passive aggressive

Roommate’s relentless food theft brings her housemates to a boil, prompting new fridge ban policy, she reacts with “vibes ruined” accusations

Roommate’s relentless food theft brings her housemates to a boil, prompting new fridge ban policy, she reacts with “vibes ruined” accusations

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'Stop leaving me notes, you're grown': Apartment building feud erupts when an entitled neighbor demands 'quiet hours' on their terms

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'She's nuttier than those poisoned cookies': Fake-nice neighbor leaves a cryptic message using baked goods, sparking a stalemate between floors

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‘Classy guy, kudos to him’: High-road husband deescalates the neighborhood Karen after being accused of theft, fighting fire with kindness

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'I love how you just wear anything': 30+ Perfectly passive-aggressive compliments

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Man living in freezing apartment puts his foot down against a hot-headed upstairs neighbor: 'And do NOT put any more notes on our door!'

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'[I] spent hours online signing [him] up for every free publication I could find': Community praises man who went through extreme lengths to get revenge on a passive aggressive neighbor

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Passive Aggressive Karen Leaves a (Politely) Threatening Note on Her Neighbor's Car, Demanding They Stop Parking on the Public Street; Neighbor Refuses

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'After his psychotic behavior, I had no sympathy': Girlfriend wages 'Mail War' against her BF's neighbor as petty revenge, flooding his mailbox for a prank

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'I don't wanna be your mommy': Man kicks out gaslighting roommate after he tries to guilt him into cleaning up his dirty dishes

‘No takesies backsies’: College roommate installs a stripper pole in the living room, throws a tantrum when other roomies opt for a traditional furniture setup instead

‘No takesies backsies’: College roommate installs a stripper pole in the living room, refuses to move it for normal furniture

'I was losing sleep and my mind': Noisy neighbors catch payback in the form of malicious compliance after years of gaslighting the resident next door

'I was losing sleep and my mind': Noisy neighbors catch payback in the form of malicious compliance after years of gaslighting the resident next door

College Girls Get Petty Revenge on Toxic Roommates, Moving Out Unannounced and Taking Everything but the Kitchen Sink

College Girls Get Petty Revenge on Toxic Roommates, Moving Out Unannounced and Taking Everything but the Kitchen Sink

‘You’re Not Entitled to Kindness When You Are Purposely Being Rude’ : Cheeky Dude Expects Woman To Respond Nicely When He Obstructs Her View at Sporting Event, Revealing His Own Hypocrisy

‘You’re Not Entitled to Kindness When You Are Purposely Being Rude’ : Cheeky Dude Expects Woman To Respond Nicely When He Obstructs Her View at Sporting Event, Revealing His Own Hypocrisy

Patient was aggressive over nothing, he gets a nice lonnng wait to sit by himself in time out :)

'I ask the SLOWEST coworker possible': Nurse gets petty revenge on entitled patient by making him wait over an hour

Karen Sends Passive Aggressive Note to Neighbor Demanding Removal of Skeleton Decorations, Prompts the Rest of the Neighborhood to Request More Skeletons

Karen Sends Passive Aggressive Note to Neighbor Demanding Removal of Skeleton Decorations, Prompts the Rest of the Neighborhood to Request More Skeletons

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