

Mother gets back at childless ex-husband who pressured her to have kids early: 'I want to send him a "Happy Birthday" message from me & my son'

Mother gets back at childless ex-husband who pressured her to have kids early: 'I want to send him a "Happy Birthday" message from me & my son'

This might have been a situation where the higher road was worth taking. As tempting as it is to twist the knife and be your fullest, pettiest self, there is a limit to how far one should go. It's easy to roll your eyes at the concept, but happiness is the best form of revenge at the end of the day. This mother of a now toddler realized that her ex-husband's 30th birthday was approaching. They hadn't seen each other in two years since their divorce was officially finalized. Their marriage fell…
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Thrifty mom finds a loophole after getting conned by her insurance provider, scoring $0 healthcare for her newborn baby: ‘Thanks for not caring about your employees'

Health insurance can be expensive. While many of us have spent at least a short stint of our lives wondering how we're going to pay for healthcare, it's usually not in our first few months on earth. However, if you're the lucky baby in our next story, you have nothing to worry about because Big Mama discovered a nifty health insurance loophole.
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'Fine, you wanna play rough? Let's do this': Entitled parents try to micromanage the Little League snack stand worker before getting a taste of sweet, sugary revenge

Parents always claim that they're rationing their kiddo's sugar intake for the sake of their child's dental health. It's for their own good, right? Well, we see right through you, Mom and Dad, the real reason you're cutting sugar from your kid's diet is because kids are completely insufferable when they're on a sugar high and unbearably cranky when they're on the come-down.
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School Admin insists on name-based email address policy, teacher gets unfortunately inappropriate email upsetting parents: 'I went ahead and followed orders'

When I was in middle school our school had an unfortunate naming convention for our school usernames that consisted of the first five letters of your last name followed by the first four letters of your first name. Naturally, my username was thus “DicksBra” and you can imagine how much fun we, being a group of 11-year-old boys had with that. Any time my username was required it was gleefully announced or entered to the tune of stifled laughter
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'They need to earn it’: School teacher demands fellow educators discipline students and stop giving them grades they don't deserve, internet reacts

'They need to earn it’: School teacher demands fellow educators discipline students and stop giving them grades they don't deserve, internet reacts

Kids these days… That's a sentence I hear often. 'They're always on their phones, they're not paying attention, they're not putting in the work'. Not all kids. But a lot. And I understand how frustrating it is for teachers and parents to discipline them. There are so many factors involved. One teacher was fed up with the current status and turned to Reddit to complain about what was happening in their school, and most likely in many more. They said that teachers were making things 'too easy' fo…
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Kid breaks his phone at school rather than letting it be confiscated, now the parents want the school to pay: 'You better pay for my son's phone!'

Taking responsibility for your own actions is important and one of the first major lessons that a young kid should learn from their parents. Unfortunately, a bunch of kids were never taught this lesson—or if the seeds were planted… they never took root. When these kids grow up and have kids of their own, predictably the new parents are not the most reliable at teaching their own children a lesson that they themselves never learned, leading to a new generation of entitled people in a vicious sel…
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'I'll keep it safe for you...': Irresponsible woman tries getting her hands on the $20,000 her daughter won in a lawsuit

'I'll keep it safe for you...': Irresponsible woman tries getting her hands on the $20,000 her daughter won in a lawsuit

Life is a roller coaster; there will always be good times and bad times. What matters most is knowing how to take care of yourself to the best of your ability, with the knowledge and resources you need at your fingertips. In the story that follows, a daughter is fighting her mother for money that is rightfully hers. For the most part of her life, the Original Poster (OP) has had difficulty getting along with her mother. However, following an unfortunate incident, OP went to court and was succes…
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'So brave of you to feed your kids chicken fingers!': 25 Backhanded compliments that surprised parents

'So brave of you to feed your kids chicken fingers!': 25 Backhanded compliments that surprised parents

Parents can get oddly competitive about their kids, and they have some backhanded compliments to dole out to parents they're intimidated by. They say it's not productive to compare your kid to others, but it's hard not to. If all the other babies are walking but your kid is still crawling, you might worry that they're behind. Other babies start talking very early on, while others don't speak in full sentences until they're two or three years old. It's understandable why parents would be concern…
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Gen X couple grapples with a hard decision after finding out their broke parents planned a lavish vacation: ‘Congratulations, you are now their retirement plan’

When a fully-fledged adult flops financially, they can usually move back in with their parents to bounce back. There's that memorable stigma of the 'wanton failure' moving back in with mom and dad that's been ingrained in our heads since the dawn of rom-com rock bottom movie intro. But none of us are ever prepared for the moment that our parents move back in with the kids.
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'I'm going to sue you all and get all you people fired': Furious Karen erupts at movie theater works after they kicked her disruptive kids out

'I'm going to sue you all and get all you people fired': Furious Karen erupts at movie theater works after they kicked her disruptive kids out

It doesn't get much worse than having to discipline unsupervised children when that is so beyond your job description. Sure, kids are known to run amok in venues like movie theaters and malls, but that does not mean that it is the responsibility of the people who work at those establishments to take care of them. If your kids are known to be unruly in public, you should probably be the one to watch them. Furthermore, when they get in trouble as they did here, you better go pick them up. Here, w…
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'This is going on your permanent record': 20+ lies kids were told by their parents and teachers

'This is going on your permanent record': 20+ lies kids were told by their parents and teachers

Sure, it's true that kids will do and say crazy things, but let's take a look at all the crazy things parents and teachers say to them. Perhaps craziness begets craziness. After all, and this will annoy all the anti-musical theater folks out there, but it was Stephen Sondheim who said “children will listen.” If you tell an impressionable eight year old that toilets are evil creatures trying to swallow you whole, that eight year old may very well believe you. And what happens when they believe y…
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'She said, "Family doesn’t make each other pay"': Daughter selling car for $5k so she can move gets called ‘selfish’ by her family for not just giving it to her mother

'She said, "Family doesn’t make each other pay"': Daughter selling car for $5k so she can move, gets called ‘selfish’ by her family for not just giving it to her mother

When it comes to family, sure, you let a lot of things slide for free—in fact, you're usually battling it out to see who will pick up the bill. But when dot he financial situations become more serious between family members?
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‘She refused to pay me back': Woman demands roommate pay entire rent after losing her job, then proceeds to eat all of their frozen dinners

‘She refused to pay me back': Woman demands roommate pay entire rent after losing her job, then proceeds to eat all of their frozen dinners

What would you do if your roommate was a leech, sucking you dry of money and food? I think a lot of people might run of the rails, but some people are less comfortable with conflict. Myself included. I shudder when I think back to my ‘roommate’ days… Thankfully I have since grown a spine. You need some nerve to force someone to pay your half of the rent, and even more nerve to eat all of their dinner, and refuse to pay them back. But this woman was a bold freeloader, and her parents obviously d…
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‘He’s coming with us': Woman demands friends leave their toddler at home after organizing a vacation together, leading to a dispute

‘He’s coming with us': Woman demands friends leave their toddler at home after organizing a vacation together, leading to a dispute

Some people really don't like kids. For instance, this person, who OP calls Zoe. She disliked kids so much that she would avoid them at all costs. That became impossible after OP and her friends (which included Zoe) organized a trip together to meet another friend 2 States away. At first, it seemed like OP wouldn't need to take their toddler with them, but as time went on and a few complicated situations arose, they realized that they didn't have a choice. Look, if you've got a kid, and the tri…
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principal school schools parents high-school mom mother parents parenting teacher teachers school meeting funny lol youthful son detention mistaken old age young

'Apparently he sent me to the office for detention': Principal mistakes a youthful mom for a tardy student, hilarity ensues in the teacher's lounge

Is this a compliment?
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‘[Don’t] even look in my general direction’: Entitled sister-in-law enforces petty rules after couple moves in, malicious compliance ensues

‘[Don’t] even look in my general direction’: Entitled sister-in-law enforces petty rules after couple moves in, malicious compliance ensues

It’s remarkable how immature fully grown adults can be when they are forced to share space. What’s even more remarkable is that none of the three adults in this scenario can afford their own places. Our condolences to the poor parents who have to hear all this squabbling from these literal children who refuse to grow up. This thread was posted to Reddit’s r/MaliciousCompliance subreddit by u/KingQuenchie , who never seemed to get along with their future sister-in-law. Matters were made worse wh…
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