
passive aggressive

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'She's nuttier than those poisoned cookies': Fake-nice neighbor leaves a cryptic message using baked goods, sparking a stalemate between floors

Chocolate chunk with an extra dash of revenge?
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‘Classy guy, kudos to him’: High-road husband deescalates the neighborhood Karen after being accused of theft, fighting fire with kindness

When she introduces him as her 'better half', we know she really means it
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'I love how you just wear anything': 30+ Perfectly passive-aggressive compliments

Here's a little inspiration for your next petty compliment . The next time you need to lightly roast your annoying boss or your unsuspecting aunt, keep a few of these zingers in mind. There are times to be sassy, and times to zip our lips. There might be times you really want to make fun of your boss who constantly sends emails to the wrong person and is always forgetting things at his desk. But you can't just roast him in front of the whole office and risk your career. But there's nothing stop…
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neighbor neighbors neighborhood house living home heating heater cold winter blizzard arctic cold snow frozen freezing upstairs downstairs stubborn passive-aggressive aita reddit

Man living in freezing apartment puts his foot down against a hot-headed upstairs neighbor: 'And do NOT put any more notes on our door!'

Things can get a little heated with the upstairs neighbor...
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'[I] spent hours online signing [him] up for every free publication I could find': Community praises man who went through extreme lengths to get revenge on a passive aggressive neighbor

Ah, the joys of suburban shenanigans. So this story takes place back in the 2000s when a young couple built their first home in a fancy new neighborhood. They're the newcomers, but things are all friendly at first. They even make friends with their older neighbors, Gary and his wife, until things started to get a lil spicy. The young couple, who we'll call Joe and Sarah, start doing well financially thanks to Joe's job as a land developer. They have a new house, new cars, and even a fancy wakeb…
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Passive Aggressive Karen Leaves a (Politely) Threatening Note on Her Neighbor's Car, Demanding They Stop Parking on the Public Street; Neighbor Refuses

"Would you be so kind…"
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'After his psychotic behavior, I had no sympathy': Girlfriend wages 'Mail War' against her BF's neighbor as petty revenge, flooding his mailbox for a prank

Have you ever had a neighbor so foul that you imagined all the horrible things you might say to them if given the chance? Some folks love that sort of confrontation, while others prefer to take a stealthy, covert approach to their revenge. In this case, one couple got some serious revenge on a bad neighbor in the most passive aggressive way: Snail Mail.
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'I don't wanna be your mommy': Man kicks out gaslighting roommate after he tries to guilt him into cleaning up his dirty dishes

Dirty dishes are the leading cause for roommate breakups. It's not proven or anything, but as anybody who has ever lived with another person knows, the passive aggressive nature of a maintaining a clean home can sometimes lead to horrific strife between you and your housemates. One Redditor recently felt the full force of roomie drama when he received an out-of-the-blue text from his roommate (who is also his older cousin).
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‘No takesies backsies’: College roommate installs a stripper pole in the living room, throws a tantrum when other roomies opt for a traditional furniture setup instead

‘No takesies backsies’: College roommate installs a stripper pole in the living room, refuses to move it for normal furniture

Dealing with a roommate can sometimes be the most difficult part of navigating college life. On top of that, you're constantly battling internal struggles like taking the right classes for your major, eating enough dinner before hitting the bars, and the tried and true favorite– grappling with the daily pressures of putting a stripper pole in your living room.
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'I was losing sleep and my mind': Noisy neighbors catch payback in the form of malicious compliance after years of gaslighting the resident next door

'I was losing sleep and my mind': Noisy neighbors catch payback in the form of malicious compliance after years of gaslighting the resident next door

Dealing with noisy neighbors is the worst. There's always a risk of starting a superiority contest on who is more passive aggressive, who's louder, and who's more willing to lose sleep over a petty neighborhood battle. One man learned his lesson the hard way– After years of harassing his neighbor next door with booming music and surround sound movies at all hours of the night, she got payback.
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College Girls Get Petty Revenge on Toxic Roommates, Moving Out Unannounced and Taking Everything but the Kitchen Sink

College Girls Get Petty Revenge on Toxic Roommates, Moving Out Unannounced and Taking Everything but the Kitchen Sink

What do you get when you cram 6 college girls into a tiny, off-campus house for a year? Drama . No matter which way you slice it, a group of that many females is going to fracture at some point, creating factions of opposition, passive aggression, and pettiness of Biblical scale. One woman named Claire recalls a time when her and her 5 other friends were all very close– during their junior year of college –but that was before they all moved in together and noticed that each other's quirks were…
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‘You’re Not Entitled to Kindness When You Are Purposely Being Rude’ : Cheeky Dude Expects Woman To Respond Nicely When He Obstructs Her View at Sporting Event, Revealing His Own Hypocrisy

‘You’re Not Entitled to Kindness When You Are Purposely Being Rude’ : Cheeky Dude Expects Woman To Respond Nicely When He Obstructs Her View at Sporting Event, Revealing His Own Hypocrisy

People pay a lot of money to go to sporting events, and although we're all aware that it's not far from what you experience when in a movie theatre with a bunch of screaming kids (no offense), one can still have basic manners — because, we aren't kids, after all. We're adults. And as adults, we're supposed to communicate. Be the grown-up in the situation and all that. But the problem is, a vast majority of people are rude — and this especially goes at sporting events. This is why I'm an introve…
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Patient was aggressive over nothing, he gets a nice lonnng wait to sit by himself in time out :)

'I ask the SLOWEST coworker possible': Nurse gets petty revenge on entitled patient by making him wait over an hour

If everyone's difficult, you're probably the difficult one!
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Karen Sends Passive Aggressive Note to Neighbor Demanding Removal of Skeleton Decorations, Prompts the Rest of the Neighborhood to Request More Skeletons

Karen Sends Passive Aggressive Note to Neighbor Demanding Removal of Skeleton Decorations, Prompts the Rest of the Neighborhood to Request More Skeletons

Nobody messes with Jon Bone Jovi.
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Woman returns a passive aggressive cookbook that she got from her husband. | AITA wanting return cookbook my husband got and refusing cook my husband and first got married did most cooking also working less hours. Then had kids and stay-at-home mom, so just made sense. However, once our kids reached elementary age re-entered workforce. This time, my workload doubled tried at first cook every night, prep advance, etc. but at end day exhausted shared this with my husband and he agreed help with

Woman Returns "Passive Aggressive" Cookbook From Husband

Perhaps a bit of a pointed holiday gift.
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Passive aggressive bridezilla calls her friends out over their wedding gifts | r/AmltheAsshole JOIN u/makeupandjustice 23h AITA calling friends out not bringing card or gift my post- elopement wedding reception? Asshole Amidst significant family drama, my husband and decided elope and then host 35 person garden-party wedding reception at our home reception on same date as our original wedding had been planned and tbh cost just as

Passive Aggressive Bridezilla Complains About Friends' Gifts

Oh, come on.
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