malicious compliance

Small company gets bought out, new CEO demands employees to look busy, cue malicious compliance: 'We're basically creating a public perception of busy without actually doing too much'

Small company gets bought out, new CEO demands employees to look busy, cue malicious compliance: 'We're basically creating a public perception of busy without actually doing too much'

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'He told me I'd have to figure it out': Teen stops driving altogether to get back at father's strict rules, dad immediately regrets it

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Cell tower technician forbidden from using competitor's phone, leaving them unable to communicate while working on site, leading to boss's firing: 'You can't use a competitors phone!'

customer support customer service workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance clients retail work customers client customer workplace workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 36730117

Client disregards advice resulting in faulty $10k order of embroidered company t-shirts: 'Have fun refunding a $10k order!'

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'It is perfectly legal for the rancher to write a check on ANYTHING': Rancher loses court battle, pays damages in the most petty way possible

Fast food worker's hours cut after violating company policy despite manager's mistakes: '[I] threw my manager under the bus'

Fast food worker's hours cut after violating company policy despite manager's mistakes: '[I] threw my manager under the bus'

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'They confirmed... it was a top priority': Store managers decide customers should never have to wait more than 15 seconds before checking out, employee maliciously complies

customer support customer service workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs mechanics job malicious compliance retail work customers customer mechanic workplace workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 36759557

Customer refuses to pay for oil change, demands mechanic put old oil back in: 'His truck might last another year at best'

'I forwarded boss's own email back to them': Boss tells employee not to cover for two coworkers to avoid giving him another raise, backfires when both coworkers are out

'I forwarded boss's own email back to them': Boss tells employee not to cover for two coworkers to avoid giving him another raise, backfires when both coworkers are out

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'Do not interrupt me! I am the customer and the customer is always right': Customer service rep lets enraged customer waste her own time while she berates them

'You want a phone call EVERY time? Will do!': Employee puts in tons of overtime to maliciously comply with micromanager's demands, gets him fired

'You want a phone call EVERY time? Will do!': Employee puts in tons of overtime to maliciously comply with micromanager's demands, gets him fired

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'I had to train myself': New hire tasked with huge project, boss refuses to let up on deadlines until new hire quits

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Employee gets buried in busywork when boss sees their clean desk, going forward they pretend to be busy with decoy files and folders: 'I learned my lesson'

'I cost them $100+k': Contractor denied phone access in warehouse to speak to supervisor, entire team collects paycheck and walks out

'I cost them $100+k': Contractor denied phone access in warehouse to speak to supervisor, entire team collects paycheck and walks out

Entitled boss gets what he deserves for not believing employee's injury, has to pay employee a week of sick leave instead of the requested one day

‘He got his note’: Employee sprains ankle and requests one day of paid sick leave, boss demands to see a doctor's note and ends up paying a week of leave per doctor's orders

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'We're not stomping or jumping or running. We're living': Neighbors squabble over volume, upstairs neighbors agree to "walk normally"