

A Candidly Witty Collection of Unorthodox Conversations Held in the Unstable Part of Courthouses

A Candidly Witty Collection of Unorthodox Conversations Held in the Unstable Part of Courthouses

Criminally hilarious.
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‘Case Closed’ : Unlawfully Funny Courthouse Quotes That Really Have Appeal

‘Case Closed’ : Unlawfully Funny Courthouse Quotes That Really Have Appeal

We have reasonable doubt that these quotes did not fail to deliver.
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Quotes That Changed The Way People Looked At Things

Sweet, sweet insight.
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funny quotes from weird sources tumblr

Tumblr Thread: Amazing Quotes from Ridiculous Sources

Sometimes the words just work.
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A collection of yearbook quotes from humorous students.

Humorous Yearbook Quotes That Echoed Into Eternity

A+ for creativity.
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Funny yearbook quotes from high school seniors | Jessica Enciso Why fall love can fall asleep. | that's what she said Jacob Jones s She

Yearbook Quotes from When School Was a Thing

Quoth the Senior: "I'm never coming back here."
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Funny, interesting and silly quotes from kids | been having hard day last two years anonymous, 4 years old @LiveFromSnackTime

Ridiculous and Sometimes Insightful Things Said by Kids

We feel the same way.
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A collection of movie quotes that people use all the time that nobody recognizes | itsMondaybackwards 5h If not back 5 minutes just wait longer. Ace Ventura Jim Carrey

Movie Quotes People Used That Nobody Recognized

The disconnect is real.
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A collection of inspirational quotes from John Cena on Twitter | tweet from wwe pro wrestling star John Cena WeAreAmerica @JohnCena Control controllable disorder others is only chaos if make so.

Inspirational Quotes From John Cena On Twitter

The wisdom is strong with John Cena's Twitter account.
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Funny and smart things said by children | thought needed hug but really need pancakes anonymous, 7 years old @LiveFromSnackTime

Funny and Insightful Things Said by Kids

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A collection of wise quotes from Star Trek Next Generation's General Picard.

Wise Quotes From Star Trek's General Picard

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Terry Pratchett quote about gods

20 Terry Pratchett Quotes

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quotes the office Michael Scott funny Video win television - 96553985

An Epic Tribute To Michael Scott's 10 Best Quotes In The Office

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funny quotes

20 Perfect Quotes To Help You Make Friends At Work

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bathroom graffiti

27 Times Bathroom Graffiti Genius Forever Marked Our Minds

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misused wrong quotes

16+ Misused Popular Quotes That Are Total BS

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