reddit thread

If I get penalized for one day, then I will be out for three.

Employee Discovers Loophole in Company Sick Day Policy and Enrages Horrible Boss

Entitled ex husband gets what he deserves | After dealing with my husband (29M) cheating on me and loudly disrespecting me for 2 years, I (23F) finally left him 4 months ago. He assumed no responsibility for the marital bills and I had to sell the house and his truck by myself.

'I am still being charged': Woman reports ex-husband's phone to the police as stolen when she learns she has been paying it off

And this is why you NEVER mock someone's phobias, Karen!

Arachnophobic Grocery Store Worker Finds Spider in Bag, Karen Shames Her and Pays the Price

My work hours are 830am-5pm no exceptions? you got it

'Now, my email notifications are muted': Employee scolded for leaving early, gets revenge by going off the grid after hours

he amount of time my GF has spent sleeping has made me stop loving her I sound awful but you have no idea. | She always slept more than me. That's fine. Lately it's been just too much.

'Update: We broke up': Guy confesses his freeloading "tired girl" girlfriend's sleeping habits have been ruining their relationship

Went as +1 to wedding and now asked to contribute to the gift - is this normal etiquette?

Cheap, Noncommittal Guy Makes Plus One Pay for Boss's Wedding Gift

AITA for spending my daughter’s tuition money?

Selfish Father Spends Daughter's Tuition Money on a New Kitchen

Can't work on your laptop without my name badge? Guess it wasn't that critical.

'I forgot to grab it rushing over here': Student IT worker forced by Karen to retrieve badge, cue malicious compliance

AITA for telling an employee she can choose between demotion or termination? | I own a vape shop. We're a small business, only 12 employees. One of my employees, Peggy, was supposed to open yesterday.

Small Business Owner Wonders if They’re Wrong for Forcing Manager To Pick Between Demotion or Termination Following No-show

People who walked out of a job interview, why did you do it?

These People Walked Out of Job Interviews and Never Looked Back

AITA for sticking to the late policy in my class even though the student has ADHD?

Student With ADHD Keeps Turning Work in Late and Teacher Docks Grade, Causes Split Reactions

Entitled ex husband gets what he deserves

'I reported the phone as stolen and it is now flagged and shut off': Woman punishes ex-husband for refusing to pay phone bill

Mrs. Spike, the entitled teacher who thought she would never get caught abusing her students.

'She ended her reign of terror': Evil Karen PE teacher finally gets what she deserves after years of bullying

AITA for letting my 4 year old use all of his money to buy everybody else meals and gifts while we were at Disneyland? | I took my kids to Disneyland Paris for a week with two of my friends and their kids. My oldest is 4 but he gets a monthly allowance from his dad that he can, in theory, spend on whatever he wants.

Mother wonders if she's wrong for letting her 4-year-old son spend his entire life savings on her friends (and there's a lot to unpack here.)

HR is NOT your friend

'HR is NOT your friend': Fresh out of college employee confides in HR and ends up getting fired

AITA for making my younger sisters fly home early after they followed my husband?

'I told them they had to leave immediately': Woman sends younger sisters home after they spied on her husband