petty revenge

Update: 'Now comes the revenge': Owners short analyst $70k in payments, costs them $1.8M

Update: 'Now comes the revenge': Owners cheat analyst of $70k in payments, so he keeps their $1.8M

Total wine would not sell me the specific wine I drove 60 miles to that location for because they claim I was with someone else who left and they need to see iD for that person. I was alone. So I made a mobile order of 10k and never picked it up

'Are you seriously not coming to pick this up?': Wine store manager insults customer, she gets epic petty revenge

Yell at me in front of a customer? Fine. Everyone gets 18oz of free coffee.

‘She threw me under the bus’: Diner worker gets shamed by manager for coffee order in front of customer, cue coffee-fueled malicious compliance

Patient was aggressive over nothing, he gets a nice lonnng wait to sit by himself in time out :)

'I ask the SLOWEST coworker possible': Nurse gets petty revenge on entitled patient by making him wait over an hour

Guy lets friends use camper, gets locked out, ditches them

Friends Lock Dude Out Of His Own Camper For The Night, He Leaves With His Camper

Karen complains to HR about my body, I Uno Reverse her complaint, everyone hates her

Nosy Karen coworker files ridiculous HR complaint, woman gets perfectly petty revenge on her

Leave me to do the project all by myself till 2am? Have fun panicking during the presentation!

'Sorry, can’t meet up and help': Student gets petty revenge on partner for group project after she blew them off

Clever college chick gets revenge after being told to stop walking around braless by a jealous girlfriend

Clever college chick gets revenge after being told to stop walking around braless by a jealous girlfriend after receiving unwanted attention

‘An Eye For An Eye’ : Couple's Petty Revenge On Friends Who Didn't Invite Them To Wedding

‘An Eye For An Eye’ : Couple Exacts Petty Revenge On Friends Who Didn't Invite Them To Wedding, Drama Ensues

Lie about being ill? Then you're too ill to participate.

'Sometimes the best payback is enjoying life': Entitled friend fakes illness and cancels on BFF's birthday, gets called out for lying

I am currently on holiday and my new favourite pastime is having no patience for instagram wannabe models

'I walked in front of the camera': Redditor sparks online discussion with their petty tactic for dealing with influencers out in the wild

guy quit his job thinking he became rich

'He called my boss a f-ing idiot': Insane coworker tricked into quitting on the spot when he thinks he hit the jackpot

I quit my job before they could fire me

'So I decide to quit': Guy discovers his new job is planning on replacing him, quits before they have the chance

My worst customer ever

'What he was committing was fraud and theft': Guy gets revenge on the worst customer ever, scams the scammer back

Told my (ex)friend that he was cheating on his girlfriend with a coworker and now he’s getting deported.

Cheating coworker gets caught, dumped, and deported as a result of his actions

Knock money off my paycheck for grammar mistakes? Let me point out all the mistakes on my bosses work.

'I received a decrease in my pay': Employee gets pay docked for grammar mistakes, gets revenge on boss