retail worker

'If you're in the building, you're working': Grocery shopper wants help from the only employee who cannot assist her

'If you're in the building, you're working': Grocery shopper demands help from the only employee who cannot assist her

‘I kept track of everything’: Retail employee keeps track of times manager submits to Karens' requests, then tells upper management

‘I kept track of everything’: Retail employee keeps track of times manager submits to Karens' requests, then tells upper management

'When he held out his hand for change, I dropped it on the counter': 20+ Cashiers who got even with their customers

'When he held out his hand for change, I dropped it on the counter': 20+ Cashiers who got the pettiest payback on their customers

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'Sorry ma'am, this coupon is expired': Cashier 'helps' customer who demands to use outdated coupons

'It was a disaster': Retail workers quit and take down an entire store

'It was a disaster': Retail workers quit and take down an entire store

'Don't use price labels': Manager's extreme cost cutting measures cost them big time

'Don't use price labels': Manager's extreme cost cutting measures cost them big time

'You are ALWAYS like this': Karen's outburst makes a barista quit on the spot

'You are ALWAYS like this': Karen's outburst makes a barista quit on the spot

'She runs this department': Karen customer demands to talk to a male staff member, manager makes her wait

'She runs this department': Karen customer demands to talk to a male staff member, manager makes her wait

'Boss changed my off days': Employee forced to leave second job after toxic manager changed their schedule with no notice

'Boss changed my off days': Employee forced to leave second job after toxic manager changed their schedule with no notice

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'She was trying to steal': Scammy Karen tries to use a fake '99% off' coupon to swindle the cashier, gets pinched by the cops instead

'You should fire her!': Karen screams at cashier, attacks manager, gets arrested

'You should fire her!': Karen screams at cashier, attacks manager, gets arrested

'I've started selling to coworkers': Employee creates loophole for herself and coworkers after bosses dress code her

'I've started selling to coworkers': Employee creates loophole for herself and coworkers after bosses dress code her

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'The grin slid off his face': Employee outsmarts customer trying to exploit returns loophole

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'I pulled 6 doubles that week': Retail worker told to take all the overtime they want, obliges

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'Be advised': Male Karen leaves 1-star review because he's angry about free soda

20+ Sassy work memes to secretly scroll through on your lunch break

20+ Sassy work memes to secretly scroll through on your lunch break