

Police. Cops. Popo. 5-O. Whatever officer might be looking for, you'll find all that here and more. These coppers will charge you up like a battery, so get a shock to your system with witty police humor.

neighbors neighborhood-drama petty food delivery mildly infuriating entitled Reddit police - 25758981

'They took a full report before insisting on delivering my property—a completely melted Slurpee': Neighbors call cops on guy housesitting next door because his food was accidentally delivered to their house

A man was housesitting at his partner's parent's house when he got the late night munchiess. At 1 a.m., he decided to browse through his food delivery apps to see what could satisfy his craving. His choice was a Slurpee and candy from a nearby 7/11. While waiting for his food, he fell asleep. The next morning, he went to check on his food only to find it missing and the police at his door. Apparently, the food was delivered to some unsuspecting neighbors who thought the police needed to be invo…
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cops feud duplex landlord neighbors entitlement satisfying neighborhood-drama neighborhood-stories petty revenge entitled people karma karens in the wild karen karma renting Bad Neighbor karen police apartment - 25565445

Karen gets evicted after calling cops multiple times on neighbor and flooding their apartment: 'You're out of here!'

This family has to have one of the worst neighbors out there. After over ten months of their ongoing feud, the family's Karen-neighbor finally got what she deserved. Evicted. It all started when this family got a new neighbor to share their duplex with. They knew nothing about the person who moved in, but her true character quickly came out in their first meeting. She was a middle-aged woman with lots of cats, whom the Original Poster (OP) nicknamed Karen, for good reason. When they first met,…
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'The look on her face was PRICELESS': Thieving landlord flabbergasted when an ex-tenant lawfully reclaims his property

Landlords have a nasty little habit of thinking they own you. As a renter, you're obligated to pay their mortgage and puff up a landlord's retirement fund, but at the end of the day, we owe them nothing but what's written on our lease. No landlord is entitled to claim your property–ever.
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'She called the cops and is trying to convince my boss to fire me': Karen wrongly accuses her neighbor of stealing her mail, gets pwned when he scores surveillance footage to clear his name

Being stuck with a bad neighbor can make your living situation more like a hostage situation. Cornered by the prying eyes and rampant lies of a nosy neighbor, our next hero showcases the best way to deal with a resident Karen: Video evidence.
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Nurse nurses resident-nurse hospital care patient patients overtime shift work workplace job fired police working company manager shifts employee employees reddit

'I am being held against my will': After working a 30 hour shift, nurse calls the police then gets fired for being 'immature'

If you've ever pulled an overtime shift, you know the psychological warfare that goes on throughout every step of that OT journey. Once you pass hour 8 of your work day, your concept of time starts to warp, turning your workplace into an inescapable purgatory in which you're trapped until your next 15-minute break. For the nurse in our next tale, her accidental overtime shift turned into a nightmare after her relief no-showed...
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work workplace coworker worker employee employees boss bosses manager quit resign resignation job business company letter spam email police welfare check

Clueless Boss Sends Police to Do a ‘Welfare Check’ on an Ex-Employee After Ignoring Their Resignation Notice

Spam emails hit your inbox every day. Whether you're avoiding daily discounts from incessant brands, disregarding subscription requests, or ignoring updates on your extended warranty, there's a lot of riff-raff that comes through your email that can go straight to the trash . However, when it comes to your work email inbox, there are a few messages that can cause a lot of confusion if they're never seen– like a resignation letter.
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drive driving road-rage petty-revenge revenge payback reddit drivers cops police rage following satisfying story stories

'Follow me to my house, I'll follow you back': Driver pulls a daring uno reverse on a road-rager, teaching him a valuable lesson

It's easy to lose your cool when you're driving. You're operating a 2-ton wheeled tin can going 80mph and nobody seems to have their eyes open– how is it that drivers can be such imbeciles?
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'[They] saw dollar signs': Customer calls police after mechanic refuses to return their car

'[They] saw dollar signs': Customer calls police after mechanic refuses to return their car

How could a quick mechanic visit go so wrong? This dude was left stunned after a shop took their car, and then didn't want to give it back. As a car owner, you get to know your vehicle pretty well. The more time you spend driving to the grocery store or to your friend's house, the more you'll notice its noises and smells. If your car makes lots of whining sounds or starts leaking fumes into the interior, it might be time to get that looked at. Although some people drive around with car issues ,…
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customer service barista malicious compliance server customers petty revenge customer food service service police officer service industry police - 23968773

Police officer blocks barista's driveway, resulting in them being late to make the police captain's coffee: 'Captain proceeds to chew out that officer in front of all of his colleagues'

After working in customer service, there are some experiences that will stick with you long after. These experiences will mostly be the exceptional ones that stand out even from every other bizarre daily interaction.
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'We're not a daycare': Elementary school principal humbled by small-town mom after forcing students to walk 5 miles home from school

'We're not a daycare': Elementary school principal humbled by small-town mom after forcing students to walk 5 miles home from school

I feel like there are a few lessons I've learned throughout my lifetime that ought to be addressed. First of all, some individuals exploit their position of authority by using it for personal gain rather than the benefit of those around them. The lesson here is that, although it is something we are all familiar with, it says more about the person in power than it does about us. The second thing I've learned at the ripe old age of twenty-five is that motherhood is a superpower. A mother is stron…
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karens instant karma karens in the wild karen karma karen story karma karen fireman firefighters revenge police - 23587333

'What are you doing? My car is ruined!': Firemen total hydrant-blocking Karen's car to run a fire hose through it

You shouldn't ever park your car in front of a fire hydrant—and that's a known fact. It's one of those things, like parking in a disabled parking space, that immediately labels you as someone who has no regard for other members of society. Should your car be towed or smashed to smithereens, the rest of us would sit back, shrug, and agree that you had it coming… Sure, there's the possibility here that you yourself were in a rush, stressed, or just having a bad day and made a genuine mistake, but…
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'Obviously the police wouldn’t do anything about it': Nurse tech calls cops over $.50 theft to make a point to hospital administrators

'Obviously the police wouldn’t do anything about it': Nurse tech calls cops over $.50 theft to make a point to hospital administrators

This hospital had an ongoing food theft issue that got really out of hand. Why would someone steal food in a workplace environment? If someone lifts a meal from the work refrigerator once, you could chalk it up to a mistake. If it happens twice, it could be that someone was so hungry they couldn't wait to get food, or are just becoming more brazen about their theft. By the third time, this is a real issue---and it could even spawn copycats.
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pro revenge hoa neighbors parking space parking lot malicious compliance parking ticket neighborhood revenge parking drama homeowner neighborhood-drama bad neighbors neighborhood-stories parking stories petty revenge terrible neighbors Bad Neighbor police neighbor - 23160837

'That's gonna cost you': Spying neighbor calls police because of a few leaves, police threaten to tow his car instead

In life, it's not worth worrying about the little things, especially when there are much bigger things to worry about… Yet, each neighborhood somehow manages to have that one neighbor who has nothing important to worry about and spends their days obsessing over petty details and perceived slights, plotting about how they're going to hold their neighbors accountable for that single blade of grass that went unmowed, or that leaf that blew over the property line that one time three summers ago.
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'The next day, signs go up on 80 trees in a row': Tractor trailer driver refuses to stop parking in a pecan grove, farmers try numerous tactics to get him to leave

'The next day, signs go up on 80 trees in a row': Tractor trailer driver refuses to stop parking in a pecan grove, farmers try numerous tactics to get him to leave

This truck driver kept parking on an expensive and private plot of land . He didn't know it at first, but then even after he was told about the issue, he still kept doing it. The allure of being out on the open road and seeing thousands of miles of the country you live in is a great incentive for many truck drivers. As a driver, you'll get to travel through numerous states and get to see lots of different cities and towns. Plus, driving trucks is crucial to the economy---how else would food, cl…
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'It's not the first time he's done this': Man throws temper tantrum at AAA after they cancel his 26-year membership

'It's not the first time he's done this': Man throws temper tantrum at AAA after they cancel his 26-year membership

This person came by to “forgive” some employees who made him mad, but then he started yelling at them instead. In an odd video posted by u/galaxystars1, a bystander is filming inside of a AAA as a (former) customer flips out. There are two sides to every story, and we only see a small segment of what happened here. But as the upset customer says, he had a 26-year-long membership with AAA, and the company cancelled it. Though they don't say why, someone mentions that this dude shows up often to…
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‘I called their bluff’: Frugal driver saves $80 on a parking ticket by pushing back on the fine print and threatening legal action

Parking tickets are objectively the worst. As drivers, all we ever really want is to pull up with ease, park right away, and move on with our lives, but if you live in a city, your odds of finding a parking spot immediately are slim. Sharks lurk in their tiny parking police golf carts, waiting for impatient drivers to slip up, so they can slap an irksome fee on your windshield. Heed my words, never mess with the parking police– unless they mess with you first!
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