
public freakout

Man acts like a child at the ATM, and then proceeds to get put in timeout.

Man Acts Like Child At ATM, Gets Put In Timeout

Dude got put right in the timeout box.
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A ridiculous Twitter thread about crazy stuff manager witnessed at Olive Garden. | Joe Wadlington Follow @JoeWadlington went on date last night and guy meekly shared he used be GENERAL MANAGER TIMES SQUARE OLIVE GARDEN. RETWEETS LIKES 1,001 4,723 9:08 AM 19 Apr 2017 101 t7 1.0K 4.7K Joe Wadlington @JoeWadlington Apr 19 Replying JoeWadlington Clearly, he'd seen some shit. So next hour and half asking questions tried do y'all right.

Twitter Thread: Olive Garden Manager's Wild Work Stories

Never a typical day on the job.
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Madden professional player loses and rage quits

Madden Pro Whines At Tournament, Proceeds To Rage Quit

Deep breaths, my dude.
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Tumblr user shares all the crazy happenings of their first day at Target |  Things Happened On My First Day At Target -Sold lingerie an eighty year old woman -Got free salted caramel frappacino suspectedly gay barista, Parker -Sold bra mom sixteen year old girl who cringing entire time

Target Employee Details His First Crazy Week Of Work

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surfer has meltdown and shouts at teen

Teen Surfer Told He Can't Surf By Territorial Local

No love for the homie.
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neighbor breaks down freakout video

Man Mows Flowers In His Yard, Neighbor Loses It

"What kind of names?"
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Customer stages a fake freakout for free food, and the employee ends up quitting | r/TalesFromYourServer u/Queen_Bri 1y Join Fake outrage free food can have consequences servers ultimately quit because customers lie. Long newbie had hosted 2 years at this point but finally got job as server at semi-corporate place so very excited loved serving and even busiest nights never bothered Attention detail is important and instantly GM liked because well did as rookie. She notorious being crazy and stri

Mean Customer Fakes Outrage For Free Food, Server Quits

What a mean human being.
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AskReddit replies to dating disasters that waiters and waitresses witnessed | thinkdeep 17h Bartender couple on Tinder date. They talk about an hour, he goes bathroom but left his jacket on back his chair with his wallet and keys She stole them, stole his car, and went shopping poor schmuck refused call cops an hour because going so well felt bad him.

Dating Disasters That Waiters/Waitresses Witnessed

Check please.
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AskReddit replies to people's "screw this, I quit!" stories | askingxalice 2h First job at mcdonalds. 3 different managers all telling do different things, and getting mad listen others overheard worst manager say people at register (and many customers behind counter Someone need teach Alice do her job didn't even say anything. Just walked out.

People's "Screw This, I Quit!" Stories

Sometimes people reach their limits.
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entitled woman goes on rant after being denied petting a service dog

"Karen" Wants To Pet Service Dog, Gets Rejected, Rage Ensues

A rageful Karen-nado was born in this moment.
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A collection of AskReddit replies to Redditors that worked in customer service and dealt with total nightmares | So won't price match this even though sitting there under wrong tag No cannot I am sorry had done before seen done before so know can be done Explain again price match policy works go round and round about 10 minutes before she pulls Let speak manager.

Retail Workers Share Their Breaking Points Moments

Everyone has their breaking point.
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FAIL public freakout cringe ridiculous funny Video - 100684545

"Hot Mom" Rages Against Shopping Cart Police

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A collection of AskReddit users sharing their trashiest Thanksgiving memories.

People's Trashiest Thanksgiving Memories

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A collection of retail workers share their worst Black Friday stories.

Retail Workers Share Their Black Friday Horror Stories

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Woman yells at a stranger who calls her out for taking a handicapped parking spot.

Woman Yells At Stranger Who Calls Her Out For Stealing Handicapped Spot

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customer service public freakout ridiculous Travel funny Video flying - 99661825

Self-Important Woman Gets Booted Off Flight

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