
public freakout

customer service FAIL public freakout cringe ridiculous nail salon Video tiktok - 2568710

Woman Expects Free Nail Fix For Fourth Time, Gets Rejected, Has Tantrum

Yeah, that's just not going to cut it.
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customer service FAIL public freakout cringe ridiculous traveling karen - 2533382

Employee Refers Karen To Different Airline After Temper Tantrum

Not today, Karen.
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customer service public freakout cringe ridiculous Video tiktok - 2518534

Woman Refuses To Put Phone On Airplane Mode, Entire Flight Gets Delayed

Just a tad bit inconsiderate.
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Karen ends up having a total public freakout in a Starbucks on some bananas.

Karen Goes Bananas At Starbucks, Literally Attacks The Bananas

Shouldn't have brought the bananas into it, Karen.
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People describe the absolute craziest things that they ever did after divorces.

Craziest Things People Did During Divorces

People can get real nasty after divorces.
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People describe the reasons that they quit their jobs on the spot.

AskReddit Thread: Reasons People Quit Their Jobs On The Spot

Sometimes you've just gotta bounce.
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Nightmare customers describe why they had their public meltdowns.

Nightmare Customers Share Why They Caused Scenes

Everyone has their day.
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An entitled Karen pitches a fit at the movies, and then the manager proceeds to kick her out.

Entitled Karen Pitches Fit At Movies, Manager Kicks Karen Out

Fiction or not, spoiling the ending was brutal.
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FAIL public freakout cringe Awkward ridiculous Video karen tiktok - 2314246

Airport Karen Breaks The Rules, Throws Temper Tantrum, Asks For Manager

Boo hoo, indeed.
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customer service FAIL public freakout cringe Awkward ridiculous karen - 2291462

Karen Learns Roast Beef Is Sold Out, Throws Food At Arby's Employee

Karen had beef over the lack of beef.
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An entitled Karen thinks that army cadet works at McDonald's and learns otherwise.

Entitled Karen Thinks Army Cadet Works At McDonald's

Karen was having a bit of an off day.
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An angry lady demands candy apples from a customer.

Angry Lady Demands Candy Apples From Customer, Emotional Rollercoaster Ensues

People go wild for those candy apples, man.
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Entitled parents stage a public freakout over parking spot, and almost get arrested.

Entitled Parents Lose It Over Parking Spot, Get Towed

What a satisfying emotional rollercoaster.
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FAIL public freakout cringe Awkward ridiculous Video karen tiktok - 2213126

Parking Lot Karen Tries To Save Spot For Boyfriend, Lies To Cops

Enough is enough, Karen.
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A belligerent customer asks for the highest ranking call center employee, and then malicious compliance ensues.

Belligerent Customer Asks For Manager, Sweet Malicious Compliance Ensues

Buddy got exactly what he asked for.
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An entitled Karen won't accept that a woman doesn't work at the store | r/IDontWorkHereLady Join u/Key-Zookeepergame246 1d EK won't accept don't work here XL So my brother law decorating his apartment preparation holiday lets and he asked if could go along and help him as he's not brilliant at interior deign happily agreed as day shopping with him is always fun enter our local home furnishings store and prepare shop. Being former retail manager l'm pretty good at figuring out store layout

Karen Won't Accept That Woman Doesn't Work At Store

Karen refused to hear the truth.
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