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15+ Job-quitting employees who left their bosses to do their work: 'After being there about 10 minutes, I decided... I'm out'

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Grocery store boss flips out on employee, employee surprises him with 2 days notice: '[He] couldn't understand why'

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25+ Employees who quit their jobs on their first day of work: 'That's not what I signed up for'

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'Told you so': New boss ignores long-time server's warning when they quit for better job, restaurant reviews tank after staff quits over toxic management

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Employee quits bad job, leaves piles of work for their impolite boss: 'I will never forget the expression of defeat in his face at the last day'

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'I caused a domino effect': 15 Employees who quit all together at once and spoiled their boss's day

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'He deleted ALL of his contributions to a project': 20+ Workers who quit in memorable ways

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Wife insists on buying family a 4th SUV: 'I'm quitting my job if she buys a car'

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'The restaurant had to comp like a 100 meals': 20+ Employees with the most satisfying job-quitting stories ever

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'I smiled and chuckled and held back my tears': Entitled boss’s Secret Santa 'gift' leads employee to quit and HR to step in

‘My Shawshank Redemption’: Employee uses narcissistic coworker's tactics against her and then swiftly resigns, leaves her to deal with the bed she made for herself

‘My Shawshank Redemption’: Employee uses narcissistic coworker's tactics against her and then swiftly resigns, leaving her to deal with the bed she made for herself

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'They were expecting about 125 people to relocate with them; they got 3': 20+ Workplaces whose employees quit together all at once

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Employee told to drop everything to serve their boss coffee, drops 300 files on the ground and spills the coffee on him before quitting: 'I was working for the new company 22 minutes later'

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Update: 'I quit without thinking twice': Boss flips out on employee who quits $120k salary job for $250k job

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Management blames worker for their own decisions, accusing them of sabotaging the company: 'They started blaming me even though I had nothing to do with the decision'

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Job candidate receives bait-and-switch lowball offer after successfully interviewing for the role, quits two hours before their first shift: 'I quit two hours before my first shift this morning'

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