
'We do things my way now': Entire fast-food restaurant quits to protest entitled new manager

'We do things my way now': Entire fast-food restaurant quits to protest entitled new manager

'She began firing everybody': Management company fires last nurse but forgets crucial paperwork

'She began firing everybody': Management company fires last nurse but forgets crucial paperwork

‘I’m stuck in the outskirts of town with my truck': Truck driver left stranded in the suburbs on Christmas after incompetent boss forgets to authorize funds for gas

‘I’m stuck in the outskirts of town with my truck': Truck driver left stranded in the suburbs on Christmas after incompetent boss forgets to authorize funds for gas

linkedin management boss delete manager employees posts bad bosses deleted post viral tweets viral christmas - 23542533

'Screenshots live forever': Boss shares tone-deaf anecdote about making employees stay late on Christmas Eve, internet takes the side of her employees

'This job is not worth it': Fed up Employees Share the Lack of Perks in Their Professions

'This job is not worth it': Fed up Employees Share the Lack of Perks in Their Professions

reddit, failblog, r-service_dogs, service-dog-rights, employees, coworkers, lying-coworkers, standing-up-for-yourself

'I told them I wanted to see video proof:' Employee blatantly lies about coworker's service dog, anti-canine management immediately takes their side, but comes up short with the evidence

management employee employment-discussion deep thoughts work coworkers employer big boss policy workplace workers the future employment opinions - 23491333

'Throwing a Christmas party instead of giving employees a Christmas bonus': 30 workers share what normal workplace practices might become illegal in 50 years

management work anniversary employee malicious compliance underpaid employees coworkers cusotomers replaced gift ceo big boss PTO retention - 23414277

'I got 10 months of pay on my 10th anniversary': 32 employees share what their companies gifted them after 10 years of service

'Let's see how that works out for you': Car dealer caps salespeople's commission, sales team bands together

'Let's see how that works out for you': Car dealer caps salespeople's commission, sales team bands together to make them regret it

'I went above and beyond and was awarded an exceptional yearly performance review': Company cancels $1,500 Christmas bonuses just 10 days prior to distribution

'I went above and beyond and was awarded an exceptional yearly performance review': Company cancels $1,500 Christmas bonuses just 10 days prior to distribution

‘You can do it yourself’: Underpaid employee gets $10,000 raise after taking PTO on a whim, due to being on the brink of being replaced

‘You can do it yourself’: Underpaid employee gets $10,000 raise after taking PTO on a whim, due to being on the brink of being replaced

‘I'm leaving, good luck with the holiday rush': Senior employee quits after getting written up on his day off; boss backpedals

‘I'm leaving, good luck with the holiday rush': Senior employee quits after getting written up on his day off; boss backpedals

'I'll take a free upgrade, thanks': Entitled Karen books a hotel room that's too small for her family, management denies her demands for an upgrade

'I'll take a free upgrade, thanks': Entitled Karen books a hotel room that's too small for her family, management denies her demands for an upgrade

diy diy-project reddit home-improvement lazy customer client employee backfire payback retail customer-service manager management employee boss work

'I was laughing': Lazy DIY customer complains to management about an exemplary hardware store employee after ignoring 80% of his advice on a project, gets called out

‘Management finally caved in’: Management refuses to pay for loyal employee's car repairs until company goes down in flames, then employee quits

‘Management finally caved in’: Management refuses to pay for loyal employee's car repairs until company goes down in flames, then employee quits

‘Don’t put all your eggs in one basket': Data engineer earning below average is expected to do the work of 3 people, so he quits instead

‘Don’t put all your eggs in one basket': Data engineer earning below average is expected to do the work of 3 people, so he quits instead