reddit thread

Block my driveway? I don't know where your car went. | This JUST happened. In fact I am still a little pumped of adrenaline (Off such a little act, WHAT a rush).

'He looked incredibly confused': Guy parks van in dudes driveway, dude makes van disappear

I have to pay to print personal stuff at work? so do you, boss

'She said nothing but looked really uncomfortable': Worker craftily exposes boss's stupid fraudulent print fee, makes them pay big time

AITA for not caring that my coworker is allergic to dogs.

Annoying Coworker with Allergies Insists that Employee Give Away His Dog Entirely

Young Karen got me fired!

Young Karen in the Making Gets Her Boss Fired Because She’s Friends With the Hotel Owner’s Daughter

AITA for not being in an HOA

'I've been getting HOA letters about fees': Guy refuses to join HOA and incurs their wrath

Oh you’re gonna call cops bc 1/5th of my car is past the no parking sign, guess I’m gonna park there everyday now

'The last time I parked there, the lady [...] looked LIVID': Woman gets petty revenge on entitled neighbors by parking in their spot

AITA for not letting my gf be removed from the lease?

'She's threatened to break up with me': Guy refuses to take girlfriend's name off lease after she moves in with her ailing grandmother

Aunt shows up at my house, with all her stuff, **TELLS ME** she's going to be living with me for a while.

'My Aunt cut the lock off my front gate': Crazy Aunt Karen drives across the country, trespasses, and demands to stay in nephew's guest room

Look at some of these questions I had to answer on an application to work the front desk at a Hampton Inn

'Most people today talk too much and work too little': Application for hotel front desk employee includes ridiculous survey

'Are you Shrek? Bc I'm head ogre heels for you': 15 fresh eyebrow-raising pickup lines (November 11, 2022)

'Are you Shrek? Bc I'm head ogre heels for you': 15 fresh eyebrow-raising pickup lines (November 11, 2022)

AITA for giving my cousin's wife a Roomba?

Major Gift Fail: Woman visits cousin's dirty home and decides to buy his wife cleaning supplies for her birthday

AITA for having my daughter first birthday the same day as my step sisters wedding?

Petty Mother Schedules Her Kid's First Birthday Party on the Day of Her Stepsister's Wedding, Fails to Get Anyone to Show Up

My roommate noticed I'm not going into work anymore. I told her I left that job and am looking for a new one. She said "so now you're a professional homeowner, basically?" I disagreed with that assessment. She said I'm leeching off of her and the other girl because I don't want to work.

'She said I'm leeching off of her': Unemployed live-in landlord changes terms, draws ire from roommate who is subsidizing his existence

Well i'm not getting this job | it literally says edit profile you fraud

Twitter Thread: OnlyFans model fakes failed job interview to promote her account, called out in viral tweet

AITA for putting mistakes in my shared google doc notes

College Student Puts Mistakes in Shared Study Guide So His Crush Will Fail and Need His Help

Entitled Woman tried to steal my tip jar because I’m “Satan’s Wh***.”

Entitled Karen doesn't like her Tarot card reading, so she steals the tip jar and runs away