

'We froze [his bike] to the freezer floor': 20+ Extra creative workplace pranks

'We froze [his bike] to the freezer floor': 20+ Extra creative workplace pranks

Have you ever been involved in a workplace prank? One prank is fun, and it can really liven up the workplace and boost morale. That often leads to Up next, an assembly line worker who came in two minutes late to work got an earful from their boss, so they finally stood up to their boss saying, “Nope, not my problem .”
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family drama neighbors crazy people entitlement drama kids neighborhood Female Empowerment driveway neighborhood-drama parenting prank entitled family reddit thread Reddit mom children entitled people - 35772421

'Finally, justice getting served!': Homeowner spends hundreds of dollars to find source of banging noise, catches entitled neighbor kid kicking house and running away

As kids, many of us indulged in harmless pranks around the neighborhood—ding-dong-ditching, TP-ing, you name it. It was just part of growing up. Now as adults with our own homes, we've come to realize just how irritating these 'innocent' pranks can be. It's like karma has come full circle. However, one recent incident takes the cake in terms of annoyance factor. A particularly entitled kid has been repeatedly kicking his neighbor's house. Yes, kicking it.
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Cheap sister-in-law gets caught trying to swap tags during gift exchange, cue petty payback: 'The look on [her] face made me wish we had some reality tv cameras set up for this'

Cheap sister-in-law gets caught trying to swap tags during gift exchange, cue petty payback: 'The look on [her] face made me wish we had some reality TV cameras set up for this'

Some people have a knack for giving the worst gifts. For instance, when I turned 10, I received a fairly standard dictionary for my birthday. The following year, I received a pencil holder. Let's just say that one of my parents certainly falls into this category of individuals. As you grow older, you come to learn that this is not a big deal. Gift-giving is simply not everyone's love language. However, what's even worse than being a horrible gift-giver is trying to hide the fact that you're a h…
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Top 15+ Beach Vacation Mishaps as Summer Approaches

Top 15+ Beach Vacation Mishaps To Celebrate the Arrival of Summer

Planning a vacation? Don't make the same mistakes that these folks did. The fascinating thing about the beach is that it attracts the full spectrum of individuals: from the people who need a break to the people who need less of one, from the wise travelers to the foolish ones, and from the calm and collected types to the anxious souls who dream of rest and relaxation but cannot help themselves. Personally speaking, I fall into the lattermost category. I'm not the type of person who can easily r…
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'I can mimic that sound perfectly': 20+ Crafty workplace pranks that totally fooled coworkers

'I can mimic that sound perfectly': 20+ Crafty workplace pranks that totally fooled coworkers

Boring workplace? Time to liven it up with a few pranks! That's what these people did, and they shared the resulting hilarity with r/AskReddit. If you've ever gotten to prank your coworkers , you know how funny it can be. If you're on the receiving end of a stapler encased in jello, you might be a little miffed. But everyone around you will remember your surprised face, and they'll get a great laugh out of it too. It's an entertaining way to build camaraderie. And for a lot of the people below,…
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'It was hilarious to see these guys offering their "critiques"': Amateur poetry blog pranks "internet know-it-alls"

'It was hilarious to see these guys offering their "critiques"': Amateur poetry blog pranks "internet know-it-alls"

Everyone's a critic. It's way easier to comment on art than make it. It's a ton of fun to talk about works of writing or art , most of us do it on a daily basis. Whether it's talking with your coworkers about the latest episode of a popular TV drama, or talking about the new sci-fi movie with your mom after the showing, we're all a bit critical from time to time. That can be a good thing, though. It helps us learn what makes good art good, and what makes bad art memorable. Is it boring, is it e…
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hiring job position prank funny self-interview interview interviews interviewee interviewer working worker work manager funny business company application

Interviewee engineers the ultimate jump scare as payback for enduring futile hiring steps: ‘The goal was to get them to turn up the volume as loud as possible’

The hiring process is asinine these days. After 8 rounds of interviews, 4 different cover letters, and losing your will to live, the application to your dream job may still be lost in the trash bin of some flippant hiring manager.
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'Poor Miss Uptight': Guy pranks coworker, gets roasted in the comments

'Poor Miss Uptight': Guy pranks coworker, gets roasted in the comments

In every office, there is at least one uptight coworker and one coworker who thinks he's a good guy but is a total devil. The former example can certainly be annoying and frustrating at times, but it's par for the course in a workplace environment. However, the latter is a wildly toxic presence that often needs to be excised immediately. With this story , we have a prankster who shared his “win” against an uptight coworker, only to get completely roasted in the comments section. Most folks joke…
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'[He] cooked that nights' ramen in river water': 25 Boy Scouts tell the wildest things that happened on their camping trips

These scouts are lucky to have survived these camping trips full of mishaps. They gained the memories of a lifetime, and they're sharing them today in reply to @paynushurts' Twitter question: “What was the 'incident' at your summer Boy Scout camping trip?” The answers were wide-ranging and completely hilarious. Some people shared stories from when they were little kids, while others had their craziest times happen as teenagers. Going on a camping trip with your scouting troop is a great way to…
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reddit wife husband marriage married reddit-thread thread prank pranks funny salty pet-names pet-peeve honey sugar babe waitress tips perfect-timng

‘Don’t call me honey': Waitress scores a $50 tip after being asked to act extra chummy, pranking a woman's salty husband into a better mood

Nobody knows how to push a person's buttons quite like a spouse.
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'The yolks on him': Prankster takes down coworker's Do Not Disturb sign during work trip, coworker gets even by ordering a pricey breakfast on his bill

'The yolks on him': Prankster takes down coworker's Do Not Disturb sign during work trip, coworker gets even by charging a pricey breakfast on his room

Traveling with a work colleague sounds fun in theory, but most people would prefer traveling alone to having to deal with the office prankster. It sounds like this guy was universally unliked by everyone at work, yet somehow, he didn't really catch on because he still kept on being annoying. On the one hand, you have to hand it to him for leaning in and being himself. On the other, you'd think this guy would try to be ever so slightly more considerate in order to be ever so slightly more enjoya…
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prank prank-call phone phone-number blocked call caller contact horse horses horse-prank reddit petty petty-revenge

'We're about to take [your horse] out back... Old Yeller style': Guy pranks a wrong number after being pestered for months for updates on the stranger's horse

Believe it or not, caller ID was invented in the 80's, but it still took several decades to figure out how to completely block an incoming call. Imagine all the tedious hardships that would have been avoided if blocking a phone number had been a thing sooner? There certainly wouldn't be as many horror movies dedicated to villains in masks hiding behind an unknown number.
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prank pranking pranks loan loan borrow owe money pay payback revenge petty petty-revenge reddit lol stranger reddit-thread

'Looks like my plan worked!': Guy loans 10€ to a shady stranger, gets ghosted until he plays a prank of his own as payback

Generosity < Mischief
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'Water pipe burst [...] and soaked ALL of the spare toilet paper': 15+ cruise ship fiascos passengers never found out about

'Water pipe burst [...] and soaked ALL of the spare toilet paper': 15+ cruise ship fiascos passengers never found out about

There is a reason why some people refuse to go on cruise ships. Perhaps these folks are suspicious about what's happening behind the scenes. Perhaps there's a fear of a Jack and Rose Titanic moment. Perhaps these tourists simply have better things to do with their vacation money. For the folks who never trusted cruise ships for a second, this thread, which was posted to the r/AskReddit subreddit, will likely confirm their suspicions. From water pipes bursting to lice infestation to live enterta…
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'My art teacher confiscated a frying pan': 20+ Teachers who confiscated their student's strangest belongings

'My art teacher confiscated a frying pan': 20+ Teachers who confiscated their student's strangest belongings

These teachers couldn't stay mad at their students for long. They know all too well that sometimes you have to stifle a laugh when a kid does something out of bounds. It might be super funny, but if the teacher laughs, the kids will get rowdy . Teachers are always confiscating things from students . Some teachers take away phones if they see you texting inside your desk during class. Others have to confiscate paper airplanes, rubber bands, gum, and sometimes even food. All of these things can p…
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friendship bad friend entitlement stealing malicious compliance petty revenge stood up prank reddit thread Reddit payback money entitled people - 23908613

"He fell for it so easily': Entitled man steals over $7,000 from friends, revenge strikes when they make him fly cross-country and stand him up with $400 bill

After being a part of a close-knit social circle for some time, one of the friends within the group began showing some problematic behavior. Over time, this so-called friend's behavior continued to deteriorate and spiral out of control. What started innocently enough with him 'borrowing' money from some friends and failing to pay them back evolved into outright stealing. Even though he repeatedly denied it, the friends knew that this guy who called himself a businessman actually...
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