petty revenge

Knock money off my paycheck for grammar mistakes? Let me point out all the mistakes on my bosses work.

'I received a decrease in my pay': Employee gets pay docked for grammar mistakes, gets revenge on boss

landlord malicious compliance pro revenge revenge petty revenge - 16854789

Landlord Coerces Tenant Into Showing Their Apartment, They Give Overly Honest Tours

HOA gets hilariously trolled after emailing a petty violation email to the wrong person

Woman is mistakenly emailed an HOA violation for a property 600 miles away, trolls them with epic pettiness

Couple decided to steal a deeded parking space | I work in a place with a deeded parking garage - each spaced is owned by a resident. But we only have 75 spots, and 300 units. If you don't have a spot, ya gotta permit park your car on the street or find a parking garage in the neighborhood.

'Granny told them it would be $150 bucks': Entitled couple steals deeded parking space, has their car trapped... and faces the wrath of "Granny"

We all show up to the meeting with our lunch boxes and proceed to casually eat lunch at the corporate meeting. All 60 of us from our department. The ceo stops his spiel after a few minutes

'[Our] boss tries to deny having said that': Boss insists meeting is a lunch break, so workers eat their lunch and almost get the boss fired

How I got a car dealership to give my friend a "newer" car

Idiot friend buys car at outrageous price from scummy dealer, guy gets him a free new car when he realizes dealer committed fraud

Park across 2 spaces so nobody parks next to you? Challenge accepted!

'HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO GET IN!': Entitled parkers try to take multiple parking spots and leave one tiny one, dude accepts their challenge

My GF got an illegal Airbnb ring in her apartment complex busted

'Absolutely not': Couple discovers their neighbor is running an illegal Airbnb ring, she gets the leasing office involved

pro revenge neighbors neighborhood mother revenge neighborhood-drama bad neighbors petty revenge Bad Neighbor - 18448133

'I definitely put a dent in [their marriage]': Single mother catfishes condescending righteous neighbors in ultimate act of retribution

No Karen, I didn't buy a seat for your bag.

'My seat was playing host to Karen's bag': Karen tries to take up two seats on the train, passenger gets petty revenge

Block my driveway? I don't know where your car went. | This JUST happened. In fact I am still a little pumped of adrenaline (Off such a little act, WHAT a rush).

'He looked incredibly confused': Guy parks van in dudes driveway, dude makes van disappear

I have to pay to print personal stuff at work? so do you, boss

'She said nothing but looked really uncomfortable': Worker craftily exposes boss's stupid fraudulent print fee, makes them pay big time

Oh you’re gonna call cops bc 1/5th of my car is past the no parking sign, guess I’m gonna park there everyday now

'The last time I parked there, the lady [...] looked LIVID': Woman gets petty revenge on entitled neighbors by parking in their spot

Update! How I got revenge on my ex boyfriend and ex best friend.

Update! '[BF] has made multiple Facebook pages to message me': Woman gets revenge on cheating boyfriend and her best friend after she discovers their secret relationship

How I got revenge on my ex boyfriend and ex best friend. | As soon as he was out the door I immediately packed my bags, important papers and the dogs and left. I also unscrewed most lightbulbs, took the batteries out of the remote, took the router plug in so he wouldn’t have Wi-Fi and cranked

'I f-ed with their heads': Woman gets revenge on cheating boyfriend and her best friend after she discovers their secret relationship

Bank won’t let me withdraw all funds? Ok | I moved from Pennsylvania to Michigan a few years ago and only go home once a year or so. A few years back I transferred the vast majority of my bank account to Michigan, but they were giving me a hard time about closing the account and so I withdrew all funds except for

'They were giving me a hard time about closing the account': Bank tries to charge guy a fee to close account, he decides to drown them in perpetual transactions