reddit thread

AITA for punishing my daughter for making us all worried?

'16 years ago [...] I slept with another woman which resulted in another child': Cheating husband punishes daughter for acting out after she felt excluded

Karen boss DESPERATELY needed my uniform back the next day “NO EXCUSES!”

'The new manager was one of the biggest Karens you have ever met': Fast food worker gets revenge on evil Karen boss by returning a muddy uniform

As you wish | This happened a couple or three decades ago in the military. I was in charge of the squadron budget and made sure all unit expenditures were proper (right funds account) and funds were available.

'Sir, I sent those requests to you two weeks ago': Commander demands every expenditure passes through his approval, subordinates oblige

AITA for telling bf’s best friend’s gf the truth?

'As soon as he unmutes I yell that he's a liar': Woman realizes her BF is covering for his cheating friend so she tells the truth

AITA for disconnecting the Internet and not paying my daughters phone bill?

Mom Finds Daughter's Rude TikToks About Her, Gets Revenge By Cutting Off Internet

Today I had my first “what the actual f***?” moment at a job interview

Remote Worker With Back Problems Gets Booted Out of Zoom Interview Mid-Sentence for Not Sitting at a Desk

AITA for canceling a wedding gift when the wedding was canceled?

Bride and Groom Break Up Before Wedding, She Gets Mad at Sister-in-Law for Canceling $700 Wedding Gift


Entitled Influencer Karen Expects Discounted Meal, Writes Ridiculous 1-Star Review

How I got my landlord arrested for auto theft I used to live in a rental townhome. The place was great. It was run by a big company but they paid an onsite super to run the office,

'They did it on purpose': Guy has landlord arrested after they maliciously tow his vehicle

This company’s response to workers calling in sick.

'Calling in sick is probably the most destructive thing you can do here': Evil Karen boss cracks down on company's sick day policy

"If my work is that bad then it would be better for everyone if I quit"

'He's been telling me all year that I [...] wasn't good enough for my role': Employee quits for better job after boss threatened him all year

AITA for not clapping when my sister sang in her voice class?

'Everyone clapped for her, except for me': Older sister humiliates younger sibling in front of entire singing class

No OT but you won’t swap me to day shift? Ok, boss.

Employee's Horrible Boss Denies Request to Switch Shift, Gets Revenge By Working OT Against Company Policy

Cut in front of me in the dinner queue? I hope you like ants... u/horatio_winklebottom 1 day ago A few years ago while travelling in India, I decided to try a ten day silent meditation retreat.

Monk Exacts Ant-Fueled Revenge on Queue Jumper

AITA for asking my (25f) sister (20f) to fix her overgrown/two before my wedding?

'Her hair is an eye sore': Bridezilla wants sister to change her appearance so that she's more aesthetic for her wedding photos

Application for a min wage job, at a cat café

Application to Work at a Cat Café Requires Hand-Written Cover Letter and Ridiculous Creative Project