petty revenge

Coworkers didn't like that I leave 3 hours early. Say goodbye to your sleep in.

Infuriating Coworkers Complain About Flexible Working Arrangement, Makes Everything Worse For Everyone

A coworker was apparently sexist against our boss, so I let him drown.

Software engineer stops helping sexist coworker, lets them show their true colors and screw themselves

I cost me neighbors over $100,000. | My neighbors have 9 cars total parked in the street. They always park two of those cars in front on my house and won’t move them the whole week.

Neighborhood Parking Dispute Escalates Into $100,000 Extension Removal

Neighbors used my property as their own. Paid for new fence. | I recently bought a house and have been having some work done before I move in. It was empty on the market for about 6 or 8 months before I bought it.  One morning I got a call from my contractor, asking me about moving the cars in the driveway, and of course I had no idea what he was talking about. I hadn't moved in yet.

'Good riddance': Trashy neighbors refuse to stop using driveway, get towed, arrested, and fined

"All of my roommates knew that these sandwich bags in the fridge were my dog food.  One day, I come home, and my last 3 bags are gone. Like I didn’t misplace them. They were there this morning, gone. I had to make an emergency grocery run, and everybody denied eating it."

Weird Roommate Steals and Eats Dog Food, Gets Revenge With Petty Prank

"Corgi puppy runs over to her and the woman SHRIEKS and runs inside. Husband comes out later without puppy, and she cusses him out, screams at him, he tries to apologize, but she keeps screaming."

Karen Calls Animal Control on Corgi, Owner Sends Glitter Bomb, Karen Calls Cops

“If you find that “job” take it! Goodbye!” - Okay, I will and take the department with me. |  So I decided to ask the question “How do you plan to retain talent when there are other companies offering 2x the money with half of the workload?” The CEO decided this question was hilarious and read it aloud laughing and responded “if you find that job (with finger quotes as if it wasn't real), you better take it, goodbye!”

CEO Laughs off Worker's Request for Raise and Tells Them To Find Another Job, They Do and Find Their Whole Department New Jobs Too

Call the police on my kid for watching a movie? No afternoon nap for you! | So I just read a story on here that reminded me of my dad’s personal petty revenge story.  I was around 10-12 when this happened.  Our old next door neighbour was a nosy, lazy SAHM. She liked to complain about almost everything.

Unreasonable Elderly Neighbor Phones Police Over Teen Movie Marathon, Has Her Nap-time Cancelled

How I screwed over a racist, horrible, bigoted business owner and likely resulted in him going out of business faster.| This occurred in a southern state (I won't mention the state...cause, well, you'll see :))

'I'm charging him full rate': Account manager screws over bigoted client and runs them out of business

Pay Your Tattoo Artists. | "It takes several sessions across weeks. She repeatedly has to postpone payment, but he's chill, family friend, Yada Yada. Until it comes to the last session, when it slips that she still doesn't have the money, and more importantly, WON'T have the money. Like, ever."

'Right up her spine this idiot now has a massive veiny appendage': Tattoo artist gets revenge on client when they learn they have no intention of paying

PettyRevenge | Reddit | You want to steal my desert? How about a mouth full of ink to go with it?

Manager Turned Food-Thief Gets His Just Desserts When Stolen Snack Holds Inky Surprise

Don't intimidate your roommates | I (33M) currently live with three roommates (B, S, T). B decided two months ago that she was unhappy and going to move out after 7 months of no complaints. T

Terrible Roommate Tries to Bully Roommates, Shocked When They Move Out

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'He threatened legal action': Landlord coerces tenant into showing their apartment, so they give overly honest tours

 was able to simultaneously gain a 30k per year pension for my Mother while wiping my piece of shot father's retirement. | My Father is the Canadian Satan. Growing up with him was less than fun and I can assure you, based on witnessing it he was a less than fun husband.

Son Destroys Terrible Father's Pension By Getting His Mother What She's Owed

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Graphic Designer Tries to Save Company and Client From Disney's Copyright Squadron, Boss Doesn't Listen Then Tries to Scapegoat Them

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'Want some free gas? I gotcha bro!': Neighbor gets revenge on gas thieves with sabotaged gas canisters