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'Can't you just do it?!': Procrastinating Karen flips out when she realizes she has to wait on a waiting list just like everybody else; veterinary receptionist puts her in her place

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'[Am I the jerk] for getting a dog': Family orders adult woman to get rid of her pet dog because her brother is allergic

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'Garlic is toxic to cats!': Internet condemns friend for feeding woman's cat toxic food and refusing to stop when asked

25 Quirky memes that are all too relatable

25 Quirky memes that are all too relatable

'A dog would never do this': 25+ Animals who were bad to the bone before their owners caught them on camera

'A dog would never do this': 25+ Animals who were bad to the bone before their owners caught them on camera

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'She was going to take my bird': Guy brings pet bird out on errands, woman attempts to take her from owner

What's a secret you'll never tell your partner but are willing to tell strangers on Reddit?

'Our cat didn't break the towel rack. I did': 20+ Secrets so outrageous people could never tell their significant other about it

20+ Flailing felines and overly-curious kitties who got caught by their owners

20+ Flailing felines and overly-curious kitties who got caught by their owners

'Would you save your sick cat or your homeless sister?': Malicious Redditor pays for life-saving surgery for her senior cat instead of bailing her estranged sister out of failed investments

'Would you save your sick cat or your homeless sister?': Malicious Redditor pays for life-saving surgery for her senior cat instead of bailing her estranged sister out of failed investments

20+ Ultimate fails from people who ruined their entire day

20+ Ultimate fails from people who ruined their entire day

Is Home Depot a home improvement store, or is it a dog park? It can't be both.

‘Home improvement store or a dog park?’: Customer asks employees how they feel about dogs overtaking home improvement stores

AITA for asking my roommate to keep her cat in her bedroom?

Update! 'Your cat has to stay in your room now': Roommates spar over their cats' inability to get along

20+ Hilariously honest memes about the funniest parts of long term relationships

20+ Hilariously honest memes about the funniest parts of long term relationships

25+ Horrible Roommates Who Refuse to Clean Up After Themselves

25+ Horrible Roommates Who Refuse to Clean Up After Themselves

AITA for letting my dog poop in someone else's yard?

Update! 'I'm the a**hole': Dog owner lets pet "go" in neighbor's yard, wonders if they're wrong, internet sets them straight

20+ Pets who are so confused by their completely goofy haircuts

20+ Pets who are so confused by their completely goofy haircuts