reddit thread

AITA “cheating” to get a promotion?

'People like this annoy me': Coworker accused of cheating by working crazy hours to get a promotion

'Seeking hostile woman': The Craziest Dating App Bios of the Week (November 21, 2022)

'Seeking hostile woman': The Craziest Dating App Bios of the Week (November 21, 2022)

My GF got an illegal Airbnb ring in her apartment complex busted

'Absolutely not': Couple discovers their neighbor is running an illegal Airbnb ring, she gets the leasing office involved

'I never tell dad jokes. He never understands them': 20+ Dad Jokes to prepare yourself for Thanksgiving dinner

'I never tell dad jokes. He never understands them': 20+ Cringey Dad Jokes to prepare yourself for Thanksgiving dinner

10,000 steps a day or else!

Wife Demands That Her Husband Walk 10,000 Steps a Day At Work, Coworkers Come to His Support

AITA for peeing in my BF car ?

'I held it for 40 minutes and it got really bad': Couple fights after girlfriend goes to the bathroom in his car

I’m a full time, salaried employee. I’m never late. Can my employer force me to make up 8 minutes of time? This seems petty.

'This seems petty': Horrible boss demands their salaried employee make up 8 minutes of lateness

Free pumpkin pies for everyone!!

'What am I supposed to do with all these pies?': Horrible manager gives unclear baking instructions, now everyone takes home free pies

Karen straight up wants to call the cops because of a Facebook post 🙄

'You're scamming [...] I'll be contacting the police too': Facebook Karen gets upset that someone's post got more likes, threatens to report her

AITA for telling my MIL that I regret marrying her daughter

'She said she is pretty sure that I’m not the father': Pregnant mom abandons husband and kids, her parents still try to defend her

No Karen, I didn't buy a seat for your bag.

'My seat was playing host to Karen's bag': Karen tries to take up two seats on the train, passenger gets petty revenge

Entitled Child destroys property and threatens to evict my family

Update: Entitled Children Threaten to Kick Neighbors Out of Their Apartment

AITA for asking my son to give me his boss's number?

'I found this reaction horrific': Entitled Karen Mom demands that her son give her his boss's phone number

School of FAIL: People Share the Things They Learned at School That Were Completely False

School of FAIL: People Share the Things They Learned at School That Were Completely False

Block my driveway? I don't know where your car went. | This JUST happened. In fact I am still a little pumped of adrenaline (Off such a little act, WHAT a rush).

'He looked incredibly confused': Guy parks van in dudes driveway, dude makes van disappear

I have to pay to print personal stuff at work? so do you, boss

'She said nothing but looked really uncomfortable': Worker craftily exposes boss's stupid fraudulent print fee, makes them pay big time