

dogs dog pets pet pet ownership pet owners aita entitled people karens

Karen gets upset about other dogs and their owners during official park "dog party": 'I have a right to be here'

I'm a dog lover and owner, but the first thing that I'll recognize about dog ownership is that a lot of people are wildly irresponsible with and about their pets. Still, it seems almost impossible to get things exactly right in the modern world of dog training and ownership; everywhere you look, there is conflicting advice and strategies that the people pushing them swear you must follow. Some are based on research and empirical evidence, while others are theoretical and hokey. And, yet, even t…
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Guy Takes the Wrong Dog Home From the Dog Park, Has a Heartwarming Laugh With the Other Owner When He Returns With Doppelgänger, 'Not-Max'

Golden retriever behavior
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Boyfriend insists on receiving 2/3 of woman's lottery winnings for his dog, demanding an additional $10k: 'My boyfriend is now dead serious about wanting me to give [him] "Baxter’s share" of the money'

We all get a little weird and crazy about our pets; that's part of what you sign up for when you devote a significant portion of your time, energy, and financial resources to a fluffy little ball of chaos living with you in your home. I'd argue that, in fact, the entire concept is a little bit crazy, and if you weren't already when you decided to get a furry friend, I promise you that you will soon be driven so. Still, no matter how much we consider our pets members of our families, even the mo…
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'My dog once ate a feather duster': 20+ Pets who kept their owners in stitches with their hilarious antics

What would we ever do without our silly precious pets to cheer us up? If you own a pet , you already know how much they can brighten your life. Your pet always wants to see you, because you're their favorite person. Your cat probably wants to snuggle 24/7 because they're obsessed with you. Your dog probably always wants to play catch or snore loudly next to you on the couch. And, as you'll definitely know if you've had a pet, they are not always the brightest bulbs. Some animals are really, rea…
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'Swinona Ryder and Bunyonce': 30 Hilariously bizarre pet shelter names

'Swinona Ryder and Bunyonce': 30 Hilariously bizarre pet shelter names

Step right up and see the silliest-named animals on the whole internet! We've got cats, dogs, birds, and more with some very silly names that they've been given by their respective animal shelters. Next up,, read about these potluck dinners that went absolutely off the rails, like one person who admitted, that “Six people brought the same Walmart potato salad.”
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'The school doesn't have a problem with it, neither should you': Young mother told to stay out of kids' school park so a woman can use it for her dog instead, her son cries all the way home

'The school doesn't have a problem with it, neither should you': Young mother told to stay out of kids' school park so a woman can use it for her dog instead, her son cries all the way home

People who believe that they own public spaces should be fined. A pregnant lady lived near a school that had a perfect playground for her young son. However, the park was only open when school was out. So one Sunday afternoon, after school hours, she got dressed, packed her kid in her stroller, and began waddling to the park, thinking how much she would like to take a seat due to pregnancy pains. Looking forward to some rest, she got to the gate and went to open it when she noticed some coats s…
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'You break it, you buy it': Staff member demands parents pay for damaged items at local pet shop after son ruins store

'You break it, you buy it': Staff member demands parents pay for damaged items at local pet shop after son ruins store

You are accountable for your child. Stated simply, you will be liable for the cost of replacing any products that your child breaks while you are shopping. Given this perspective, what would you do, therefore, if two well-to-do parents allowed their child to run wild and then declined to pay for the hundreds of dollars in damages? The story below is an account of a frustrated pet store employee. The original poster (OP) worked at the pet store for an extended period of time. Everything went wel…
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'We didn't see Zen Dude back at the park again': Entitled yogi makes enemies at local dog park, other dog owners deflates his tires

'We didn't see Zen Dude back at the park again': Entitled yogi makes enemies at local dog park, other dog owners deflate his tires

For better or for worse, parks attract a wide range of outsized personalities. There are the folks who want to keep to themselves, the ones who are actively trying to draw attention, and the ones who whether they know it or not are making everyone else's experience at the park miserable. Most of the time, we do not have the courage to confront these individuals, but every so often, the opportunity for some much-needed petty revenge arises. With this particular scenario, which was shared by u/No…
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'I feel bad for your neighbor': New tenant shares neighbors' note online, internet blasts them for being inconsiderate

'I feel bad for your neighbor': New tenant shares neighbors' note online, internet blasts them for being inconsiderate

This person's just moved in, and their neighbors are already irritated with them… That's never a good sign! When you first move into a new building, chances are you'll meet your neighbors at some point. And even if you don't meet them, you'll definitely hear them. In many apartments, the walls are thin enough to allow in sounds and smells. So you might not know your neighbor by name, but you know that he and his kids eat a roast for dinner, since you can smell it cooking and hear the dishes cli…
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French Fry Freddie and Goose Willis: 30 Pets with funny names

French Fry Freddie and Goose Willis: 30 Pets with hilariously weird names

Each year, millions of cats and dogs get adopted out, and someone at the shelters will have to name them. According to Forbes, the number of pups who got their fur-ever home in the US last year was 1.5 million. That's just counting dogs—but shelters also house plenty of cats, and about 978,000 of the little scoundrels were adopted last year. Now, there aren't millions of pigs, lizards, rabbits, or birds sitting in the shelters, but a few of them always come through these shelters' doors, too! A…
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'You can't do this': Irresponsible dude abandons cat with friend, then refuses to answer calls for 3 months or pay for cat's vet visit

'You can't do this': Irresponsible dude abandons cat with friend, then refuses to answer calls for 3 months or pay for cat's vet visit

One dude was the worst kind of friend you could have. Let's call him Ken. See, Ken had a friend by the name of… let's say, Scott. Ken and Scott were buddies, and when Ken got himself into a tight spot at the ripe age of 28, Scott let him sleep at his place (for free), bought him groceries, and even took care of his cat. All of which he really didn't have to do. Ken didn't work, didn't want to look for a job, and one day, disappeared, leaving his cat with Scott, who didn't particularly want his…
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'We both sink to the bottom': Betta fish funeral sparks roommate revenge, causing a feud that makes a friendship go belly up

This roommate taught their 'friend' a lesson about consequences that they'll likely never forget.
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'[This]' is crazy, it's been almost TWO YEARS': Cat owner fights off an entitled Karen who tried to steal her cat back after abandoning it

Being a pet owner is a big commitment. For the entire life of some hapless critter–whether it's a dog, a cat, a bird, or a fish–you're responsible for taking care of your pet. After so many years, it's easy to grow so fond of an animal that it becomes a part of your family, which is why the cat lover in our next story was ready to fight tooth and nail for their rescue feline.
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‘I was surprised by his review’: Airbnb guests get their trip refunded after home owner shows up to property unannounced and gives them a bad review

‘I was surprised by his review’: Airbnb guests get their trip refunded after home owner shows up to property unannounced and gives them a bad review

Airbnb used to be way cheaper, but thanks to inflation (among other things), it's almost better to check into a hotel. Also, hosts can be frustrating to deal with. I'm not saying guests are angels, but let's just say it's a double-edged sword. This poster (OP) was attending a friend's wedding and opted to stay in an Airbnb. They had to make sure that pets were welcome, because they were bringing along their dog. Luckily they found just the place but upon arrival, the Airbnb owner showed up unan…
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'My friend has a hedgehog named Quilliam Shakespeare': 40+ Creative pet names

'My friend has a hedgehog named Quilliam Shakespeare': 40+ Hilarious pet names

You can literally just name your pet anything, no one will stop you. You can't go naming your human baby “ Cool Ranch Dorito, ” but there are plenty of kittens out there who would love that name. That's part of the beauty of naming your pet: they have no idea what their name means. They probably respond to the inflection of your voice when you talk to them more so than responding to their actual name. Giving your pet a quirky name is a great conversation starter, especially for all the times yo…
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'My yorkie stole an entire block of cheese': 20 Pet owners share the worst things their furry friends have ever done

'My Yorkie stole an entire block of cheese': 20 Pet owners share the worst things their furry friends have ever done

These pets have been on their baddest behavior, and they have no regrets about it! Some pets are just blatantly naughty, and they don't care who knows it. Lots of cats are this way: they'll solemnly knock glasses to the floor, zoom around your home knocking furniture over, or leave unsavory “gifts” for their owners to find.
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