

'Micromanage me? Go ahead': Fast food workers band together to get micromanaging shift supervisor fired

'Micromanage me? Go ahead': Fast food workers band together to get micromanaging shift supervisor fired

Sure, it takes a detail-oriented person to manage a restaurant, but some supervisors are not cut out for it simply because they are too intense. These micromanagers tend to be unable to pivot if unforeseen circumstances arise. They also tend to be extremely frustrated when employees make judgment calls and handle their tasks differently. In other words, micromanagers rarely make genuinely good bosses. Instead, the only thing they are successful at is making enemies out of the people who work fo…
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37 Memes for Employees With the Monday Blues

37 Memes for Employees With the Monday Blues

Getting the Monday Blues is in employees' DNA. Nobody likes going back to work after having a nice, long relaxing weekend spent by doing absolutely zilch. Maybe some micromanagers enjoy the prospect of coming back to psychoanalyze their employees' work, but for the most part, everyone likes the weekend. I don't know who came up with the 5 day work week, but it feels a bit extreme. Why do we only get 2 days to chill? After the Industrial Revolution, employees' work time was cut into 2, but we st…
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'My workload diminishes and boss's increases': Employee makes micromanaging boss handle tasks, ends up coasting with no work

'My workload diminishes and boss's increases': Employee makes micromanaging boss handle tasks, ends up coasting with no work

If micromanaging bosses would rather do all of the work themselves, perhaps everyone would be happier if they just did. That way, no one would be looking over anyone else's shoulders. No one would feel like they're being watched at all times of the day. Furthermore, no one would feel like their process of getting things done was not respected. Here, we have a micromanaging boss who kept listening in on their employees' calls with customers and correcting them in the middle of the class. Not onl…
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Construction worker offers former micromanager a job, setting the record straight and teaching him a valuable lesson in humility despite of the claim that he will ‘never amount to anything’

Construction worker offers former micromanager a job, setting the record straight and teaching him a valuable lesson in humility despite of the claim that he will ‘never amount to anything’

There will be those who want you to fail and those who want you to succeed. However, regardless of who is around you, you should constantly strive to be the best version of yourself. The story below tells the tale of a resentful construction worker. Despite all the challenges, the Original Poster (OP) started his own construction company. To put things in perspective, during his undergraduate years, OP looked for a part-time job that could help him balance his academics and become somewhat fina…
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'I won't be in tomorrow or ever again': Employee quits on the spot after boss chastises them for sitting down during 12 hour shift, despite doctor's note

'I won't be in tomorrow or ever again': Employee quits on the spot after boss chastises them for sitting down during 12 hour shift, despite doctor's note

Sitting down during a work shift is necessary… who could possibly stand for 8 to 12 hours at a time? It seems out of this world to expect that from your employees, but this boss lived in this la la land where they thought that sitting down meant employees weren't being productive… even when they were proved otherwise when presented with the metrics. But hey, you don't know how to manage, you lose employees, right? And that is exactly what happened. Some bosses really dig their own graves, and t…
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‘He asked me how much I weighed during my interview’: Employees Share Most Entertaining Boss Stories

‘He asked me how much I weighed during my interview’: Employees Share Most Entertaining Boss Stories

The clock strikes 5, and you zoom out of the office. You don't even look back when your boss yells out sheepishly, ‘Wait, are you leaving?’. Yes, you're leaving! Right this instant, actually. Every day in the office feels like stepping into a weird, alternate dimension. The fluorescent lights flicker ominously as you shuffle past coworkers, half expecting your awkward boss to greet you dressed in royal garments. He is quite the character. Some might compare him to Michael Scott from the Office.…
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‘Is this some kind of joke?!’: Undervalued employee demoted to workstation near restroom as an office is ‘above her pay grade’

‘Is this some kind of joke?!’: Undervalued employee demoted to workstation near restroom as an office is ‘above her pay grade’

In the realm of business, there will always be those at the top and bottom of the corporate ladder. It's your responsibility to gradually establish your position at the top. But let us not fool ourselves; the only reason they are there instead of you is because they had the audacity to be born ten years ahead of you. The employee who was left speechless and booted from her office as it was 'above her pay grade' is recounted in the story below. To put things in perspective, the Original Poster (…
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micromanager manager work workplace coworker worker coworkers employee employees boss supervisor working ceo job business company nitpicking retail time theft wage

'You have no power over me': Retail employee dupes a 'time-thief' manager operating according to a watch set 10 minutes ahead

Time may be a construct, but it's the same for everybody. We're all bound by the 60 minutes every hour and the 24 hours in a day–and when you're paid by the hour and working on a strict schedule, time becomes law. For the retail employee in our next story, time became more than just a means to collect their paycheck, it became a great way to get payback on a salty micromanager.
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‘She laughed as she wrote me up': Manager sends employee home for dress code violation, they use the day off to look for a different job

‘She laughed as she wrote me up': Manager sends employee home for dress code violation, they use the day off to look for a different job

If a place of work requires a dress code, they should provide with the clothes, simple as that. An employee should no go out of their way to find something to wear for a shift, and they definitely should not be reprimanded for not having the right clothes on the odd occasion. The need for uniform is truly understandable, but surely a customer would care more about getting a good service from an employee, than about the color of their shoes. In this Reddit story, an employee had to deal with the…
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'She thought I wouldn't quit, but she was wrong': Employees Share Most Entertaining Micromanagement Stories

'She thought I wouldn't quit, but she was wrong': Employees Share Most Entertaining Micromanagement Stories

'I'm out of here!' — Or at least, that's what some brave employees say when their manager comes up with the next ‘best’ micromanaging thing to say. It's almost like managers don't get how they're hurting the company. They think that ‘nobody wants to work these days’ but they couldn't be further from the truth. See, people do want to work these days… They just don't want to work for you . Maybe if you'd be nicer and take your employees into consideration, they would. But that's too hard, right?…
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25+ Most Entertaining Memes and Posts for Employees With One Foot Out the Door

25+ Most Entertaining Memes and Posts for Employees With One Foot Out the Door

Each day that passes you are one step closer to opening that door with a sticky note slapped on it that reads 'Quit'. Maybe one of your coworkers is a Karen, and you can't stand working on one more project with them. Perhaps your job has no benefits, or your salary sucks. It's possible your boss happens to be the king or queen of micromanaging. There are so many different reasons that employees choose to quit… Most of the time, it's not because they lack work ethic, although that's what compani…
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'If I'm not getting paid, I'm not doing it': Boss forces employee into a managerial role without a promotion, employee's refusal to participate leads the shop to shut down

'If I'm not getting paid, I'm not doing it': Boss forces employee into a managerial role without a promotion, employee's refusal to participate leads the shop to shut down

Ah, promotions. Such a bitter subject. So many employees have been led on by their managers to believe they would be getting one. Only to be faced with a loud, 'No' when the annual review arrived. What can I say? Managers be managing, I guess. This boss was like every other micromanager out there, trying to get their employee to do a manager's job, without the title of 'manager'. He tried forcing his employee into a managerial role, which the employee did not accept. And why would they? Why do…
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‘Our agreement doesn’t apply': Employee quits and gets reimbursed for $21,000 after boss insists they commute 200 miles a day for 2 years without compensation

‘Our agreement doesn’t apply': Employee quits and gets reimbursed for $21,000 after boss insists they commute 200 miles a day for 2 years without compensation

Too many bosses don't know or care to go through company policy. But a handful of them know exactly which rules will benefit them… and not their employees. You would think that a boss who purposely makes their employee drive 200 miles a day without being compensated should be fired. I find it hard to believe I'm the only one rooting for this dude's professional demise… So what happened? This boss lied to his employee and worse, manipulated them into commuting 200 miles a day for 2 entire years…
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'How do you expect me to work if I'm not remote': Micromanaging CEO flip flops between calling programmer's job ‘remote’, leading to employee turning off alarm clock and staying home following ‘remote work' instructions

'How do you expect me to work if I'm not remote': Micromanaging CEO flip flops between calling programmer's job ‘remote’, leading to employee turning off alarm clock and staying home following ‘remote work' instructions

Tsk, tsk, CEOs and their antics. On the one hand, you're remote because it suits the needs of upper management. On the other hand, you're not remote because of the same reason. Well, which one is it? You can't have your cake and eat it, too. This micromanaging CEO was the type of human I stay away from. Anxious and suspicious of his employees and unable to make an informed decision or directly say what he wants. Always flip-flopping back and forth. The programmer who was working under him had h…
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‘You need to return your lab coat’: Employee brings manager a bag full of muddy ashes after he quit following manager's demands he return work clothes

‘You need to return your lab coat’: Employee brings manager a bag full of muddy ashes after he quit following manager's demands he return work clothes

Be careful what you wish for, because you just might get what you request… Work clothes can be super practical, or they can be an utter nuisance. One employee relayed the time his car caught fire on the way to work, with all his work clothes inside it. Luckily, he was unharmed, but his clothes… Well, that was another story. Unfortunately, all that he had left was a pile of ashes. He had already given his notice to his boss and was told to return all work clothes before leaving. As this was his…
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work workplace coworkers worker coworker employee employees boss bosses supervisor manager managers job business company emails email cc micromanaging

'[She's received] 154 emails so far': Micromanaging boss asks her employee to CC her on every email, only lasts an hour

The bane of your existence when working as a desk jockey is going through your emails. As if the toppling towers of Mount Complaint came tumbling down into your inbox, the avalanche of emails never truly ends. The moment you finally reach the mysteriously elusive '0 Unread Messages' banner, a fresh onslaught of notifications pop up to replace it.
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