reddit thread

Want to put my kid in detention for farting. You can pay for the cost of getting him home

'What compelled her to think that flatulence in class was worth so much punishment?': Teacher keeps giving kid detention for farting

'We are to call him Daddy Cool': Entitled, unhinged boss insists employees call him weird nicknames, cue malicious complaince

My husband has a dating app, I don’t know how to feel about it

Update! 'My husband has a dating app': Husband downloads Tinder because he's 'bored,' wife confronts him

What happens if you have questions?

Viral Tweet: Guy Discovers That His Online Professor Passed Away 3 Years Ago

AITA for getting my daughter a hotel room entirely for herself after her stepsisters made her sleep on the floor?

'What is this? Cinderella reloaded?': Real-life evil stepsisters make guy's daughter sleep on the floor

AITA for calling my sister for treating her child better then me

Update! 'I got the harsh and cold side of her': Ungrateful sister unleashes wrath on her sibling over spilled milk

This is a new restaurant that opened up in my town and their response to gluten allergies.

'But is it a burger if there is no bun': Self-righteous restaurant owner refuses to accept customer's gluten free allergy

My boss exploded

'You should have all said OK Boomer': Horrible Boss explodes at employees, causing mass exodus

Been asking the landlord to investigate the sagging roof in my kitchen for months now, came home to find this tonight

Tenant Tries To Get Shady Landlord To Fix Sagging Roof, Leads To Disastrous Apartment Fail!

AITA for using the bathroom frequently on the flight?

'No one needs to drink enough to pee four times in less than three hours': Rude guy keeps getting up to go to the bathroom on flight

AITA for showing up to my husband's Dr appointment?

'You're an obsessive helicopter wife': Guy asks for privacy at his doctor's appointment, wife shows up unannounced

Karen hurls abuse at 13 old before her husband tries to grab him across the counter

Enraged Karen and Kevin curse out a 13-year-old at a restaurant

Just f***ing leave? Well alrighty then!

'You told me to leave and go home': Crazy ex storms out of car and tells BF to drive home, he does and she loses it

WIBTA if I used part of my paternity leave to visit my family?

'Why women have babies with men like you is beyond me': Dude wants to use paternity leave to take a vacation away from his wife and kid

'My son is clearly resenting us' Parents give one child $4k for Christmas and give the other $800, wonder if they're wrong

'My son is clearly resenting us': Parents give one child $4k for Christmas and give the other $800, wonder if they're wrong

Dumb teacher refuses to reset password for my school account after it stopped working, gives me an f because i did not log in to the said account

'I will never do that for you': Teacher refuses to help student log into school account, gives him failing grade