reddit thread

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'End of discussion, do you understand me?': New boss throws tantrum at employee for executing task without the OK, employee malicious complies and gets boss fired

AITA for reporting my sons math teacher to the school board for ineptitude and being so rude to me? I would like him fired from his provisional contract.

Entitled Karen Tries to Fire Her Kid's Math Teacher For Making Him Take Notes

AITA for telling a teacher she's being unreasonable?

Entitled Mom vs. 'Unreasonable' Teacher: Mom wants son to miss test for a pep rally, teacher refuses

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‘This is why I hate people’: Pizza Karen thinks waitress is a teen mom, tips heavily, then demands money back

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'Your neighbor sucks': Universally hated neighbor rants about holiday decorations, so now everyone decorates their houses for every single holiday

Top 20 Real Estate Fails For Zillow-Obsessed Folks

Top 20 Real Estate Fails for Zillow-Obsessed Folks

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‘But do I LOOK like a shoplifter?’: Entitled Mom asked to show receipt before leaving store, goes into full Karen rage mode

AITA for moving out because I don’t want to help my bf out with the rent?

Entitled Rich Boyfriend Insists That His Girlfriend Move In for Free, Then Changes His Mind and Makes Her Pay $2.5K in Rent

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‘Try to stop us, if you think you can’: HOA accuses couple of violating bylaws, couple maliciously complies, drowning HOA in legal fees

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'I'll stuff you in that washing machine': Crazy hotel Karen throws tantrum at front desk employee at 1 AM, chases her into the laundry room

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'You don't get special treatment': Couple has explosive fight over the toilet seat, boyfriend enacts bathroom malicious compliance

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'Only a week notice?': Boss tries to guilt employee into staying longer, employee retaliates and decides to leave that day

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'Please help me': Server saves woman from first date, dude bails, woman returns to enjoy the rest of her meal

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'Instantly she starts sprinting to the front desk': Yoga Karen gets diabolical, steals woman's spot in class

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Update: 'Get off my property now': Entitled Mom breaks into neighbor's backyard to use the pool, gets kicked out, kid destroys neighbor's home with fireworks

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'This is my natural hair color': Messy hair dye fail after pathological liar refuses to admit she had her hair bleached