
Job Jobs workplace discussion in the workplace employment issues antiwork Horrible Bosses workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job employee employees overworked-employees quitting quit i quit

Boss begs employee to stay when they quit after being denied a raise: 'I can give you what ever you want'

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'Boss claims that me quitting will result in the business closing': Worker gives 2-week-notice after basically running the company they work for for their boss, prompting boss's total meltdown

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'Leaving was the best thing I did': Employer of 3 years hires new employee at $30k higher than experienced worker, they quit

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'The manager [said], "You really want to burn this bridge?" I said, "Yes"': 20+ Employees who quit their jobs as fast as possible

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'No one else can or will do my job... and I'm about to quit with no notice': 15+ Employees who had the pettiest ways of getting back at their bosses

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'I was given a 1 cent raise': 20+ Job quitters who had great motivations to leave their workplace for good

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'I quit on the spot and went to work for his competition': 20+ Employees who immediately quit to get back at their petty bosses and entitled coworkers

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Graphic designer passed up for promotion they were promised for 2 years in favor of do-nothing social-climbing coworker, they quit: 'My manager was shocked, begging me to stay'

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Employee denied raise and told they're replaceable after becoming sole engineer on a project, costs the company big when they quit: '$500,000 and two years of productivity over a $40,000/yr raise'

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'I don't want a sandwich, I want a raise': Employee discovers newly-hired 16-year-old makes more money than them, gets offered food instead of a raise

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Employee laid-off by new owners gets even via remote access, uninstalling personal software: 'You should've been nicer when you laid me off'

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Employee doing the jobs of 4 people gets fired leaving company stranded without any equipment: 'I'll take it all down with me'

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'Make your own': CEO fires the one employee who knows how to manage their 3 largest clients, ending up in a tailspin after they delete all of their work on their way out

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'I wasn't "loyal" to this dealership': Car dealership employee quits on the spot after boss's firing joke goes wrong

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Slacker manager watches TV all day in his office then baits his hardworking employee to leave, so he quits on the spot: ‘Yeah, do that’

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Project Manager quits without notice and sends scathing resignation after boss sends unprofessional texts: 'I need more from your position to justify the pay'