
reddit reddit-story reddit-thread barista coffee customer-service service-industry shoes retail karen karens karens-in-the-wild drama tirade revenge petty payback

'Eye for an eye': Barista fights fire with fire when a customer throws her ‘incorrect’ coffee on the ground, finding the Karen at work and making a mess in her department as payback

'I don't have to do half of my job anymore': Part-time grocery worker asks for raise after halting extra work

'I don't have to do half of my job anymore': Part-time grocery worker asks for raise after halting extra work

'Ten thousand pennies... And she'd just committed to carrying them': Client asks repair shop workers "Do you know who I am?" and wants to pay large bill with change

'Ten thousand pennies... And she'd just committed to carrying them': Client asks repair shop workers "Do you know who I am?" and insists on paying large bill with change

'Garbage manager, garbage store': Rich Karen breaks store rules, pushes employee, manager steps in and sides with Karen

'Garbage manager, garbage store': Rich Karen breaks store rules, pushes employee, manager steps in and sides with Karen

workplace-stories talesfromretail in-the-workplace toxic-workplace workplace-story manager retail retail worker managers workplace Horrible Bosses tales-from-retail - 21977093

'[My boss] was walked out by two cops': Thieving fraudster retail manager gets arrested when their employee finally gets even

'I continued to say “excuse me?"': Customer claims diamond specialist switched out her ring

'I continued to say “excuse me?"': Customer claims diamond specialist switched out her ring, specialist proves her wrong

'They wouldn’t take no for an answer': Hardware store gives customer multiple lawnmowers, even though he insists they're not his

'They wouldn’t take no for an answer': Hardware store gives customer multiple lawnmowers, even though he insists they're not his

Top ‘I Was Fired’ Stories For Employees of the Year

Top ‘I Was Fired’ Stories For Employees of the Year

pizza retail pizza delivery karen-customer customers customer pizza guy workplace service industry - 21912325

'The pizza was like 3 inches tall': Customer rudely insists on a pizza with everything on it, experiences immediate regret

customer service workplace-stories retail customers restaurant food service workplace restaurants food service industry - 2131975

'Are you still open?': Couple orders food from exasperated workers at a closed restaurant, wonders if they're wrong

workplace-stories manager retail work food service service workplace employment service industry - 21753605

'Someone changed my schedule without my knowledge': Shift worker gets accused of a no-call, no-show on their day off

retail retail-worker retail-memes retail-employee memes work work-memes boss customer manager shopping

25 Disturbingly Relatable Work Memes for Retail Employees Who Are Dangling By a Thread

'You are by far the worst boss I have ever had': Boss ignores employee's notice, then calls them a disappointment

'You are by far the worst boss I have ever had': Boss ignores employee's notice, then leaves a nasty phone call

Fiancée invites everyone from workplace to wedding except one person

'She humiliated my coworker': Jealous fiancée invites everyone from workplace to her wedding except one person

customer service amitheahole aita retail retail worker karen-customer customers late customer service industry - 21719813

'They were looking at us weirdly': Couple orders food from a closed restaurant, wonders if they're wrong

talesfromretail toxic-workplace manager retail retail worker petty revenge managers - 21640709

[My] manager never backs me up': Retail worker gets back at manager for refusing to "back them up" when dealing with customers