

To be a racist is to be a dunce. We are all as one, there is no place for one race, people, color, ideology, above any other. The only place for racism and a racist is to be laughed at for their ignorance, so go wild.

AITA: 'Stop packing your son disgusting and inappropriate lunches' : Tyrannical teacher commands mother to drastically change her kid's school lunches

AITA: 'Stop packing your son disgusting and inappropriate lunches' : Tyrannical teacher commands mother to drastically change her kid's school lunches

It's essential to maintain a good relationship with your kid's teachers, but sometimes they're such idiots that it can be difficult, if not impossible to have any genuine desire to do so. Teachers are still people with opinions, and although I condone free speech, I am also able to pass serious judgment on their opinions. This teacher in particular called up one of her student's mothers one day out of the blue, and wasted no time in telling her that ‘she must stop packing her son such disgustin…
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'Why don't you go back to your country': Immigrant worker gets xenophobic colleague fired after rampaging racist comments and repeatedly toxic behavior

'Why don't you go back to your country': Immigrant worker gets xenophobic colleague fired after rampaging racist comments and repeatedly toxic behavior

Some coworkers are intolerable for a number of reasons. Like when Jeff from IT forgets to reload paper into the printer or when Krista from upstairs chats too long in the elevator and makes you miss your floor– that kind of stuff in simply annoying, but doesn't violate acceptable work ethics and morality. Some work behavior, on the other hand, is completely unacceptable and make the workplace unbelievably toxic , like being a racist, xenophobic, and sexist jerk who makes the workplace toxic and…
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customer service crazy viral video issues ridiculous ignorant racist rude karen airplane tiktok

Racist Karen Refuses to Deboard Plane After Yelling Offensive Slurs, Threatens to Sue Everyone

No points were made at all
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'Karen' Accuses Hibachi Chef Of Being Racist When He Said 'Kobe' After Landing A Good Throw| thumbnail text - kobe, you have to bring a black man into this?

'Karen' Accuses Hibachi Chef Of Being Racist After He Said 'Kobe' While Landing A Good Toss

Karen's are unstoppable
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12 reddit text images neighbor signed up to donate to satanic cult | thumbnail background grey "We had lived here about a year when I started getting lots of flat tires. I found nails sprinkled amongst the rocks of my driveway. Someone keyed my car and wrote a slur in the paint."

Neighborhood Family Targeted By Local Racist, Family Donates To Satanic Cult In His Name

Petty revenge served on a platter
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Racist boss from Canada harasses employees, and ends up getting deported.

Racist Canadian Boss Harasses Puerto Rican Employees, Gets Deported

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viral videos mean restaurant old people ridiculous ignorant racist burger king fast food - 98348545

Burger King Manager Kicks Out Two Racist Ladies When They Tell Him To Go Back To Mexico

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Tinder Chick Goes Full Delusional Racist On Her Match

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twitter japanese social media ridiculous racist funny - 5954565

Girl Gets Shut Down By Logic After Claiming Sony Was Racially Insensitive

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facebook soldiers social media army racist funny win - 5852421

Amputee Soldier Has Best Anti-Racist Facebook Status Ever

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Formally Racist Soldier Shares Touching Story of How the Military Changed His Mind

Formally Racist Soldier Shares Touching Story of How the Military Changed His Mind

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The Weeknd Pulls All Association With H&M After They Release Racist Clothing Ad

The Weekend Pulls All Association With H&M After They Release Racist Clothing Ad

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Logan Paul's ridiculously racist video from Japan has the internet pissed all over again.

Logan Paul's Crazy Racist Video From Japan Has Internet Pissed All Over Again

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News Anchor DESTROYS Viewer After They Leave Extremely Racist Comment

News Anchor DESTROYS Viewer After They Leave Extremely Racist Comment

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Clueless girl has no idea what a strikeout sign is, and proceeds to get roasted on Twitter.

Clueless Girl Thinks Braves Strikeout Signs Are Racist, Gets Brutally Roasted On Twitter

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islam racist Video - 86411009

Crazy Dude Goes On Ridiculous Islamophobic Rant Ends With Hilarious Mugshot

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