
‘I don’t work 80 hours a week when I’m paid for 40’: Boss demands new hire work overtime for free, stating employee isn't committed enough to their team

‘I don’t work 80 hours a week when I’m paid for 40’: Boss demands new hire work overtime for free, stating employee isn't committed enough to their team

'Don't answer them': Recruiters continuously call an employee on the weekend, offering part time job that pays $250 per hour, internet informs employee it's a fraud

'Don't answer them': Recruiters continuously call an employee on the weekend, offering part time job that pays $250 per hour, internet informs employee it's a fraud

‘I’m not risking anything for you': Employee quits after company fails to provide them with a working vehicle or safety equipment, HR doesn't care

‘I’m not risking anything for you': Employee quits after company fails to provide them with a working vehicle or safety equipment, HR doesn't care

'I have the power to make your lives inconvenient': Employee promises to make coworkers work lives harder if they continue to leave spoiled food in the fridge, telling them to 'clean up after themselves'

'I have the power to make your lives inconvenient': Employee promises to make coworkers work lives harder if they continue to leave spoiled food in the fridge, telling them to 'clean up after themselves'

Client humbles micromanager in front of entire team after micromanager tries to teach staff member a lesson in business etiquette

Client humbles micromanager in front of entire team after micromanager tries to teach staff member a lesson in business etiquette

27 Wholesome Posts for Overworked Employees Who Need a Vacation

27 Wholesome Posts for Overworked Employees Who Need a Vacation

‘A classic case of copy paste gone wrong’: Candidate receives a hilarious rejection email, followed by an apology after HR realizes they messed up

‘A classic case of copy paste gone wrong’: Candidate receives a hilarious rejection email, followed by an apology after HR realizes they messed up

‘I can’t stand it': Hybrid employee complains about going into the office 1 day a week, leading to a discussion about working from home

‘I can’t stand it': Hybrid employee complains about going into the office 1 day a week, leading to a discussion about working from home

'I won't be in tomorrow or ever again': Employee quits on the spot after boss chastises them for sitting down during 12 hour shift, despite doctor's note

'I won't be in tomorrow or ever again': Employee quits on the spot after boss chastises them for sitting down during 12 hour shift, despite doctor's note

‘Nobody wants to work these days’: The 24 Most Entertaining LinkedIn Posts of the Week

‘Nobody wants to work these days’: The 24 Most Entertaining LinkedIn Posts of the Week

‘He asked me how much I weighed during my interview’: Employees Share Most Entertaining Boss Stories

‘He asked me how much I weighed during my interview’: Employees Share Most Entertaining Boss Stories

‘I’m outta here': Employees Share Stories About Quitting on the First Day

‘I’m outta here': Employees Share Stories About Quitting on the First Day

rules management workplace discussion salary worker employee hr enlightening manager job work helpful life advice pay raise advice uplifting workplace retired job search workforce company eye opening guidelines employment - 25286405

Retired employee shares 4 important rules he's learned in the workforce: 'Management is NOT your friend'

‘It doesn’t work like that': Boss tries splitting his own bonus amongst team of employees, finance shuts him down

‘It doesn’t work like that': Boss tries splitting his own bonus amongst team of employees, finance shuts him down

‘I’m not proving my value, bye': Tenured team member told by boss he needs to become a manager to get a raise, despite being paid $40,000 under market value

‘I’m not proving my value, bye': Tenured team member told by boss he needs to become a manager to get a raise, despite being paid $40,000 under market value

20+ Heartwarming Posts for Fed Up Employees Who Are Ready to Say ‘Bye’ to Their Boss

20+ Heartwarming Posts for Fed Up Employees Who Are Ready to Say ‘Bye’ to Their Boss