

'Everyone on the call was just sitting in confused silence': 15 Bosses who brought "The Office" energy to their workplaces

'Everyone on the call was just sitting in confused silence': 15 Bosses who brought "The Office" energy to their workplaces

Once or twice in your career, you'll end up with a boss who acts a lot like Michael Scott, the goofy boss of the beloved TV show “The Office.” Much like the character himself, these bosses are prone to goofing off, being jokey with employees, loving pranks or dad jokes, or just being a menace in general.
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Top Karens of the Week (July 7, 2023)

Top Karens of the Week (July 7, 2023)

It's summer and Karens are in heat.
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roommates roommate psycho rules bad fridge food eating eat stolen thief stealing-food rage revenge petty-revenge petty reddit call-center call work harassment prank prank-call

'I spent 2 hours making his life miserable': Dude gets revenge on his roommate for eating his food; terrorizes him at work at the call center with hours of silly prank dials

There are a few rules you simply can't break when living with another person. Do your dishes, don't throw parties at 3AM, and you absolutely, 100% cannot eat their food out of the fridge. The refrigerator is sacred and, as a roommate, you aren't privy to every resource in the house just because you live there. It's not your mommy's house, you can't just eat whatever is in the kitchen.
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What funny thing happened at school that caused utter chaos for the faculty?

'I scotch taped all of my classmates together': 25+ Class clowns who took school shenanigans too far

There's nothing like the perfect senior prank, but the lengths some teens will go to achieve it is striking. For some teens, being known as the person who pulled the perfect senior prank is really important. At many high schools, the prank is organized by dozens of people. And as the folks below told with their own stories, the results can be legendary and hilarious. Just don't get caught! A common punishment is not being able to walk in graduation, and no grad wants to miss that. It seems that…
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'[We] grew chia seeds in his keyboard': 25+ Office pranks to pull on your unsuspecting coworkers

'[We] grew chia seeds in his keyboard': 25+ Office pranks to pull on your unsuspecting coworkers

A good prank can make the time fly by at the office, so check out these 25 ideas for some excellent inspo! Offices can become a little dull – after all, they're a place we spend 40 hours per week, doing the same activities with the same people. So why not liven things up with some harmless pranks? As an intern, I was once assigned to make jello in order to imprison someone's stapler inside. After trekking out to buy jello packets, my boss and I made jello and let it chill overnight. The stapler…
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Music marriage FAIL revenge wife petty revenge relationships husband prank reddit thread Reddit funny - 20931077

'He hasn't figured out it's me': Wife sabotages husband's music playlist after he annoys her

We love a harmless but amusing prank! In this case, this Redditor decided that the best way to get back at her husband when he annoys her (and she assured her readers that these are only for minor grievances) is to pull a prank using his music playlist. Her husband uses the music Apple curates for him while he works, so whenever he upsets OP, she plays a ton of crazy music on a low volume on their shared speakers so he doesn't realize it's her. However, she plays enough of it so that it complet…
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'He quit immediately on the spot': Construction worker quits job after discovering hidden coins planted by coworker

'He quit immediately on the spot': Construction worker quits job after discovering hidden coins planted by coworker

Here's a cautionary tale for you: be careful how you quit your job . This guy surely regrets the way he bowed out of a construction job! The OP of this story, u/lrze403, shared the tale of what happened between them and their least favorite coworker. The whole reason the OP and this coworker had bad blood is because the coworker couldn't keep his mouth closed. The OP had posted photos of them doing an unsavory activity, and the coworker showed the pics to the boss. OP probably should've known b…
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halloween costumes workplace-stories employee work stories toxic-workplace FAIL malicious compliance halloween work coworkers toxic-boss Office prank reddit thread Reddit funny toxic-work-environment - 20824069

'I was like absolutely not': Employees share stories of mandatory group Halloween costumes at work

Office group activities are never fully embraced.
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'[She] showed me the texts': Dude gets petty to prank a fake friend

'[She] showed me the texts': Dude gets petty revenge 5 years in the making on a fake friend

High school can be the best times of your life if you have the right friend group. But as we all know, teenagers can be fickle with their friendships. Sometimes a group of friends who have been close for years can all turn on one member of the group to kick them out, which is quite painful for the person stuck on the outside. However, this r/pettyrevenge poster is still stuck in his high school days, even five years later. He's thinking of their high school friend, who ended up having a lot of…
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brother siblings revenge petty revenge doctor who prank family reddit thread Reddit funny - 20669189

'I finally got one over my bro': Guy uses Doctor Who to get petty revenge on brother for scaring him all the time

All those Doctor Who fans out there are going to be fans of this one.
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psychotic subscriptions subscription mail snail-mail ups usps magazine magazines revenge petty-revenge neighbor bad-neighbor noisy aggressive crazy passive-aggressive boyfriend girlfriend

'After his psychotic behavior, I had no sympathy': Girlfriend wages 'Mail War' against her BF's neighbor as petty revenge, flooding his mailbox for a prank

Have you ever had a neighbor so foul that you imagined all the horrible things you might say to them if given the chance? Some folks love that sort of confrontation, while others prefer to take a stealthy, covert approach to their revenge. In this case, one couple got some serious revenge on a bad neighbor in the most passive aggressive way: Snail Mail.
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'I'll bury your car': Neighbors act ice cold toward parking spot thief

'I'll bury your car': Neighbors get ice cold revenge on rude parking spot thief

Don't ever mess with someone's parking spot — especially not when you're as brazen about it as this woman was. U/notanotherdonut shared their story to r/pettyrevenge, and it truly lives up to that name! The snowed-in Redditor writes that on a wintery day , they decided to clear a parking space for their BF, so that he'd have a place to park after work. The OP writes that it was no easy feat. It took them hours to dig the spot, and mere seconds to get it stolen by an uncaring neighbor. Luckily,…
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'Be careful what you wish for': Snarky mother pulls an uno reverse on her picky-eater 8 year old, feeding her the same meal for a week to teach her a lesson

'Be careful what you wish for': Snarky mother pulls an uno reverse on her picky-eater 8 year old, feeding her the same meal for a week to teach her a lesson

Kids go through phases of being little menaces. Sometimes that 'phase' extends into their entire lifetime, bit it's pretty much guaranteed when they're under 10 years old. By the time they're in 2nd or 3rd grade, they think they have the world figured out. They don't need mom and dad telling them what to do anymore and they become indignant, stubborn, picky babies once again.
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Inconsiderate Neighbors Can Enjoy the Chirping!

'Downstairs neighbors are so loud... now for our petty revenge': Couple determined to make their annoying neighbors completely miserable as they move out

Imagine having neighbors so bad they they're a part of the reason you move out… that's the reality for this couple, who wasn't going to leave without a little pettiness. Having bad neighbors really can be enough of a reason to want to move out of your place. When you live side-by-side with someone who's noisy or inconsiderate , much like these people, the clatter can interrupt your sleep and make your weekends a nightmare. These neighbors were so incredibly loud that the OP and their fiancee ha…
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funny prank karma-served satisfying-justice alex-biron prankster Justice-served lol hilarious-prank prank karens in the wild prank-phonecall Karen-gets-pranked karma karen - 19765765

Viral Prankster Sells 'How's My Driving?' Bumper Stickers with His Own Phone Number and Personally Takes the Karen Calls, Hilarity Ensues

Wow. Bravo! This was just *chef's kiss*! Sure, it sounds like this Karen lady is crying at the end, but like, who does what she did? Why would you call and complain because you were late and a car in front of you was going a little slow. Like, lady… Come on. The only time you call those “How's My Driving?” bumper stickers is if the driver was actually putting someone in danger. Like, they were visibly intoxicated or like driving the wrong way down the highway. Not if they made you late to you s…
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photo shoot roast prank entitled models petty revenge - 19628037

Guy blasts 'entitled models,' gets roasted by internet for his smelly prank

“This is not the flex you think it is,” one person wrote, scolding a guy who was insistent on stopping an “entitled” photo shoot. Sharing public spaces is
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