
'I've started selling to coworkers': Employee creates loophole for herself and coworkers after bosses dress code her

'I've started selling to coworkers': Employee creates loophole for herself and coworkers after bosses dress code her

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'The grin slid off his face': Employee outsmarts customer trying to exploit returns loophole

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'I charged her $5': Karen won't pay minimum transaction amount, has been secretly paying it anyways

workplace-stories talesfromretail jobs manager retail bad jobs tales-from-the-workplace retail worker work managers workers employment - 21077253

'I pulled 6 doubles that week': Retail worker told to take all the overtime they want, obliges

reviews customer service retail amazon reviews retail worker karen-customer customers 1-star-review business karen - 2113287

'Be advised': Male Karen leaves 1-star review because he's angry about free soda

20+ Sassy work memes to secretly scroll through on your lunch break

20+ Sassy work memes to secretly scroll through on your lunch break

Top 29 Karen Customer Memes for Employees Quitting The Day After Tomorrow

Top 29 Karen Customer Memes for Employees Quitting The Day After Tomorrow

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'A manager can not compete with his employees for work': Manager expected to compete with staff for commission to earn a living wage

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'I'll smash this on the floor': Retail worker faces off against waffle wielding Karen

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25 Retail Worker Fail Memes You’ll Relate to if You’re Working For a Commission

‘You can't sit down’: Owner throws out all chairs in store so employees can't sit down during break time, owner keeps one chair for himself, refuses to let employees sit on it

‘You can't sit down’: Owner throws out all chairs in store so employees can't sit down during break time, owner keeps one chair for himself, refuses to let employees sit on it

'Everyone in line immediately started laughing at her': Customer realizes she has to wait in line like everyone else

'Everyone in line immediately started laughing at her': Entitled customer throws a fit after realizing she has to wait in line like everyone else

Micromanager resigns after employee writes anonymous reviews about him

'I lost my patience': Micromanaging boss forced to resign after employee writes anonymous reviews about him

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'The customer is NOT always right': Cashier quits on the spot after a rude, Memorial Day shopper takes a price check way too far (VIDEO)

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'Forget it, you're fired!': Dude gets fired from a store where he didn't even work

karens workplace-stories in-the-workplace toxic-workplace workplace-story retail karen-customer workplace creativity in the workplace karen idontworkherelady - 20322309

'Ok, Karen, she's fired. Happy now?': Karen demands girl gets fired from a place she doesn't work