfect one, mentally busting out a happy dance, and then bam, there's a darn cart smack in the way. It seriously tests your faith in humanity, doesn't it? Well, our OP must deal with this parking lot madness daily because this one fateful day, it was the final straw.
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Petsitter Karen Crosses the Line and Neglects Owners' Pets

'This is so embarrassing': Petsitter Karen Crosses the Line and Neglects Owners' Pets

What do you get when you hire a Karen to pet-sit your cats, dogs, and… piranhas? A whole lot of crazy, that's what. From the very first encounter with this Reddit user and his mom, it was clear that Karen was trouble personified. She had a list of demands and complaints that would make any sane person run away. But against their better judgment, they decided to give her a chance, hoping she would prove them wrong. Spoiler alert: she didn't. Things took a fishy turn when he entrusted Karen with…
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Former barista gets revenge on customer by pretending to use him as her realtor

'I called him up with the sole intention of wasting his time': Former barista gets revenge on customer by pretending to use him as her realtor

Some people say revenge is a dish best served cold. Have you ever wished you could get even with someone who was rude to you? I know I have. That’s what one former barista did when she met her old nemesis, a snooty realtor who used to belittle her and her co-workers. When u/ Forsaken-Problem6758 decided to sell her house, she had the perfect opportunity to get back at the arrogant realtor who used to treat her like dirt. She pretended to be interested in his services and wasted his time with fa…
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'If you're in the building, you're working': Grocery shopper wants help from the only employee who cannot assist her

'If you're in the building, you're working': Grocery shopper demands help from the only employee who cannot assist her

When customers demand help , they want to be helped immediately. And instead of listening when workers actually try to help them, they seem to shut off their ears, and end up throwing a tantrum instead. Cashiers don't get the respect they deserve, and lots of customers are very rude to them on the daily. U/NiftyGoblin had a strange story to tell, which they shared to r/TalesFromRetail, a subreddit for retail workers to share the realities of life behind the cash register. This OP was just tryin…
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'When he held out his hand for change, I dropped it on the counter': 20+ Cashiers who got even with their customers

'When he held out his hand for change, I dropped it on the counter': 20+ Cashiers who got the pettiest payback on their customers

Don't underestimate the pettiness of these fed-up workers . You'd be acting petty too if customers treated you the same way . Cashiers work so hard for so little recognition. If I was running things, all cashiers would be allowed to sit down, they'd be allowed to talk back to rude customers, and they'd all be paid at least $1 million per year. In reality, though, cashiers have to deal with the grouchiest customers one after another for minimum wage (and no sitting down either). You can only han…
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