

malicious compliance revenge revenge-stories military petty revenge - 20728581

'With a sledgehammer': Supply Officer says broken copier is fine, enlisted makes sure it's truly broken

Sometimes the only way to make sure a job is done (and done right) is to do it yourself… Even when that job is taking a sledgehammer to the department copier to ensure that it's well, truly, and undeniably broken—whatever it takes to get the pencil pushers off their butts and get something useful accomplished. This hardened division lead shared their story on Reddit's r/MilitiousCompliance subreddit, a community for sharing malicious compliance from within the military. They report that they we…
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malicious compliance terrible-bosses funny story revenge military petty revenge military-story Horrible Bosses army funny-military-stories air force - 20502789

'He spent the next week driving around in his ice-cold vehicle': Air Force mechanic gets even with Army sergeant with ice-cold revenge

Hopefully, this sergeant will thaw out his attitude before the next time he asks for a favor from someone he has been treating like absolute garbage. It's really not that hard to be nice to someone—or at least decent—and deciding to hate them for a petty tribalist reason, like being a fan of a rival sports team or a member of another branch of the military, is downright insane. It's the kind of thing that works ok as a low-budget melodrama TV show plot or between two kids on the playground—but…
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work-story workplace-stories workplace-story officer malicious compliance work military military-stories army enlisted grunt - 20249093

'You need to salute the sticker': Military wife demands enlisted salute her because of husband's officer sticker on her car

This military wife commanded her husband's soldiers to salute her and the stickers on her vehicle, which led to a little tom-foolery from the soldiers who maliciously complied with their orders (as grunts are wont to do.) As commenters have pointed out, what is it with the "Military Wife as an entire personality" stereotype? I suppose it's not an entirely unique phenomenon—people will build a personality around the darnedest things. I'm not preaching from a pulpit here; I do it too. If you had…
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US Army commander toxic-workplace manager revenge military nuclear revenge petty revenge workplace Horrible Bosses army toxic-work-environment - 19449093

US Army Company Clerk Gets Clerical Revenge On Toxic Commander and Ruins His Career

If there's one person you don't mess with… It's the person who is in charge of the books. This person has the capability to rock your world in ways that you really don't want it rocked. This was especially true in a time before the internet when there wasn't a thing called a “digital backup,” and often, backups weren't a thing at all. Even if the documents were important enough, were used, and did exist—they'd be at another physical location and would have to be mailed, which could take weeks .…
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'Two beers, no more': Clever thirsty grunts enact malicious compliance to NCO's poorly worded command

'Two beers, no more': Thirsty Marines maliciously comply to officer's poorly worded command

It's important to choose one's words carefully, especially when those words are the only thing standing between some thirsty grunts and their choice of drink after a long hard day. This is a classic instance of malicious compliance being executed, where the number of something has been specified, but the size of each item has not. Another instance where this same premise plays out might be a parent telling their child that they can have “just one” candy bar before the child returns with the lar…
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military reddit story soldiers malicious-complance enlisted Reddit - 18361093

'Do you know who I am?': Base commander demands immediate medical assistance for nonemergency, medic maliciously complies

It's often the case that the most effective soliton for an unreasonable demand involves following that demand to the letter. If you refuse to comply, you're likely just going to cause yourself even more annoyance and trouble, but if you maliciously comply, you have the added benefit of leaving the command-giver to either discover their error on their own or crash and burn in a blaze of glory. Either result will have the desired effect: Getting them off your ass. This is how it was for Reddit us…
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As you wish | This happened a couple or three decades ago in the military. I was in charge of the squadron budget and made sure all unit expenditures were proper (right funds account) and funds were available.

'Sir, I sent those requests to you two weeks ago': Commander demands every expenditure passes through his approval, subordinates oblige

Nothing receives a coordinated response quite like an overly-stupid directive, especially when that directive is passed by a superior who everyone already intensely dislikes. Usually, there has been a long road of headaches caused by micromanagement before the subordinates reach this point —so the superior has it coming. When you're in charge, it's important to be specific, fair, and rational with your commands, especially in the military — where following orders is incredibly important and dri…
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r/MaliciousCompliance | u/Its CoolImWithTheBand | Oh you think I'm your personal travel agent. Ok then... | So I'm in the military and we have this system that we use called the Defense Travel System or DTS

New Officer Makes Subordinate Their Travel Agent, They Book the Officer the Worst Possible Flights

Some people just can't be trusted with a single shred of power. As soon as they manage to find themselves with even a semblance of it, they don't hesitate for a second to wield it over every person they possibly can with a stupid fury. I wish that I could say that these people don't succeed but, based on the stories we see, that's often not the case. It's as if these people have never once stopped to consider or care about other people and the effect that their actions have on their lives. Let'…
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pro revenge scammer revenge military scammers prorevenge marines scam reddit thread Reddit - 17794053

Foreign Serviceman Scammed By US Marine, Wife Brings Concerted Wrath Down Upon Him

This Wife sought vengeance after her husband, an Australian serviceman, was scammed by a US Marine. With clever tactics, she brought the incident to the attention of his superiors and made it an embarrassing problem for them. Woe be upon you if you cause embarrassment for the top brass. This story was posted to Reddit's r/ ProRevenge subreddit by Reddit user u/AussieTopCat, who is an Australian serviceman's (ex) wife. Her husband, she explains, loves to trade and collect military insignia from…
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malicious compliance revenge military military-stories Horrible Bosses army - 17607429

Sergeant Major Ruins VIP Event With Stupid Demands

This military audio engineer was told by an outranking Sergeant Major that their help wasn't necessary for setting up a VIP ceremony. They did as they were told and "f-ed off" which led to the ceremony being a disaster.
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idontworkherelady military reddit thread Reddit i-dont-work-here-lady karen veterans veteran - 17487621

Supermarket Karen Assaults Combat Veteran, Pays the Price

A military combat veteran was minding his business doing his grocery shopping when a wild supermarket Karen appeared and demanded his assistance. When he refused to assist her things escalated and led to a dramatic confrontation. “30 days?! Why not forever?” Questioned Catacombs3. "Why would they tolerate/encorage people who physically attack their customers? I hope you pressed charges for assault." Some commenters took a dislike to the poster's narrative which they accused of being drenched in…
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independence, independence day, fourth of july, 4th of july,  florida man, florida, karen, funny video, fireworks, fireworks show, firework show, home fireworks, gone wrong, veterans, ptsd, neighbor, america, freedom, free, land of the free, home of the brave

Karen Asks Neighbor to Tone Down Their Fourth of July Firework Display For Her Dog’s Sake in a Florida Man Prank Video and it Sparks Debate in the Comments

May freedom reign
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U.S. Army Personnel Share How Their Drill Sergeants Became Their “Army Parents” When Their Real Parents Failed Them

U.S. Army Personnel Share How Their Drill Sergeants Became Their “Army Parents” When Their Real Parents Failed Them

“Remember my DS he was so protective over me because he was aware of my personal issues. An NCO I’ll never forget.”
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malicious compliance military military-stories Reddit - 17065477

Idiot Lieutenant Demands Salutes From Enlisteds, Entire Base Obliges at Once

TIL About "Salute Trapping"
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military karen - 16934405

Insane Military-Wife Karen Won't Fraternize With Wives From Other Branches, Cancels Sale

“Imagine tying your entire identity to the job of someone you chose to marry.” This comment by DoNotReply111 sums it up better than I ever could… Imagine then taking that identity that you based entirely off of your spouse's job and using it to distance yourself from other spouses of the same profession. It's the kind of thing that just absolutely bottles the mind. This exchange was posted to the aptly named subreddit r/entitledb*tch subreddit where it reached the top of that small sub. The thr…
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staff sergeant supervisor gets caught lying about job in performance review

Staff Sergeant Supervisor Gets Caught Lying About Doing His Job

It's all for the performance review.
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